Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Wot Is A Brazillian Waxing

quality short text

The term quality, etc.

The word quality is of Latin origin and is based on two concepts: qualis and qualitas. Here you can see already that the concept of quality is ambiguous.

Qualis questions the way the Constitution. Qualitas refers to the property and also to the relationship to things and processes, this term thus includes a comparative aspect. To distinguish

quality than quality (evaluative) and as a quality (not evaluate). Speak on the quality of a unit, it is an evaluative statement that refers to a purpose to be fulfilled.
this are also comparable classifications or categories in stock classes (grades): Examples of this are categorized in star hotels.
In contrast, the term "nature?. Here's no scoring for expression, but quality requirements are established and the observed quality characteristics are measured by the quality requirements. For example, should be a blanket and woven as thick.
This website summarizes the definition of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO):
quality is the totality of features and characteristic values of a product or service on its ability to satisfy stated and implied needs.? (ISO 8402:1995-8)
? Quality is the degree to which a set of inherent characteristics (An) requirements met? (ISO 9000:2001-12)

2.1 The development of the concept

past (and sometimes still today) and will use the term referred only to products: A product is of quality if it's nice to work well , durable and valuable. Increasingly, customers started in the discussion of quality to play a role: Quality also means that a product is delivered or communicated may be that entspricht.Mittlerweile the ideas of customers, the quality concept has extended to structures, processes and services. Quality is the fulfillment of requirements at all levels involved.

war: Quality control is
The struggle for quality not new. She was in the manufacture of products in terms of material and durability as so-called product quality has always been an issue. This understanding of quality was maintained until the 50's. Each product had have certain qualities, otherwise it was rejected. The quality control was established over the responsibility for ensuring was carrying a group of controllers. This system was developed by the statistical quality control. With ever greater technical precision was trying to produce higher quality and produce less waste. This the first time the error prevention comes into view.
60er/70er-Jahre: Quality Assurance
sat in the postwar period, increased by the recognition that different factors affect the quality. The work organization began to change, the human factor, the organization and its processes came to the fore. Quality should now be secured by considering different factors. From this time is the notion of quality assurance.
80s: Quality Management
In the 80's ideas and concepts in Europe have been included, which were developed in Japan in the 50s and has been applied. This new model was not primarily the product to the fore, but all work processes of an organization. The assumption was that all internal and external activities can be described as processes and that these can be improved continuously. Quality now covered all areas, all tasks and all people. Appropriate quality criteria for the organization, formulated for all developments, plans and executions. The primary responsibility quality was the highest hierarchical level. This had to create the necessary conditions so that every employee could see the responsibility for quality in its own activity (Total Quality Management). New quality should be controlled or protected, quality should be produced. This understanding is based on the modern quality management. Since this is no longer tied to a product, it can be applied in any organization.
90s: Certification / Business Excellence
In the 80's were first established international standards for the management area (eg ISO) that are certified in compliance could. Since the 90s, is increasingly trying to integrate quality management in management with the goal of business excellence.

2.2 scientific approaches
The concept of quality in most cases be better assigned to a manufacturer's perspective. This quality is in the manufacture of products in the foreground. Quality characteristics are then eg the amount of scrap rate or the amount of rework required.
In contrast, the customer perspective, the view from the concept of quality can be. For a more complete understanding of the concepts of quality, it is not sufficient to manufacturers ? or to consider customer-focused quality. Quality is a complex phenomenon. Depending on your perspective, and depending on considerations of the concept of quality, different interpretations. In the following, various approaches of quality research are presented.

The partial analytical understanding of quality
Here we distinguish the qualities of:

Absolute Quality (transcendent): This term describes the absolute excellence of quality, absolute quality (the highest possible quality of a product / service).

quality of the product (product-based): precisely measurable variables or defined property bundle are fixed.

quality for the customer (user-based): pure client-subjective evaluation, designed to use and customer preference. From the perspective of the customer trying to align to the needs of the customer quality.

quality of production (manufacturing-based): production-oriented. Important here is compliance with existing internal quality standards. The references can either? Objectively? (Reference product) or? Customer subjective? (Employment and satisfaction ratings) are determined as standards.

quality and value (value-based): Quality is judged based on a price / performance ratio. Quality is understood as relative size (depending on perceived quality and costs, monetary price, non-monetary cost, mental effort?). These distinctions are often

to illustrate the concept of quality (especially in the service sector this is a commonly used model), but they have been developed any further. The distinction is also in other more recent approaches incorporated (even product-customer-oriented manufacturer of view are in quality management (QM) Standard orientations). Today you would have to extend the five qualities of a sixth.

MitarbeiterDie quality of the staff perspective is now included in modern models of QM.

The quality dimensions according to Donabedian

Donabedian is an American quality research, quality in three dimensions divides:

a structural quality

2 process quality

3 result quality

Donabedian drew this distinction for the first time to medical services. Structural quality includes the ability of the institution and its employees that are necessary for product creation, such as technical equipment, physical / organizational work conditions, but also Zugangs-/Nutzungsmöglichkeiten by the customer.

process quality affects all of the activities to be completed in the course of product creation.

earnings quality refers to the difference between input and output condition state. For example it is a guest has not been prepared as important as the food. The key is for him to respect the results of the Teller.Zu is that it is assumed a linear relationship between structure and process quality, which in practice can not be found.

2.3 Model

Attempting the complexity, the term "quality? infected can be reduced to theoretical models. This attempt to represent the area of QM, what constitutes quality.
The following three general quality models are presented.

The quality circle model (quality loop)

The model illustrates the interacting activities which constitute the quality and influence. It is based on the demands of the customer to derive the requirements of development and construction.
People I find the functional areas of the organization that relate to the quality elements (QE). It is important to note that the model is a basic model. The quality of development is therefore not at the higher level? Spiral? further, reflecting nor the timing of activities contrary. The model shows how the quality is affected by the QE. Three main phases (planning, implementation, use) divided the meshing process. The quality group is not related to the activities as such, but the importance of functional areas for each QE. The QE is an example, that the particular type of product abhängig.Der quality circle can therefore be transmitted to many examples in practice.

The QTK circle (quality time-cost-circuit)

The above-described quality circle (quality loop) based on this model.
QTK The circuit is a phase model, are shown in the activity components of quality, schedule and costs. The model distinguishes three main stages in the preparation of a product




This is about the importance of these three phases for the various activity components. A major factor is the interface between implementation and use (the transition to the customer) and the interface between planning and implementation phases. It is in these failures occur when there is lack of information.
The model is based on the process concept. That is, if only a single activity in the end leads to poor results can also use the results of the following activities are potentially at risk.
The reality is more complex than this model of thinking. Organizations are to be compared with networks rather than with such process models.
Along with the core processes are part of processes that can also run a circular or other dependent. It is important to always keep the wholeness and complexity of organizations in mind.
is important to note also that we distinguish the actions of an employee can not in quality, schedule or cost-related elements, rather they are interlinked with each other.
An activity must turns on all three aspects (quality, schedule and costs) are observed.
quality, time, costs are the classic three competitive factors, of which the following effect relationships can be derived:

quality improvement
cost increase
time reduction
cost increase
cost savings
loss of quality, longer cycle times

In the view of the QM however, it is aimed to optimize all three factors, so do not enter the above effect relationships.

The value analysis is assuming

the concept of value added, from the difference between the value of the product before and after its encryption and processing exists. Within the value creation process also plays a crucial role waste. Planned and managed the process of value creation in the value chain management. The analysis assesses the value of the contribution of the respective process elements (PE) as part of the process. Based on a value-added analysis of the customer is always perceivable benefit increase.

This view approaches and models may seem at first glance to be purely theoretical musings about the term quality. So it looks like in the practical side, inasmuch as in the Community Board.

04.02 standardization of quality

in QM have emerged in the area of standardization of concepts and systems, institutions whose goal is to reach intersubjective agreement.
The quality-related standards is carried out in Germany at DIN (German Institute for Standardization). On the basis of standardization policies that apply mostly international.
standards of quality are the basis of communication. However, standards are not laws but recommendations. The consequences for non-application of a rule can still be serious.
When QM, there is the unique practice to be guided by defined terms and concepts. These are now since the new standards of ISO 9000 Family was published in term charts and the system of quality standards more transparent.
This means in practice: A quality professional uses standardized terms or know whether the term he used is standardized. He directed his actions as a rule of the currently valid standards.
The eight quality management principles of ISO 9000:2000:
first Customer focus
organizations depend on their customers and therefore should understand current and future customer needs, they should meet the demands of the customers and striving to exceed customer expectations.

provide guidance for managers the single goal and direction of the organization. You should create and maintain the internal environment in which employees can be used fully to the achievement of the objectives of the organization.

third Involvement of employees
Employees at all levels are the dominant factor of the organization. Their full involvement enables us to use their skills to the benefit of the organization

4th Process orientation
A desired result is achieved more efficiently when activities and related resources are managed as a process.

5th System-oriented management
processes that together in interaction are to recognize as a system to understand and control helps to achieve the goals of the organization effectively and efficiently

6th Continuous improvement
The continuous improvement of all services should be a permanent task of the organization.
7th Substantive decisions

Effective decisions are based on the analysis of data and information.
8th Supplier relations for mutual benefit
An organization and its suppliers are interdependent. Relationship of mutual benefit to increase the value of both sides.


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