Friday, September 19, 2008

Funny Reply To A Wedding

Promenade Litt 2 ... 3

In the last chapter of my little trilogy Nohl, Spranger, Litt I try Litt education between the wars in the light of the constructed myths to understand.

education is the process in the coming together of becoming human with the spiritual order. A dominant power differential also ensures that the meeting takes place in many areas, regardless of scheduled educational purposes. The mind rears itself from this insight are Litt understand thesis that in the classroom and in the prevailing mediocrity of the teaching staff areas of the elementary and self-worth of great works allowed only on education, therefore, that just is not the subjects and content should be canceled.

The myth of a powerful spirit is also the basis for criticism of excessive Litt leadership of pedagogy: One of the laws of the mind to be followed is that each culture has its own law and thus should not be unilaterally controlled by others. Unless the education airs for my guide, it underestimates the inherent laws of the other areas and the true one another 'in the fields. It thus contributes to an unproductive division, rather than as intended to save the culture. From this situation, the education free only if it recognizes the spirit as the true leader - if it is the servant of the mind.

This is the second myth addressed. He leads the remarks on the theory and practice of deliberate, scheduled educating. Litt boundary adjustments between the education and other cultural areas, it is understood as service to the spirit. The consequent demand for self-restraint of pedagogy is a call to serve the spirit. In practical perspective reduced at closer inspection, the what he called the "double task of education" in a supportive spirit of letting grow, at a service mind.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Pleurisy With Heartburn

Promenade Litt 1 ... 2

Litt criticism of the educational trends of the presence of 1925 ends with a Question that should be regarded as a summary of its basic problem: "The absolutely crucial question is this: How can the objectivity of the intellectual content and the reality of living movement are together so that neither faded the emotional reality to the shadow image is founded idealistic systems, nor the realm of the idea in the fullness of reality swelling goes down? "

In the second chapter I try to reconstruct the solution to this problem.

The myth of a powerful spirit tells of an order that does not exist purely for themselves: it is man-made. If Suffered but the work as indicated Find, namely intrinsic I-world relations, the mind remains superior to specific individuals and communities. - Empire of the idea can not go down in the overflowing fullness of reality.

The second myth tells of the servant of the mind. The human being is different from other creatures by the will and the capacity to rise to about creating his reality. In this process occurs the individual is in the realm of the spirit. At higher and highest levels, it works so well with the management of a jointly-cultural, and ultimately mankind's task will cover general laws on - it develops the mind. It is the determination and the fate of man to serve the spirit. - The psychological reality does not fade to the shadow image is founded in ideal systems, because the mind is only in and through the emotional reality comes to light.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Best Way To Masterbait

Theodor Litt: Exposure

I continued my story, acting by three chapters of Theodor Litt. The first chapter sets out the key themes of Litt thinking during the Weimar Republic dar.

In the experience and expression, the individual raises the vital sphere of a mere existence. As soon as I find it in his, The You and the world begins to think, it goes outside of itself, it separates the original totality, in a thinking subject and in an imaginary object of this turn in spatial-temporal objects divorced.

The thinking which turns to pure objects is, in the technical-scientific development program and the right. But will it transfer to people and cultures as spiritual beings, so it easily falls into the error, want to separate areas and processes that together are essential. So that it misses the object, both in the scientific statement, and in the practical implementation. - Do we want to gain access to the essence of man and culture, the divisions do not help us, but an understanding of others and understanding through dialogue.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Descargar Drivers Arris Modelo Mt 502

Promenade Spranger 2 ... 3

An aristocratic and hierarchical thinking characterizes Sprangers value setting in the field of education: There is a hierarchy of leaders, pupils, educational communities, educational materials and educational ideals. For his presence in the twenties, he increasingly recognizes a supreme ideal in the area that is defined by hierarchy: in the field of power. A strong state, guided by moral hero is to save Germany; an education for the state should create conditions for the individual.

From these myths to understand Sprangers value orientations. They are characterized by a reflection back to the proven Prussianism for fear of the new, especially political left. He leaves the position of the scientist. The "higher withdrawal" proves to be power, pre-formed inferior political and social attitudes with scientific arguments may be.

As the capstone, Sprangers valuation, subjective in origin, it remains in the educational major works not executed. Without him, however, with the arc of the system yourself - Sprangers philosophical education, as I look in the third chapter construct remains unfinished.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Paper Towel Absorption Rate

Promenade Spranger 1 ... 2

Sprangers After conviction, the decision of what should be the central task of humanistic theory. But as the authoritative normative mind can not be brought to a universal standard total, the research might ultimately turn "to God alone." From the higher Waiting he decides responsible for what his conscience identifies him as useful. The understanding of Sprangers personal decisions are two myths that I have constructed in the second Chapte l.

told The one myth, the fragmentation of culture is an expression of a general trend towards a progressive differentiation of the value areas. Grow along with it the longing for redemption, according to new syntheses. Since in the present cultures, the German culture, especially suffering, a release of the West was to be expected especially from Germany.

The Man does most of the morality of his culture, that is, in the presence of the twenties: the fragmentation. He sees himself no longer. This is where the second myth. The moral heroes: the extraordinary personality, its value can be placed under a religious area total is, it reserved to the German culture and to redeem the West in general.

the end of the Weimar Republic seemed Spranger this hero preferably in the range of policy search. However, direct moral heroes do not mind if the people are not able to listen to them. This is not so in the moment, and the German "homo politicus" must be broad-based only be created through education.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Derby Silver Company Candelabra

Eduard Spranger: Exposure

In first chapter I present the issues that are central to an understanding of Spranger's education in the twenties.

The soul of a people and culture of a people are clamped in the vertical polarity of nature and idea. Nature is the winner, a scientific perspective but offers no insights into the nature of the two phenomena, understandable they are only in the horizon of eternal laws, from the perspective of a realm of ideas. Sprangers humanities analysis here includes a six-part structure at the individual, as has on the individual level of validity.

In this structure, however, is no rest between soul, culture, nature and the world of ideas there is tension. In his presence in the twenties takes Spranger perceive these tensions as an existential threat.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Letter Of Recommendation To Go Abroad

Promenade Nohl 2 ... 3

Herman Nohl's administrators, teachers of the interwar years ago I in the third chapter . He is all elements of the structure of the educational life after the same pattern:

form the horizon of his remarks to him, the two myths that I have constructed in the second chapter. The "German Movement" is an inexhaustible fund of legitimacy to the statements, and it forms the basis for temporal subdivision. The myth of the "strata of Soul" provides the backdrop for statements on the educational level in the strict sense: the nature of the educator, the plasticity of the pupil, the Educational terms and from these bases derived various forms of education are explored mainly from the perspective of general insights in the structure of the human soul.

the intersection of the two myths Nohl shows a polar basic structure of the educational life, it varies under different names. Sometimes he holds static as insoluble antinomy, sometimes defeasible than a third, sometimes as a circular process. From this polarity ago Nohl indicated the respective elements of the structure in the educational life and derives from specific targets or methods of education.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Nylon Black In Feet Movie

Primary care as a quality of health care

Date: 16.6. 12:00

The model of primary care as an option of health
primary care, basic health services, general medical practitioner model of health care options, etc., which are difficult to implement in reality. The primary health care approach World Health Organization (Alma-Ata Declaration 1978) had its special relevance in the 3rd World. To maintain the principles of equality and of universal care in a developed social health insurance, but they are required even in rich countries concepts that replace a balance of macro-economics of health care. Primary care is the opposite of that "basic services", the seeking elective services through a division of the supply. The defense alleged imperatives of technological and consumerist health claims can be in a primary care model with appropriate technology and implement a cultural primary function of communicative action. The multi-professional design of this function also takes the metaphor and reality of the "family doctor" one. Other professions and functions are just as important, nursing, social work, rehabilitation, health promotion, etc. The mathematics tried a overrated the German situation and the international debate to give.

Declaration of Alma-Ata

The International Conference on Primary Health Care, meeting in Alma-Ata this twelfth day of September in the year Nineteen hundred and seventy-eight, expressing the need for urgent action by all governments, all health and development workers, and the world community to protect and promote the health of all the people of the world, hereby makes the following Declaration:

The Conference strongly reaffirms that health, which is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity, is a fundamental human right and that the attainment of the highest possible level of health is a most important world-wide social goal whose realization requires the action of many other social and economic sectors in addition to the health sector.
The existing gross inequality in the health status of the people particularly between developed and developing countries as well as within countries is politically, socially and economically unacceptable and is, therefore, of common concern to all countries.
Economic and social development, based on a New International Economic Order, is of basic importance to the fullest attainment of health for all and to the reduction of the gap between the health status of the developing and developed countries. The promotion and protection of the health of the people is essential to sustained economic and social development and contributes to a better quality of life and to world peace.
The people have the right and duty to participate individually and collectively in the planning and implementation of their health care.
Governments have a responsibility for the health of their people which can be fulfilled only by the provision of adequate health and social measures. A main social target of governments, international organizations and the whole world community in the coming decades should be the attainment by all peoples of the world by the year 2000 of a level of health that will permit them to lead a socially and economically productive life. Primary health care is the key to attaining this target as part of development in the spirit of social justice.
Primary health care is essential health care based on practical, scientifically sound and socially acceptable methods and technology made universally accessible to individuals and families in the community through their full participation and at a cost that the community and country can afford to maintain at every stage of their development in the spirit of self-reliance and self-determination. It forms an integral part both of the country's health system, of which it is the central function and main focus, and of the overall social and economic development of the community. It is the first level of contact of individuals, the family and community with the national health system bringing health care as close as possible to where people live and work, and constitutes the first element of a continuing health care process.
Primary health care:
reflects and evolves from the economic conditions and sociocultural and political characteristics of the country and its communities and is based on the application of the relevant results of social, biomedical and health services research and public health experience;
addresses the main health problems in the community, providing promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative services accordingly;
includes at least: education concerning prevailing health problems and the methods of preventing and controlling them; promotion of food supply and proper nutrition; an adequate supply of safe water and basic sanitation; maternal and child health care, including family planning; immunization against the major infectious diseases; prevention and control of locally endemic diseases; appropriate treatment of common diseases and injuries; and provision of essential drugs;
involves, in addition to the health sector, all related sectors and aspects of national and community development, in particular agriculture, animal husbandry, food, industry, education, housing, public works, communications and other sectors; and demands the coordinated efforts of all those sectors;
requires and promotes maximum community and individual self-reliance and participation in the planning, organization, operation and control of primary health care, making fullest use of local, national and other available resources; and to this end develops through appropriate education the ability of communities to participate;
should be sustained by integrated, functional and mutually supportive referral systems, leading to the progressive improvement of comprehensive health care for all, and giving priority to those most in need;
relies, at local and referral levels, on health workers, including physicians, nurses, midwives, auxiliaries and community workers as applicable, as well as traditional practitioners as needed, suitably trained socially and technically to work as a health team and to respond to the expressed health needs of the community.
All governments should formulate national policies, strategies and plans of action to launch and sustain primary health care as part of a comprehensive national health system and in coordination with other sectors. To this end, it will be necessary to exercise political will, to mobilize the country's resources and to use available external resources rationally.
All countries should cooperate in a spirit of partnership and service to ensure primary health care for all people since the attainment of health by people in any one country directly concerns and benefits every other country. In this context the joint WHO/UNICEF report on primary health care constitutes a solid basis for the further development and operation of primary health care throughout the world.
An acceptable level of health for all the people of the world by the year 2000 can be attained through a fuller and better use of the world's resources, a considerable part of which is now spent on armaments and military conflicts. A genuine policy of independence, peace, détente and disarmament could and should release additional resources that could well be devoted to peaceful aims and in particular to the acceleration of social and economic development of which primary health care, as an essential part, should be allotted its proper share.
The International Conference on Primary Health Care calls for urgent and effective national and international action to develop and implement primary health care throughout the world and particularly in developing countries in a spirit of technical cooperation and in keeping with a New International Economic Order. It urges governments, WHO and UNICEF, and other international organizations, as well as multilateral and bilateral agencies, non-governmental organizations, funding agencies, all health workers and the whole world community to support national and international commitment to primary health care and to channel increased technical and financial support to it, particularly in developing countries. The Conference calls on all the aforementioned to collaborate in introducing, developing and maintaining primary health care in accordance with the spirit and content of this Declaration.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

What Should A Broken Hymen Look Like

project outline quality

Übung im Seminar am 29.5. (2 Stunden)
Gruppenbildung möglichst schon in den Tagen vorher
Gruppe von 5 Teilehmern entwickelt Projekt
2 Group participants switch: Project is presented to you
2-3 projects are then presented in the seminar and discussed

sketch of a quality project

first What kind of thing and quality is the issue?

second General description of the instrument

third Motivational strategy for parties?

4th Individual measures and their implementation?

5th As the system is introduced and taught?

6th Kind of monitoring and measurement?

7th The effort necessary for the measure?

8. Possible points of failure or only formal compliance

9th Include the patients?

10th Rating

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Why Smokekidde Smoke Detectors Beeping

Topic: Disease Management

Anne Truter, Jana Bohlen, Lars Leppin
special event (. Do 29.5) 13:00

Unit: 20Disease%% 20-management programs (DMP) pdf

http:/. / 20Gruppenarbeitword.doc

Area Where Mole Is Hurts

Pharmaceutical Quality

Mustapha Sayed
(. 19.5)


Unit: http: / / 20Qualit%% c3% a4tssicherung.pdf

Pain Behind Knee Sprinting

topic: guidelines for outpatient care

Kristin Schroeder, Anna Walczak
www.degam Guidelines . com /

texts: 20and% 20DEGAM.doc

Minutes: / d2220802/Referat% 20Leitlinien_in_der_Allgemeinmedizin_PP93-03.ppt

Racquel Darrian Las Vegas

topic: Hygienic quality assurance in the hospital

Mareike Stone, Natalia Brandt

Text: http : / /

Minutes: Minutes% 20Hygienische% 20Qualit% c3% a4tssicherung% 20im% 20Krankenhaus.ppt (. 19.5)

Can A Toddler Have Rosacea

theme: quality circles

Tanja Michalik, Yifei Guo

Unit: http:/ / 20Qualit%%% c3% a4tszirkel 202008.ppt

Stomach Ache Raw Oats

To get

Trinity qualtitatis: strucure - process - outcome
In memoriam Avedis Donabedian Dieter Bo rger

Avedis Donabedian Professor at the School of Public Health at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, whose name and work are inextricably connected with the concerns of the quality of medical care , died on 9 November 2000 of cancer, which his body had pressed for thirty years. Structure - Process - Result: this trinity insignificant words like exegesis, he has done over bulky books
(Donabedian 1980.1982 .1985), made him famous in the world. Almost all the time in his career spent it in a small study room in the Thomas Francis Building, School of Public Health at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Nathan Sinai Distinguished Professor of Public Health (Emeritus since 1989).
Ann Arbor is one of the Big Ten universities and the University Hospital is one of the leading U.S.;. A place at Oxford imprint in the remote hills of Michigan on Huron River, which are by Cooper's Leatherstocking so familiar was born Avedis Donabedian. on June 7, 1919 in Beirut, the son of a physician. He studied medicine, was first practicing physician in Jerusalem and then later to attend Harvard University to be
Public Health study. His family was a Victims det Armenian Holocaust, the survivors scattered these little people all over the world.

His scientific habitus consistent with its cultural tradition, a scribe who writes books and gathers his disciples around him. Although the paper flood averse to modern science, but he wrote a Citation - classic, published in 1966 in the Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly, entitled: Evaluating the quality of medical care (Donabedian 1966). This topic has never left him and he was successful evangelist of a message conveyed in the 80's also reached Germany and who gave this journal its name.
The Donabedlian paradigm
structure process results experienced ni s
organizational diagnosis clinically
building therapy functional
technology interaction by patients
Expertise Management Healthier Life

The history of medical quality assurance is of course as old as medicine itself, but only the time after 1960 brings a systematic and Begiffsapparat academisation, leading to a practical field with its own identity. That this work was done by a former practitioner is almost surprising, but perhaps an academic role for a first residents only geek in this field - a fate that also affected many Jewish refugees from Germany.
The motive and the legitimacy of the author of this obituary is in the randomness of the individual life course, which took him on the advice of Manfred planting in the mid 70s to the School of Public Health to Ann Arbor. There has taught Avedis Donabedian and Axelrod Salomon as a prophet of a publicly responsible and organized health care. the American reality, however, increasingly
should counteract. The "hidden agenda" of teaching, research and rhetoric was to finally make it in the U.S., which had lead by example Bismark and Beveridge in Europe: medical care as a public good. The Kennedy-Johnson era had to an expansion of Medicare (1965) performed as well as a Health Planning and HMO legislation. The still coming from the Roosevelt era lines appeared again to allow a health care reform.
Donabedian was not a practitioner of quality assurance, as reflected in Auditing - systems, quality circles, statistical quality assurance procedures and total quality management today, certification etc. expressed. but he was the stellar academic and systematization of realities that contradicted their formalities its general claims to the nature of the medical commission of times. In a personal interview
in 2000, he has work experience in dealing with his own Disease it this run (Mullan 2001):

"The perception of quality that prevails at the hospital (he means specifically, which belongs to the 10 leading hospitals of the nation University Hospital in Ann Abor) is reduced to technical competence and first since recently focused on more superficial interpersonal communication, are as nice to the patient, remember his name and so on. The idea that the patient should co-decide his treatment is not handled in a responsible manner. Today we talk about patient autonomy, but this is seen as a legitimation for patient neglect. I think the hospital corridors are a disaster. I think the commercialization of medical care is poured out error. Health care is a mission. It is a moral and scientific enterprise, we do not sell products.
We have all this shadow apparatus of quality assurance that is not working. The clinicians are either uninterested or unable to make himself understood. "
And in regard to the future of American health care, he said,
" The doctors distrusted always the governments you rejected any reform of American health care. The national health insurance under Truman, Medicare, under Johnson, and recently the reform work under Bill Clinton . Now the market has taken control and the capital and the medical profession is on all sides exploited by corporations. The doctors lose public esteem and maintain a status as a technician. A positive element of the current situation is the general chaos that leads to greater dissatisfaction. Sooner or later we will have to develop a national health plan. "
Donabedian's Seven Pillars of quality

The intellectual historical roots of this in the 80 years, increased only academic dreams were in America the New Deal and the American labor movement. Avedis Donabedian had had no part in this story. He met with the America of the 50s in the Roosevelt New Deal was already in retreat. Donabedian teacher at Harvard, was Franz Goldmann, an emigrant from Berlin and students Grotjahn (Antoni 1997). This was published in 1947 a book titled "Public medical care,
and a lectureship in medical care administration from Harvard University will receive. But as was gleichgestzt public medical care with socialized medicine, had this option begin their historic resignation and ended complained in the corporate medicine, the Donabedian. The quality problems began for Donabedian with the issue of access to medical services (accessability of medical care). The inequality in the U.S. is still the largest and growing Qualtitätsproblem. For in the Christian tradition, social repealed scholar, Donabedian was his
harsh but realistic comments are not unusual words. because the prophet is not known in their own country. The existing publications in Donabedian formal academic style and appearance was also a resource in a real world, which went the opposite way to its central message. This formalism has also led to the fact that the core of his message of quality personal services in bureaucratic Devices could communicate (Scherer 1998). His legacy as a scholar, physician, and wise is the health policy is health as a cultural system with a mission to equip, which will meet its Christian heritage - beyond commercial and bureaucratic formalities in the can, the quality issue bogged down easily.

Antoni, Christine
Social Hygiene and Public Health, Franz Goldmann (1895-1970)
essays on the history of medicine and science
Mathiessen, Husum 1997
Donabedian, A
Evaluating the quality of medical care
Milbank Memorial Fund Q 1966, 44 :166-206
Donabedian, Avedis 1980 : Explorations in Quality Assessment and Monitoring . Vol . 1 : The Definition of
Quality and Approaches to its Assessment . Ann Arbor, MI : Health Administration Press
Donabedian . Avedis 1982 : Explorations in Quality Assessment and Monitoring . Vol . 2 : The Criteria and
Standards of Quality. Ann Arbor, MI : Health Administration Press
Donabedian, Avedis 1985 : Explorations in Quality Assessment and Monitoring . Vol . 3 : The Methods and
Findings of Quality Assessment and Monitoring . Ann Arbor, Ml : Health Administration Press
Mullan, Fitzhugh
Interview mit Avedis 'Gonabedian
Health Affairs . 20, 137-141, 2001
Scherer, Hanfried, Sahler, Irmgard (I-Irsg .) : Einstürzende
welfare states. Arguments against welfare cuts, Wiesbaden 1998

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Wot Is A Brazillian Waxing

quality short text

The term quality, etc.

The word quality is of Latin origin and is based on two concepts: qualis and qualitas. Here you can see already that the concept of quality is ambiguous.

Qualis questions the way the Constitution. Qualitas refers to the property and also to the relationship to things and processes, this term thus includes a comparative aspect. To distinguish

quality than quality (evaluative) and as a quality (not evaluate). Speak on the quality of a unit, it is an evaluative statement that refers to a purpose to be fulfilled.
this are also comparable classifications or categories in stock classes (grades): Examples of this are categorized in star hotels.
In contrast, the term "nature?. Here's no scoring for expression, but quality requirements are established and the observed quality characteristics are measured by the quality requirements. For example, should be a blanket and woven as thick.
This website summarizes the definition of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO):
quality is the totality of features and characteristic values of a product or service on its ability to satisfy stated and implied needs.? (ISO 8402:1995-8)
? Quality is the degree to which a set of inherent characteristics (An) requirements met? (ISO 9000:2001-12)

2.1 The development of the concept

past (and sometimes still today) and will use the term referred only to products: A product is of quality if it's nice to work well , durable and valuable. Increasingly, customers started in the discussion of quality to play a role: Quality also means that a product is delivered or communicated may be that entspricht.Mittlerweile the ideas of customers, the quality concept has extended to structures, processes and services. Quality is the fulfillment of requirements at all levels involved.

war: Quality control is
The struggle for quality not new. She was in the manufacture of products in terms of material and durability as so-called product quality has always been an issue. This understanding of quality was maintained until the 50's. Each product had have certain qualities, otherwise it was rejected. The quality control was established over the responsibility for ensuring was carrying a group of controllers. This system was developed by the statistical quality control. With ever greater technical precision was trying to produce higher quality and produce less waste. This the first time the error prevention comes into view.
60er/70er-Jahre: Quality Assurance
sat in the postwar period, increased by the recognition that different factors affect the quality. The work organization began to change, the human factor, the organization and its processes came to the fore. Quality should now be secured by considering different factors. From this time is the notion of quality assurance.
80s: Quality Management
In the 80's ideas and concepts in Europe have been included, which were developed in Japan in the 50s and has been applied. This new model was not primarily the product to the fore, but all work processes of an organization. The assumption was that all internal and external activities can be described as processes and that these can be improved continuously. Quality now covered all areas, all tasks and all people. Appropriate quality criteria for the organization, formulated for all developments, plans and executions. The primary responsibility quality was the highest hierarchical level. This had to create the necessary conditions so that every employee could see the responsibility for quality in its own activity (Total Quality Management). New quality should be controlled or protected, quality should be produced. This understanding is based on the modern quality management. Since this is no longer tied to a product, it can be applied in any organization.
90s: Certification / Business Excellence
In the 80's were first established international standards for the management area (eg ISO) that are certified in compliance could. Since the 90s, is increasingly trying to integrate quality management in management with the goal of business excellence.

2.2 scientific approaches
The concept of quality in most cases be better assigned to a manufacturer's perspective. This quality is in the manufacture of products in the foreground. Quality characteristics are then eg the amount of scrap rate or the amount of rework required.
In contrast, the customer perspective, the view from the concept of quality can be. For a more complete understanding of the concepts of quality, it is not sufficient to manufacturers ? or to consider customer-focused quality. Quality is a complex phenomenon. Depending on your perspective, and depending on considerations of the concept of quality, different interpretations. In the following, various approaches of quality research are presented.

The partial analytical understanding of quality
Here we distinguish the qualities of:

Absolute Quality (transcendent): This term describes the absolute excellence of quality, absolute quality (the highest possible quality of a product / service).

quality of the product (product-based): precisely measurable variables or defined property bundle are fixed.

quality for the customer (user-based): pure client-subjective evaluation, designed to use and customer preference. From the perspective of the customer trying to align to the needs of the customer quality.

quality of production (manufacturing-based): production-oriented. Important here is compliance with existing internal quality standards. The references can either? Objectively? (Reference product) or? Customer subjective? (Employment and satisfaction ratings) are determined as standards.

quality and value (value-based): Quality is judged based on a price / performance ratio. Quality is understood as relative size (depending on perceived quality and costs, monetary price, non-monetary cost, mental effort?). These distinctions are often

to illustrate the concept of quality (especially in the service sector this is a commonly used model), but they have been developed any further. The distinction is also in other more recent approaches incorporated (even product-customer-oriented manufacturer of view are in quality management (QM) Standard orientations). Today you would have to extend the five qualities of a sixth.

MitarbeiterDie quality of the staff perspective is now included in modern models of QM.

The quality dimensions according to Donabedian

Donabedian is an American quality research, quality in three dimensions divides:

a structural quality

2 process quality

3 result quality

Donabedian drew this distinction for the first time to medical services. Structural quality includes the ability of the institution and its employees that are necessary for product creation, such as technical equipment, physical / organizational work conditions, but also Zugangs-/Nutzungsmöglichkeiten by the customer.

process quality affects all of the activities to be completed in the course of product creation.

earnings quality refers to the difference between input and output condition state. For example it is a guest has not been prepared as important as the food. The key is for him to respect the results of the Teller.Zu is that it is assumed a linear relationship between structure and process quality, which in practice can not be found.

2.3 Model

Attempting the complexity, the term "quality? infected can be reduced to theoretical models. This attempt to represent the area of QM, what constitutes quality.
The following three general quality models are presented.

The quality circle model (quality loop)

The model illustrates the interacting activities which constitute the quality and influence. It is based on the demands of the customer to derive the requirements of development and construction.
People I find the functional areas of the organization that relate to the quality elements (QE). It is important to note that the model is a basic model. The quality of development is therefore not at the higher level? Spiral? further, reflecting nor the timing of activities contrary. The model shows how the quality is affected by the QE. Three main phases (planning, implementation, use) divided the meshing process. The quality group is not related to the activities as such, but the importance of functional areas for each QE. The QE is an example, that the particular type of product abhängig.Der quality circle can therefore be transmitted to many examples in practice.

The QTK circle (quality time-cost-circuit)

The above-described quality circle (quality loop) based on this model.
QTK The circuit is a phase model, are shown in the activity components of quality, schedule and costs. The model distinguishes three main stages in the preparation of a product




This is about the importance of these three phases for the various activity components. A major factor is the interface between implementation and use (the transition to the customer) and the interface between planning and implementation phases. It is in these failures occur when there is lack of information.
The model is based on the process concept. That is, if only a single activity in the end leads to poor results can also use the results of the following activities are potentially at risk.
The reality is more complex than this model of thinking. Organizations are to be compared with networks rather than with such process models.
Along with the core processes are part of processes that can also run a circular or other dependent. It is important to always keep the wholeness and complexity of organizations in mind.
is important to note also that we distinguish the actions of an employee can not in quality, schedule or cost-related elements, rather they are interlinked with each other.
An activity must turns on all three aspects (quality, schedule and costs) are observed.
quality, time, costs are the classic three competitive factors, of which the following effect relationships can be derived:

quality improvement
cost increase
time reduction
cost increase
cost savings
loss of quality, longer cycle times

In the view of the QM however, it is aimed to optimize all three factors, so do not enter the above effect relationships.

The value analysis is assuming

the concept of value added, from the difference between the value of the product before and after its encryption and processing exists. Within the value creation process also plays a crucial role waste. Planned and managed the process of value creation in the value chain management. The analysis assesses the value of the contribution of the respective process elements (PE) as part of the process. Based on a value-added analysis of the customer is always perceivable benefit increase.

This view approaches and models may seem at first glance to be purely theoretical musings about the term quality. So it looks like in the practical side, inasmuch as in the Community Board.

04.02 standardization of quality

in QM have emerged in the area of standardization of concepts and systems, institutions whose goal is to reach intersubjective agreement.
The quality-related standards is carried out in Germany at DIN (German Institute for Standardization). On the basis of standardization policies that apply mostly international.
standards of quality are the basis of communication. However, standards are not laws but recommendations. The consequences for non-application of a rule can still be serious.
When QM, there is the unique practice to be guided by defined terms and concepts. These are now since the new standards of ISO 9000 Family was published in term charts and the system of quality standards more transparent.
This means in practice: A quality professional uses standardized terms or know whether the term he used is standardized. He directed his actions as a rule of the currently valid standards.
The eight quality management principles of ISO 9000:2000:
first Customer focus
organizations depend on their customers and therefore should understand current and future customer needs, they should meet the demands of the customers and striving to exceed customer expectations.

provide guidance for managers the single goal and direction of the organization. You should create and maintain the internal environment in which employees can be used fully to the achievement of the objectives of the organization.

third Involvement of employees
Employees at all levels are the dominant factor of the organization. Their full involvement enables us to use their skills to the benefit of the organization

4th Process orientation
A desired result is achieved more efficiently when activities and related resources are managed as a process.

5th System-oriented management
processes that together in interaction are to recognize as a system to understand and control helps to achieve the goals of the organization effectively and efficiently

6th Continuous improvement
The continuous improvement of all services should be a permanent task of the organization.
7th Substantive decisions

Effective decisions are based on the analysis of data and information.
8th Supplier relations for mutual benefit
An organization and its suppliers are interdependent. Relationship of mutual benefit to increase the value of both sides.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Can You Get A Wax With A Hemorrhoid

Mat legs

After the Zurich Marathon

With a little dull but legs pretty well rested I look back on the marathon. By 3:54 I have reached my time aiming for accuracy. Not worked out so perfectly, the intent, fairly well preserved at the destination to arrive. After an uneasy feeling from the gut to the 36-38 miles I had to slow down a bit and really like it then recovered to finish no more.

The conditions were perfect, the Revolving pleasant. A few hours urban lifestyle of a special kind

Now I am looking forward to pizza tonight and thank you to all who wished me a good run at the track or gefant.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

What Does 4mmgall Bladder Polyp

tingling in the tissues

ago the Zurich Marathon

Yesterday afternoon broke the Abholgen the starting point going short the spring. Mild sunshine, almost a little warm for the race. The runners have been served by the organization even more perfect. Food for the slot with your own starting point going away, zero line, a kind word - that's it.

Then ten minutes on the status of a company for sports nutrition. As a means pack a punch for the development of lactate buffers against acidification, there a couple of servings of creatine ... The seller knows his job and tells not just hype. In fact, he refers to the problems described in the chapter of my sports Biology Basics Guide are. However, I can not understand a very large extent - a window seat in chemistry class ...

Today is now slowly making a tingling sensation in the fabric width. Slight nervousness is desirable to slowly ramp up the energy potential in standby. This afternoon, one last stroll through the start / finish area. Then begins the wake of the growing black hole. Morning at 0830 it is stated then dip into the space-time tunnel at Lake Zurich.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Edible Cake Paint Recipes

Marathon chic

Before the Zurich Marathon

Who wants to tackle a marathon with a touch of chic with a minimum of suffering, is with the book "You Can Do It" by Jeff Galloway advised. I really like is the setting that there may be different attitudes to work. The focus of the author is not with the speed pins, but with a relaxed attitude, the well-being, health and fun at the center.

Galloway recommends for endurance training and competition to an alternating pattern of movement: A few minutes walk - go for a minute. The change relaxes muscles and helps to prevent a monotonous strain of ligaments and joints. From personal experience I can confirm: with a certain substance is conditional to keep it simple. And the legs feel better.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Hair Around Ankles Hurt Boots

feelings in the shoe

Before the Zurich Marathon

anyway because we feel only the can, which is somehow already there, a feeling forecast for the marathon next Sunday is easy. Of course, what ever come between them ... Here still a sentimental forecast for 42 kilometers.

Dubios - the first quarter. After the start, sets the nervousness, it is getting warm, and can not quite grasp yet. I find the rhythm? Why a few muscle fibers zwacken the leg? Feels the left shoe is not something strange?

Proto euphoria - the second quarter. It's amazingly easy but along the way to Lake Zurich turning points. Hot pulsing blood. The digestive tract pushes carbohydrates. The steps feel elastic. The Lake passes by quickly, you glide through the landscape.

optimism - the third quarter. Well, it takes something in the leg muscles and the steps feel a little unwieldy. Perfect ease would be different, but it's quite passable. The substance can be trained to mobilize so real.

Wall Slide - the last quarter. The turning point is at the Opera House you a slight crack. Again, out of town. You can guess the wall in front of you A drop of the gel with the long sugar molecules stuck in the mouth. The legs feel mushy and want to short on a deck chair. The ego is subject to a sentimental deconstruction. Just the right display appear kilometer 40 - the promise Entry into Nirvana.

ease - after the finish line. Done, the lightness of being governed. Problems, tasks, training plans - all far away. Only the feet and the shoes feel when walking on something strange. Heralds the imminent arrival back in real life.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Renting A House In The Poconos For After Prom

42.195 km to Nirvana

Before the Zurich Marathon

In a week I will, along with a few thousand other runners along the Lake of Zurich - well, beam would be a bit exaggerated. It will be the average sun 11 km / h, for the world record would be almost twice as necessary.

records are not on the agenda. But the Fun to muck around in a friendly crowd for a few hours. Seldom seen on the streets of Zurich scenes, as before the start. A lot of very good humored and friendly people. flickers in the minutes before the start of the air above the field. A hot topic.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Whats Masterbathing ?



Guidelines, quality circles Disease Management informed patient drug safety

Hygiene Surgical quality primary care as a quality

availability of medical services Communicative competence

General Topics

accreditation certification TQM Hospital Outpatient care

quality systems as bureaucracy Historical development of quality assurance

structure process outcome (Donabedian) Nursing rescue elderly

Bat Mitzvah Dresses?? Im 12??

dates, etc.

Seminar Prof. Borgers
quality of care
briefing: Friday 11.4. 10:00 Barkhof room 3260

dates 21.4. 5.5. 19.5. 2.6., 16.6. 30.6. Special Date: Thursday, 29/05 .
Sports Tower SPTC 4170, 12-15:00
21.4. first Topic guidelines (Schroeder / Walczak) 2 Topic Hygienic quality assurance (Brandt / Steen)

MA in Public Health
Module 5 Quality management

Module 5 Quality management
The module consists of the following teaching units in the 2nd Semester:
S: "Instruments of quality management" (2
semester, 2 h)

V: Evaluation and Quality Management "(2nd semester,
2 hours per week)
S:" Quality Management in health promotion "
(2nd semester, 2 h)
gy Assessment (semester, 2 hours per week
S:" Quality Measurement and Evaluation in the Practice
(2nd semester, 2 h

In this module the following basics are taught:
• Development of a quality management
system under specific conditions (on the example)
• Quality management in networks
• Clinical workflow and process optimization
• Guidelines and standards as elements of quality management
• Quality measurement in the context of benchmarking
• possibilities of Qualitäts-/Outcome assessment or measurement
• Development and use of quality indicators and quality monitoring procedures
• Quality reports and consumer information
• Quality Management in Health Promotion
accreditation application MA Public Health / Nursing Science Annex 1, p. 10

Objectives / Learning Outcomes
Students can identify quality problems and development potential of a company in health care and may the instruments
of quality management based on a Choose a specific case problem adequately and apply
. The students will expand knowledge of research methods
for empirical treatment of a topic from the public health and
care or about (interdisciplinary) projects of the supporting research, quality assurance in health care institutions, in interdisciplinary teams and
for independent investigations. Students may apply particularly relevant to the profession of statistical estimation and testing procedures and interpret adequately. In addition, students acquire the ability to use specialized software and research to present specific target groups
and to mediate.
conditions for the award of credit points
module examination consists of presentation / work Weighting 50%) and a written examination (weighting 50%).
literature module
Federal Centre for Health Enlightenment -
BZgA (2001): Quality management in health promotion and prevention
. Research and Practice of
health promotion. Cologne.
Gebert, AJ; Kneubühler, HU (2003): Quality assessment and evaluation of quality assurance

in nursing homes. Bern: Huber.
Gorres, S. (1999): Quality assurance in medical care and
: Inventory, theories, perspectives
the example of the hospital. Bern: Huber
Gorres, S., Roe, M., Mittnacht, M. Biehl, M.; Klüner,
M. (2006): strategies for quality development in
of care. Heidelberg: Müller.
Igl, G., Schiemann, D., barley, B., Klose, J. (2002):
quality of care.
care and treatment of dependent elderly in the statioAkkreditierungsantrag
MA Public Health / Nursing Science Annex 1, p. 11
shareholders and outpatient elderly. Stuttgart: Schattauer.
Various articles on quality management in
health promotion.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Plackarnia, Ul. Jankego W Katowicach

Olympic twilight

reason China has rapidly modernized and presented with the Olympic games in the world wants in the best light, can be easily understood. Another story is then that the Chinese government as a dictatorial regime there. This type of governments are particularly eager to use the Olympics and similar large events to strengthen their legitimacy.

precisely this lack of legitimacy in Tibet, China. The military conquest and the subsequent integration into the Chinese nation-state was against the will of the vast majority of the Tibetan population. In addition to the political control occurs subsidized by Beijing migration, which occupied the good positions in industry and government.

boycott threats seen in the current situation, not necessarily successful. Clear position on the other hand, are appropriate. Who gets involved with problematic regimes in a symbolic productions, is found not unexpected in the role of legitimacy fundraiser. So have the International Olympic Committee, but also monuments Bauer such as Herzog & de Meuron, exposed to a different level than about a European company, rolling case or toy manufactures in China.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Does Peachcare Cover Extractions

hypertext and an engine

In the nineties, the concept of hypertext acquainted with the World Wide Web and the links to the websites to a wider public. The concept has roots far back. As a precursor to some references in works are considered, pointing to other entries.

pioneer of a more narrow idea of hypertext, the Belgian Paul Otlet (1868-1944) is. In his book Traité (1), he conceived the idea of book as new information machine. He invites the notion of Book far beyond the idea of an information container, and also moving toward a systems theory. He edited the book at the same time as an organism, energy flow and spirit (2).

Otlet proposes to break down text into small blocks. To be associated with a dynamic system of index cards. Without that should have become apparent in the meantime, appropriate technology, Otlet saw a remote controlled multi-media platform to come, the "la radio, les rayons X, le cinéma et la photographie microscopique" integrate (3).

Otlet was a visionary who came from the questions of the library system and the Document Management ago. A direct Influence on the development of computer-based hypertext is nachzuweisbar is hardly. Otlet shows that growing mountains of documents and a change of attitude aroused the language optimistic expectations for technical processing of texts.

(1) Traite de Documentation (1934).
(2) Ronald E. Day: The modern invention of information: discourse, history and power.
2001 (3)

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Shiny Pokemon Heart Gold Chaining Guide

society cybernetic

History of the concept of information 5

In the fifties of the 20th Century began completely new influences on the concept of information act. Particularly effective was the derived from the messaging technology mathematical-statistical approach.

Another influential factor was after the 2nd World War II, the semiotics. Although the modern theory of signs to the 19th Century back, only now she began to gain influence. Charles W. Morris updated Signs, Language and Behaviour (1946) an everyday language concept of information by canceling out the moment the effect of characters on the receiver.

Based on questions of librarianship, document storage and business information processing information science wins in importance. It reflects the potential for automatic data processing in the form of punch-card processing and tube computers is taking shape. Information is understood as a formalized, machine-readable data. The challenges of data processing 1950 also bring the new concept of "information retrieval" produced with C. Mooers.

exerts the greatest impact of telecommunications. Ralph Hartley looks at the article "Transmission of Information" in 1928 with electrical transmission systems. Groundbreaking but is the work of Shannon and Weaver. Bordering the question clearly from cultural and social significance questions. Information in this technical context is a measure of freedom of choice when selecting a message from another. In the mathematical and statistical representation Shannon and Weaver's information "is a measure of the unlikelihood of the occurrence of a random event (1). created

Based on this concept of information theory and control engineering Norbert Wiener 1948 the concept of cybernetics. Transfer processes in matter, simple life forms or cultural communication can be analyzed using the same concept. Wiener summarizes cause the concept of information within the meaning of the impact of news, the state of any system.

This metatheory claimed cross-application and influenced significantly in the 60's technocratic dominated the social sciences and biology. She appeared in the society into it and seemed to ideas of a planned economy to legitimize Soviet model as well as a controlled company to the taste of De Gaulle. The neo-romantic youth movement of the sixties ushered in the preliminary decline of technocratic cybernetic visions.

( 1) Rafael Capurro: Information. A contribution to the etymology and history of ideas, information support of the concept. S 211th

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Toaster Oven Ge Model 169127

body, mind and Information

Historically, the concept of information 4

In the Age of Enlightenment, crystallized schools of thought that are still effective. Central question appears on the conditions and possibilities human knowledge.

The rationalism of Descartes is based on an attitude of skepticism. There is no spontaneous flow of information between the external world and consciousness. Objects of the outer world left by a mechanical process of forming impressions. Knowledge and knowledge is created, but only when the mind turns to the brain and the impressions stored there. The concept of information in Descartes thus refers to high intellectual content knowledge.

Descartes assumes a complete separation of body and mind. The body is constantly renewed, the soul remains constant. You informed as the body constant. How can information exchange communications, respectively take place between an immaterial substance like the soul and matter? Capurro interprets Descartes position this way: The relationship between mind and body is hierarchical, information functions as giving instructions and commands (1).

Contrary to that of English empiricism. Thomas Reid as the inventor of the "common sense" is against the skepticism in the relationship between consciousness and object. He postulates a nature set in motion by the information process in which we receive information from our senses. These in turn are informed by the nature. Information appears here as a largely spontaneous flowing stream of messages from the environment into the human Consciousness flows.

The strength of these positions is to embed the problematic concept of information in the environment of knowledge and interpretation processes. Whether these processes sufficiently lighten, is another question.

(1) Rafael Capurro: Information. A contribution to the etymology and history of ideas, information support of the concept. P. 152

Sunday, February 10, 2008

High Cervix Before 2days Before Period?

is information in everyday language

History of the concept of information 3

In modern times the concept of information begins to emerge in European national languages. The direct descendants of the French from Latin and its strong influence on English make it plausible that it occurred here earlier than in German.

In French in the 15th Century, the emergence of the term to mean "someone you in a" proven. This is a shift of the specialized educational information concept of the Middle Ages towards a language for everyday use. The term was both Enform as, soi infourmer already in the late Middle Ages, (1).

accumulate for English since the 14th Century documents. As information emerged the term information in everyday language, and indeed in the modern sense of. Into German, the term in the 15th Century adopted. It was, however, the traditional educational significance retained. Only in the 19th Century urges the concept of information available in the German vernacular.

That is not to say that earlier in the German speaking no idea and concepts for information had been available. Part of the meaning has been covered about the concept of the message. It was said, for example, "the message to worship me."

(1) Rafael Capurro: Information. A contribution to the etymology and history of ideas, information support of the concept. P. 143

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Pressure Point Ankle For Period

God informed

Historical information for term 2

Ancient Latin has taken the contours of the Greek concept of information. Information means both the act of molding as well as the state of formation. The term appears in connection with philosophy, but also crafts and gardening. Capurro (1) brings about the example of a division of the garden in beds with Columella in the 1st Century. The concept of information remains in the educational sense widely with both moments - of knowledge and moral education.

determining factor for the later Middle Ages, Thomas Aquinas, who sought out Christianity and the philosophy of Aristotle to form a synthesis. In the context of knowledge from Thomas rejects a dualistic separation between empirical knowledge and ideas. Similarly, an absolute separation of the knower and his subject.

As part of an organic view of Thomas posits a higher unity of mind and object of knowledge. It is manufactured by mutual in-formation through communicative exchange. He emphasizes the communication and the linguistic dimension of the character information concept.

fact that generally there is a certain separation between knowledge and known, is secular to Thomas Aquinas, a sign of cognitive processes. In God there will be no information process: it is one with the potential to be recognized.

The few remarks to point out how much the concept of information with the great epistemological discussion of last two and a half is linked thousand years. New since the late ancient and medieval times is that now the Lord is thought of as perfectly informed and omniscient authority.

(1) Rafael Capurro: Information. A contribution to the etymology and history of ideas, information support of the concept. Munich, Saur 1978

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Perrier Water Safe During Pregnancy

From the wax impression to the Internet

History of the concept of information a

Having recently in the digital commons have discussed the concept of information, a few interesting questions remain open. To understand the different facets of something better, a look at history the term may be useful. Amazingly, in recent decades has not been an enormous amount of research to do so. We are interested to take an earlier work by Capurro (1)

In ancient Greece, the landscape concept of information has been prepared. Since several of impressing the image of a form was used in soft wax. The semantic field of the form, outline, and the Formative Embossed was still covered by various terms, which are then included in the Latin informatio . Capurro mentions in his study three, namely Typos (now in typography), morphology (in morphology) and Idea (idea)

The Greek antiquity has developed aspects that shape today with the ideas of information:

  • The concept of information was (and is) depends on the epistemology. If Plato posits a strict separation between the world of ideas and those of empirical observations, is an entirely different concept of information out such as in Aristotle.
  • show in the Antiquity, already various fields, for which a concept of information is used. Education (transfer of knowledge and standards), philosophy (epistemology, ontology as a question of being), biology (which is formed in which the generation process). Added to this is an artistic craft area.
  • The question for the characters (language and writing) and to processes of communication is present. The latter example in the Greek concept of the message. The shares with the modern concept of information on an aspect of public event broadcast and a structure-messenger-receiver.

Got it? Not to me. Because information is so central, it hangs just before the Internet age, together with all possible aspects of life.

(1) Rafael Capurro: Information. A contribution to the etymology and history of ideas, information support of the concept. Munich, Saur 1978

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Long Sleeve Red Gowns

Islamic Robinson

puts an interesting review of Südwestfunk an Islamic Robinson to the center. Which is the main character in a novel but somewhat older. He was in Spain of the 12th Arab Century age. Robinson named Haiy ibn Yaqzan grows alone on an island and only comes as an older man with other men, with a Muslim community in touch. This gives the author Ibn Tufail opportunity to develop relgiöse and philosophical themes.

The novel has also left traces in the GDR. The philosopher Ernst Bloch has the Urrobinson in his article "Avicenna and the Aristotelian left" in a kind of picked up, the GDR did not fit in my stuff.

SWR2 published the broadcast "enemy or teacher of enlightenment" HERE to download. The novel was published in German: Ibn Tufail: Hayy Ibn Yaqdhan. A Muslim island novel. Published and edited by Ben Jameleddine Abdeljelil Frysak and Victoria. Edition Victoria Vienna 2007

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Drill Master Nicd Battery Charger Drill

Islam Panorama

The Islamic world is in the public eye. Because not only are the large oil deposits. Some of these companies suffer from unstable political conditions, such as Lebanon and Pakistan. The whole region shows little inclination to a sweeping Upgrading unit and now against India and China behind.

Who wants to deal with the long-term background of the present situation is well served with a recent book. Gudrun Krämer outlined in its "history of Islam," the varied development of Islamic civilization. Despite the wealth of information, the book is easy to read and illustrated with interesting illustrations.

Gudrun Krämer. History of Islam. CH Beck Verlag, Munich 2005. 334 pages. More book from pearl .

Saturday, January 5, 2008

How Did My Toddler Get Herpes

power Democracy happy?

power direct democracy happy? Yes, says the Economists Bruno S. Frey in today's issue of Radio magazine "trend". He can draw not only on interviews. It also appears to be quite plausible that people are happier when they can influence the course of things.

correction we are experiencing human life as shaped by many limitations, restrictions and adverse circumstances. If we must not only tolerate and adapt, but sometimes interfere discussing, choosing and voting, we experience it as empowerment.

would still prefer it to our narcissistic addiction center if we subito and over the course of the steamer could determine. Captain , Instead of playing a say on the deck. Because it is difficult to achieve, wounded souls strive for abbreviations. Modernist milieu search the vicinity of the power without treading as lobbyists and consultants the way the political process. Traditionalist circles are welcome to sit on a strong leader.

The values of direct democracy in the last 15 years under severe pressure. The Mordernisten try to avoid all areas of political access and submit to the (internal) market. The traditionalists have tried to replace the sober political debate and the exercise of power of civil society by popular mythology and cult leader.

it needs moral appeals and civic pathos in order to drive us to the polls? No. It's the community and ourselves better when we intervene occasionally. In this sense, I wish the esteemed readers the best for the New!