Thursday, May 20, 2010

Fusion Hair Extensions At Jcpenney

Shrine business - the daily bread of the Mushrikiin

For the habitually claim Mushrik sects (especially Ar-Rafidah) to wallow in Shirk, that the people of the Sunnah (which they considered "Wahhabis "revile), Islamic practices such as Tawassul / Wasilah and the intercession of the Prophet (SAWS negative). This statement is nothing but a lie that can only bring an ignorant confusion could, or containing the poor Rafidah Foot Folk, which (to legitimize with accompanying specious arguments to the Shirk) by their priests and rabbis ("ayatollahs") by such lies are discouraged from should be purely Muslim, Muwahhids (monotheists to be), the contest, really, the path of the Ahl Al-Bayt, who were pure monotheists, even always phoned ONLY OTHER calling to Allah and the prayer (the core of the service) to call ONLY Allah. The priesthood of the Rawafid these kufrischen practices that one can be compared to one that give the Catholic / Orthodox Church is not so easy as to be over last 20% of annual assets of Shias have an "Ayatollah" (Khums that Fuenftelabgabe which ONLY in Islam because of remnants of the kuffar in war is so taken by the spoils of war, Rafidah priests take it from their people!), comes to making this all saints Cult, just like the Catholics brings a pile of cash. It moves the masses, just like the Catholics and other Shaytan Mushrikeen has misled by the example they DID BELIEVE the Holy Franzkiskus, or the Virgin Mary were to have (by their prayers ") it complied with their child's desire or they / their child have healed, just give the priests their Rafidah Miskin supporters believe it. Allah (SWT) tells us that the Shaytan mislead the people by such methods:


By Allah, I have sent to many nations before you have the wicked and Satan is their deeds Iہm ٱليوم ولهم عذاب أليم (63)
By Allah, verily We sent messengers to the people already in front of you, but Satan made their deeds seem pleasing . So he is their patron today, and they had a grievous Penalty. [16:63]

Shaytan, it is the Hindus the white makes the Ganesh and Shiva sipping milk ...

The Maria (AS) blood weeps ...

All these mushrikun swear by all that is holy, that there are actual facts, and may really be that there are cases where some of the scientific miracles of the Catholic Church (Mary is crying blood) can not explain. This does not mean it's true, but this degree is from the Shaytan. So it behaves in the poor foot soldiers of the Rawafid, led by their priests, the primary responsibility Lischen who can swear just as all that, for example, the tree-so-and-bleed so with Ashura (10 Muharram martyr Al-Hussayns),! Or poured a Ali / Hussayn / Abal-Fadl image, tears of blood! A visit to the handicapped in accordance with the cry Imam Al-Rida (AS) recovery was (as well as for the Evangelical charlatans) or even the statues / pictures of the Ahl Al-Bayt are built to then gain it Tabarruk (blessing):

Every Muharram create the pagan idols of the Rafidah Ahl Al-Bayt (RA), particularly chopped off the head of our love of Al-Hussayn (RA). Proclaim this to be their "compassion" and "connectedness" to the Ahl al-Bayt (RA). Every Muslim but knows how the Ahl Al-Bayt (RA), even with this abuse, and pagan avoid ostentation from the head Al-Hussayns (RA) would. They would make her own support, which Ali (RA) Ibn Saba did with the Jews ... march

Rafidah in Michigan with Al-Hussayn (RA) head! may Allah give the Rafidah what they deserve!


Al Alaٴarav
, those who ٱtqgua If Msہm Tٮv Of Satan Tzڪroa If they are, bring (201) and Ikhoٲnhm Iamdoonہm in ٱlgy then do not fail (202)
Verily, those who fear Allah, if Satan is a fit them, and then leave it in remembrance - see, they see (their clear way) again. But their (pagan) brothers drive them to continue in error, and then they leave (it) not to. [7:201-202]

The masses of the Rafidah are fictitious kufrisch traditions brainwashed to the point that a Rafidi (as Shia Aqeedah says!) It believes it hundreds, even thousands of times benefits is Al-Hussayns (RA) shrine in Karbala, Iraq to visit, rather than the House of Allah in Arabia.

Who thinks that the Gentiles fun or Graeberkult this Rafidah priests and charlatans in Karbala unwatchable, who has cut himself. In Iraq, there is the shrine of Ali Ibn Abi Talib (RA), the course must be visited, then in Iraq, most shrines of the imams of the Imams of the Ahl Al-Bayt to be found six shrines of "12 imams", ie 6 Iraqi shrine hotlines and pilgrimages to the shrines where the gebittet for help, and everything else is child's wish. In addition to Ali's (RA) in Najaf and Al-Hussayns (in Karbala) there are still, Imam Musa Ibn Jafar

("7" Imam, the father of Imam Rida, Imam Al-Jawad, both buried in Baghdad Kazemain shrine, may Allah have mercy) Add to this the 10 Imam Al-Hadi (RH) and the 11th Imam Al-Askari, both buried in the Masjid Al-Askari in Iraq / Samarra.

Note: The Ahl al-Bayt are innocent before the shrine-business and Kufr is committed in their name and have nothing to do with the Rawafid. As an example one can take the shrine Imam Al-Bukhari in Uzbekistan / Bukhara. Extremist-Grabesanbetende "Sunni" Sufis have a huge Mauloleum / shrine and everything imaginable that is similar to Hinduism (like Rafidah) but NOT Islam Imam Al-Bukhari in the name (RH) was established. Well, every Muslim knows that the occupant of this tomb is free from these kufritischen Bid'at the people in his name, have erected over his grave, it is of grave occupant SELF has narrated that the Prophet (SAWS) are prohibited to decorate graves and to increase, introduce LET ALONE shrines and mausoleums. It's the same with the Imams of the Ahl Al-Bayt (RA), they have NOTHING Rawafi with the hat, just like Imam Al-Bukhari's something in the hat have umgeaendert with the extreme Sufis to his grave.

But here it stops far! Anyone who thinks the Rafidah visit the shrines of six imams in Iraq and one in Iran (Al-Rida/Mashad), which underestimated the greed of all idolators, distinguished by the shrine-business a lot of money and control the masses. It actually needs to know that yes, the imams who were descendants write the Rafidah and to build more shrines, the priests of the Rafidah also have built over the graves of the descendants of the Imams Shrines (mMini versions), and the talk is here not thousands of descendants per one imam, but (!) Mini-shrines, where do the Tawaf Rawafid / prayers / etc Eide.

Another major religious institution in Iran is the shrine . There are more than 1.100 shrines [other sources say over 8000!] that vary from crumbling sites associated with local saints to the imposing shrines of Imam Reza and his sister Fatima in Mashhad and Qom, respectively.
About shrines in Iran in 1100 alone (ie Iraqi Shiagebiet times left out of eight)! than 1100 Pilgerstaetten the descendants of the Imams of the Ahl Al-Bayt be attributed! Alone in Tehran, it is about that of course the biggest Shrein Khomeini. Here are just a few dozen examples from Tehran:


Imamzadeh Saleh

This son of Imam Moosae Kazim and brother of Imam Reza (AS) is buried near the bus Terminal of Shimran popularly known as Tajresh. .On the nights of religious importance people come and light candles on the wall facing the shrine, with the belief that if the candles remains perched on the slant section of the wall and continues burning then you can be sure that your wish will be granted. It is overlooking the peak of Mount Damavand and in winter this place is very cold compared to Tehran itself with the peak covered in snow and cold winds blowing from it . It therefore has a very ancient tree and sometimes when the shrine is very crowded people just hold the tree and tell it their wish.

given yet: Imamzadeh Qasim, Shah Abdul Azeem, Imamzadeh Hamza, Imamzadeh Tahir, Bibi Shehr Bano Astana, Imam Zadeh Dawood and many more! The (hunderte!) alone only in Tehran (capital of shirk)! The Rafidah sect has made against the guidance of the Prophet (SAWS), they have not adopted the Council of the Ahl Al-Bayt implemented in practice (as opposed to Ahl Al-Sunnah), namely that it closes all doors to shirk and worship of saints, Therefore, the Prophet (SAWS) in authentic traditions of the hanging of pictures, especially Pictures of prophets and Awliya prohibited. Just as the decorating of graves and building shrines and mausoleums. The people of the Sunnah (with the exception of extreme Sufis who ascribe to the Sunnah) are not in this Dhalaal (wrong way) as the Rafidah dropped, whereas the Rafidah are involved in a whole not only in these Kufriyyat, but the entire sect to Such practices shall convene, guttheist and propagated even in new forms:

Sujud towards the grave of Imam!

Here the most famous Arab Radud (Trauersaenger) Rafidah of the world, the raki Bassam Al-Karbalaei and Sujud to be Al-Hussayns (RA) grave!

Even for non- imams were erected shrines where "Tawassul" can make. This is the city of Kashan in Iran:

entrance to the tomb and shrine of "The heroic father of religion" (inscription above the entrance gate), Abu Lo'lo 'Al-Majusi! (The murderer Amir Al-Mu'minin Omar, who was the conqueror of the Majus Shahid ).

Strassenzuege Fields marked are the hatred of the Rafidah Majus show on Islam and the Arabs, in the guise of "Ahl Al-Bayt" they destroy the worship Islam, and a Magian (Majus):

Text: Hadhrat Abu Lo'Lo 'alayhis-salam! (In blue Salavat)

In the Temple (Shrine) drinne a Ali altar and the most famous prayer of Rafidah: "Du'a Al-Sanamayn Quraysh" (The Du'a against the two idols of Quraysh Abu Bakr and Omar and their two daughters Aaisha and Hafsa):

Rafidah celebrate along with their scholars, the death of Omar (ra) and Abu cheer Lo ' lo in the grave to:

[a few years ago, after several "Sunnah / Shia unity" conferences, could even scholars who are notorious for very helpful with the Rafidah to be (as Qaradhawi), no longer hide the kufr of the Rafidah. You have Iran and the Rafidah scholars called on the shrine this Mushrik make Majusi Abu Lo'lo with a bulldozer to the ground. The crafty Rafidah Reigierung promised by some speakers and Mullah emulate this, but not the same happened. The only thing reported is that the shrine "is veriegelt" but after that message, the Rawafid of Iran and went to the internet forums (Arabic) on the Barakaden and protests! To date, there is a shrine that symbol of the Sahaba and Arab hatred and the most and large Maraji '("Grossayatollas"), see him as a hero to (except a small minority of Rafidah scholars).]

bid'ah normal (non-Kufri bid'ah) follows according to their nature always a worse bid'ah, which only then to the Kufri bid'ah of the shrine and mausoleum erected over the graves? The tomb cult takes in Rafidah always Uebler forms, and the Rafidah Schlarlatane among priests and their henchmen are not afraid even before those forms back:

Mobile Imamzade "(descendants of the Imams) shrines! With megaphones call the Rafidah priests and the Iranian Mushrik Rafidi Government of the people to to send more prayers to the imams' Tawassul "to buy Dakhil (green ribbon), they fix it at the shrine to make wishes come true, and on wichtigstens of course: to throw money into the mobile shrines. Sadaqa, Sadaqah (alms) is called! The poor people must walk Rafidi already 20% (!) Of its total annual property at a "Grossayatullah" ready to bene, but as if this is not enough, make the Safawiditischen charlatans now (next to the old shrines) now comes with the mobile. According to the motto: If the Rafidi will come to the shrine, we come to Rafidi.

Mobile shrines!

And this is how the balance of the Rafiditischen Shrine of Business:

even Shrine machines are placed, so that for (once again) money can light candles (as with Christians!):

Then of course the biggest shrine Iran / Tehran, Khomeini's shrine that (make people to him, "Tawassul" Tawaf make his grave to explain their children were washing etc):

saw shortly after his death it this way:

has the rest, the shrine of Khomeini today retain that form which is more interesting as well as by the Majusi Koenig "Kisra" in Iran:

Sujud towards Kurush (tomb of a king of pre-Islamic Zoroastrian Iran)

Sujud toward Khomeini (Neo -Zoroastrian king of Iran Rafiditischen).

30 years after his death, his tomb is as follows:

This all apart of course from all the idols, which are distributed by the chief of the Rafidah in the country (even Moscheeeingaengen!):


The grave of the former king of Saudi Arabia. Right, Koenigs, so no representatives of the Sunnah, no scholar , but that now the clear modest distinguishable:

The grave is not simply because the king of Saudi Arabia was short on cash. He still is kept simple because the "Wahhabis" would have it, no, rather it is because it is just set up following the Sunnah . The claim that one loves the Prophet and his Ahl al-Bayt and the following is a simple lip service, but show the deeds who really loves the Prophet and the Ahl al-Bayt, since it was the Messenger of Allah (SAWS) and then his beloved Ali (RA) who advised the Ummah established images of living beings distorting / remove and pave the graves so that they do not project high (what with shrines esrst then!) . We quote from an older Post of us

This proves that Muhammad bin Abdul-Wahhab (which the Rafidah described illegally as "Nasibi" (enemy of Ahl Al-Bayt)) strictly comply with the Shariah of Islam stopped and the Messenger (sallallahu alayhi wa ala aalihi wa sallam) rule and in the words of the Ahl respected Al-Bayt is the following Hadith: said

Abu Al-Hiyaaj Al-Assadi, "Ali ibn Abi Talib said to me:

" Shall I not send out the same duty with me (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also sent out a messenger of Allah? Leave no Stutue without destroying them and let no established (in the amount built) are grave, not make it to Gen flattened. (According to a tradition: "And leave no picture, no wipe it). Verily Sahih Muslim]

, would the real Rafidah Ali (ra) meeting today, with his huge beard and his command of the built tombs destroy, they would call him, no doubt as "Wahhabis". But what would have Abal-Hassan heutemit make Rawafid, which are one step further and shrines of gold and green-lit giant mausoleums built in the name of the Ahl Al-Bayt. Truly, what would he say if he still wanted to destroy already in the air built shrines but exactly the practices all idolaters world are similar, be they Hindus, Buddhists, Catholics / Orthodox, or even the extremist Sufis in the name of Sunnah introduce something like that.)

Now what Islam says about all this (Tawassul / Tabarrul / Istishfa etc.)? People say the Sunnah (as mushrik of Rafidah and Ahbash claim) that Tawassul was banned? Visiting the graves is forbidden? The gain of the Barakat (Tabarruk) was banned? The all the kufr / Bid 'a' is? Is there such a black and white thinking in Islam? The answer is:

All Muslims believe that all law schools:

  • Tawassul is allowed. The
  • visit the graves of allowed (even recommended).
  • gain the blessing of the (Tabarruk) is allowed.

But, and here is the difference between the pure, Hanif, monotheistic religions such as Islam and the Mushrik Christians, sunbathers, Hindus and Raifdah Shia. The difference is that all these practices according to the guidelines of the Shariah to be carried out. Not every Shirktat is suddenly legitimate by it as the stamp of "Tawassul" imprints. (Otherwise, where is the shirk of Catholics (apart from the Trinity, which take thousands of saints as intermediaries) Let's start with the wrong / correct visit the graves and the gain of Tabarruk (gain of at:.

Wrong Tabarruk and visit the Grabesstaetten:

[Tabarruk comes from the word Barakah (blessing). Tabarruk is the fact, that is, the gain of blessing. This, the Sahaba and the Salaf with the hair of the Prophet made his spittle, etc., but then niewieder with someone else, not with the grave of the Prophet, nor with the Ahl Al-Bayt.
This (Islam is the correct Tabarruk) is a known practice allowed under the People of the Sunnah. All this, however, as mentioned in the Adabiyyat the Shari'a and not with anything Kufriyyat elements such as the "green ribbon" at the shrines and lick the graves, which seek to Rizq and help from the occupant of the tomb, the gild about the graves
decorating etc.]

Nakhil (tapes) to knot shrines to prayers come true. This is a pagan practice of Jahiliyyah to common in many religions and sects, shirk, led of course by Ar-Rafidah:

Graeber kiss (shrines anyway because they should not at first exist) .
(also Sufi Ash'ari scholars like Al-Jifri Al-Yamani quote quite clearly classical Sunnah scholars like Imam Al-Nawawi which forbade this act because, apart from the shari ' atic ban, it is not to touch of Adab the grave of a Wali / to kiss or even notes (as required by the Rafidah priest) pure toss.

Tabarruk correctly and recommended visiting tombs:



The visiting graves according to the Sunnah
Permission (conditions apply also for the women) to visit the graves

The verdict in respect for the recitation of Al-Fatiha, the deceased

travel to (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) to visit the grave of the Prophet


Ahlul Athaar At about -Tabarruk - Shaykh Al-Munajjid (HA)

more on the topic:


Correct and incorrect Tawassul:

Fatwa: Tawassul: Islamic vs. Renewal (bid'ah)

The Prophet and the Ahl Al-Bayt about Tawassul: Here is Insha'Allah soon as a document of hadiths of the Prophet (SAWS) and the Ahl Al-Bayt (RA)

from the books of the Rafidah (as Hujja for Rawafid, similar texts can be found just in the books of the Sunnah):

How schonmal proved the Ahl Al-Sunnah have in many of its most important Hadithwerke more hadiths from Ali Ibn Abi Talib (RA) and Abu Bakr, Omar and Othman (RA) together (as in the Saheehayn and the Musnad of Ahmad). Of course there are such hadiths of the Ahl Al-Bayt (RA) to prohibit exactly everything that is forbidden in Islam, containing (images cult Tawassul by "holy" / imams, etc.) and of course on how Catholics mushrik and Rafidah is allowed. The size of the Ahl Al-Bayt (RA) reported that one is in Du'a to Allah (SWT) ask (Ibn Abbas) and much more.

Playing with the Islamic terms this is one thing that confuses many. Tawassul (office), and Wasilah (means for transfer) are clearly defined in the Shari'ah to be turned over by philosophical twist, it is claimed that the Ahl Al-Bayt (RA) itself the means, as in Du'a should be called / have to, so that the prayers are more accepted (exactly the same principle as representing all other mushrik Catholics, Orthodox, etc.). Well, Ali Ibn Abi Talib in the Matn Riwayat 100% is authentic, said in a number of points for the believers , what are now all the means by which one can come closer Allah. ? = 109 Sermon

Letters 109


Ali (RA) says:
The best RESOURCES (ie Wasilah Tawassul) to get to Allah, the Exalted the sublime to approach are:

first The believe in Him (Allah) and his Prophet

second [...] The fight fisabilillah

third perform the prayer [...]

4th The pay the Zakah [...]

5th The fasting in Ramadan [...]

6. That make the pilgrimage to the House of Allah [...]

7th perform the Umrah, the [...]

8th The ties of kinship care [...]
9th Sadaqaat give [...]

Allahu Akbar! this OUR Ali that the Tawheed understanding of Muslims, the Shia are is misguided, their "scholars" the mushrik from Qom, the main culprit today, as they spread in the name of Ali (RA) lies Tawassul is permissible in Islam, Wasilah (as commanded in the Qur'an), arrive at a means to Allah, and has not Tawassul us AHL AlSunnah is EXACTLY explains how Tawassul UP ALI AL NAHJ in Balagha Tawassul and the Shia, he is the mushrik, even worse than that of the Quraish. See, on NINE points include Ali (RA) and not ONCE has the imam of yet "had knowledge of the hidden," advised the people, the prophets, angels, our Prophet Muhammad (SAWS), Fatimah (RA) or even himself to take it as Wasilah.

's because Ali, the hero, a Muwahhid, and was not a monotheist Mushrik was, but would be the points of Ali (RA) a Mushrik show to let him without knowing who those words were spoken, it would you get the answer no doubt that the statements of the "Wahhabis" are ... "Wahhabis", it is the only claim that they love Allah through to Awliyah (Prophets, Sahaba, Ahl al-Bayt) and with good naeherkommt deeds.

Al-Hamdulillah the Tawassul the understanding of the Ahl Al-Sunnah exactly the Ahl Al-Bayt/Alis (RA). This is his muhkam the (unique) statement, which by Nahj Al-Balaghan sanadan (HThe of the chain of narration), although not for the Ahl Al-Sunnah proved is (for Rafidah already), but MATNAN (quoted) and of course even featuring Sunnah Hadith of Ah Al-Bayt itself, 100% with Islam and Tawheed harmonized and religion 101% collides with Rafidah. This is the genuine watershed for each one.

(The priests are the Rafidah Shirk so absorbed that they do not Tauhidi these traditions that harmonize with the Quran and the mind, as Tauhidverstaendnis in Tawheed Al -You 'take over a (Tawheed of the invocation), but they attack (like all cults) back to Mutashabi (ambiguous) Ayat of the Qur'an or even invented Shirki traditions of the Imams (RA) rechtzufertigen to their Shirk (like the "tradition" of Imam Al-Baqir "normal practice", which states that, at the Sujud Fatimah (RA) 440 times asking for help!)

specious arguments: Here we will Insha'Allah you a document with all the hadiths and other operating Rafidah mushrik like to use around the Shirki-Tawassul the Quraysh presented as Islam.


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