Thursday, May 6, 2010

Free Watching Groping In The Bus/train

Wideleg of the "Ex-Wahhabis" Esam Al-Emad (Abdul-Majus)

refutation of the lies told by the agents of the Rafidah Republic of Iran Ex-Zaidi Esam Al-Emad, who would probably overbid Al-Tijan in lying (which is great to be) is lying, and his life biography up to now so conspicuous and lies, that one wonders just be:

Rawafid think the people of the Sunnah are so naive to take seriously at all the lies of the Rawafid? Now, who is Esam Al-Emad? Esam Al-Emad himself claims of a "Wahhabi" to come home, where he then as students (!) Shaykh Ibn Baz (former Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia), a strict "Wahhabi" was and books against (!) Amir Al-Mu'minin Ali Ibn Abi Talib (RA) wrote and is then converted to Rafidah religion. The little after this (which it spread everywhere) history, (especially the part where he has a book against Ali (RA) wrote) introduction, even the most ignorant of the Sunnah Muslim knows that something must be lazy write (even at Rawafid), is not surprising, for what true Sunni / Salafi would ever even a whole book against the prince of believers Ali (RA)?

We know that the Rawafid muhkam the (unique) statements of scholars of the Sunnah as Ibn Taymiyyah disregard (where he praised Ali and the Ahl Al-Bayt whole again, and like all scholars of the highest Sunnah, it explains a part of the deen, that the Ahl Al-Bayt must love. See his work Aqeedah Al-Wasitiyyah) and Mutashabih (ambiguous, torn from the context) statements of the scholars (especially take Ibn Taymiyyah) to "prove" these are the Ahl Al-Sunnah Nawasib (enemies of the Ahl Al-Bayt). But not even the Rawafid have even to this day asserts her arch-enemy (according to them the father of Nasibis!) Shaykh al-Islam Abu'l-Abbas Ibn Taymiyyah (RH) a whole work, has written to any of the Ahl Al-Bayt (RA), however, a Noname "Nasibi" just a whole book against Ali Ibn Abi Talib (RA) have written. This is nothing but a lie is (no matter if the Rafida Safawi government his alleged book printed for him and then determined yet with Saudi Emblem), should any honest people be aware, because Ali (RA) is one of the most important and greatest Companions, no Rather, among the very best, to the lifetime has already been promised paradise. It is enough to mention that the so-called greatest scholars of the Sunnah, such as Shaykh Al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah, Ibn Al-Qayyim and Ibn Mohammad wrote Abdil-Wahhab whole works through the love for Ahl Al-Bayt (the conviction of two Extremes, the Shia and the Rawafid Nasibah).


you see only the books / chapters in the works of the Sunnah and Others who have the following titles:

  • "The excellent features Ali (فضائل علي) etc." Imam Al-Bukhari and Muslim (This great scholar of the Sunnah have the status of the Ahl Al-Bayt yes undermine so much that they sometimes just each one of them, so Al-Hussayn, Fatimah etc. have devoted whole chapters to its properties of interest, which quoted the Rafidah so much)

  • "The major characteristics (Ahl Al-Bayt) (الخصائص الكبرى) " - at Al-Nisai

  • "The excellent features of Fatima" - Al-Suyuti

  • "Musnad Ahl Al-Bayt ridwanullahi alayhim ajmain (مسند أهل البيت رضوان الله عليهم أجمعين) Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal in (which see the Salafiyah in the Arabian Peninsula than their Grundmathhab, So as you can see the Hanabilah and Imam Ahmad has devoted an entire chapter to do for the entire Ahl Al-Bayt (ra).

  • " Huquq Ahl Al-Bayt bayn Al-Sunnah wa Al-Shia - A book about the excellent features of the Ahl Al -Bayt (ra) by no less than Ibn Taymiyyah (rh). In this work he praises the Ahl Al-Bayt and speaks freely of their offentslichtlichen enemies (the Nawasib) and the second type of enemy, Rafidah, the Shia, their claim. Both will be sentenced and represent the Shaykh explains how the people of the Sunnah in the middle between these two extremes. He also praised Al-Hussayn in Minhaj Al-Sunnah and cursed all those responsible for his murder.

  • Al-Bidaya wa Al-Nihayah - The event of Karbala by none other than the student Ibn Kathir, the authentic traditions collected regarding the tragic event of Ashura and has condemned both parties of the Bida has, once the Nasibis, the open enemies of the Ahl Al-Bayt and once the Rafidi Shias, who made a show of love for the Ahl al-Bayt and Kufr teachings spread in their name and thus not less enemies the Ahl Al-Bayt are. Including catches Ibnu Kathir in his work with the following beautiful lines: "Every Muslim should mourn for the assassination Al-Hussayns radhiallahu anhu, for he is a leader of Muslims and a scholar of the Sahabah [...] But there is nothing good in what the Rafidah (Shia) do [...]

  • Mawqifu min Aal Al-Bayt al-Salam alayhim by Muhammad Abdul-Wahhab (the nightmare Rafidah) am. This is the work of the position of Ahl Al-Bayt in the people Sunnah (written by Ibn Abdul-Wahhab, who was also known under name Abu Ali , the father Ali and since it is customary at Arabs to their children after which the you love very much, the Shaykh has taken a hold of his idols, that is Ali Ibn Abi Talib (ra). on here ended but not because he has named his other two sons Al-Hassan and Al-Hussayn and his daughter Fatimah, he called . Khalid Al-Zahrani in this book describes the love bin Abdul-Wahhab for the Ahl Al-Bayt and he explains that love is not just mere lip service was, but rather because it is a branch of the faith, this (Ahl Al-Bayt) to love and take all of them authentic (and not the lies and the Kufriyat the Rafidah attribute to them, just as the Kufriyat the Nasara Jesus (as) to write. This proves that Muhammad bin Abdul-Wahhab (which the Rafidah illegally as "Nasibi" (enemy of Ahl Al-Bayt) call) strictly held to the Shariah of Islam and the Messenger ( sallallahu alayhi wa ala aalihi wa sallam ) followed and the words of the Ahl Al-Bayt is respected, the following Hadith:

Abu Al-Al-Assadi Hiyaaj said: " Ali ibn said Abi Talib me
"Should send out I do not with the same duty with me (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and the Messenger of Allah also sent ? Leave no Stutue without destroying it and let no established (in the amount Built) grave, are not there to make gene flattened (According to a tradition. " And leave no image without it wipe ).
[Sahih Muslim]
Truly, would the real Rafidah Ali (ra) meet today to break with his huge beard and his command of the built tombs, they would call him, no doubt as "Wahhabis". But what would have Abal-Hassan heutemit make Rawafid, which are one step further and green-lighted shrines of gold and giant mausoleums on behalf of the Ahl Al-Bayt built. Truly, what would he say if he still wanted to destroy already in the air, built shrines, but the exact practices all idolaters are similar worldwide, be they Hindus, Buddhists, Catholics / Orthodox, or even the extremist Sufis in the name of the Sunnah something introduced)

agent of the Iranian Majus.

So, every Muslim with a background would at this set of obvious Luege ellen this alleged "Ex-Wahhabi/Sunni" Emad Al-Shaikh named the same, that this "ex-Wahhabi" Shaykh is as a cheater and Jahil, as was the embarrassing clown and ex-Sufi, the Al-Tijani Mushrik and ( the Mushrik Atatürk praises democracy and ALL his works have been refuted ). These will lie mostly from their own Rafiditischen infantry blind consistently given absorbed and geglauben (mist non-Arabs, non-Arabic speakers, it can check anyway themselves and rely on other parties are), since these are the horror stories of the Nawasib and "Wahhabis" are indoctrinated from childhood, and indeed many believe Rawafid that the People of the Sunnah (particularly the Saudis Hanbali), the Ahl Al-Bayt hate and are in Saudi Arabia in the book shelves books like "we hate Ali Wahhabis" etc.

repays was already clear from the outset is the Esam a liar, and this not only after he came out big (by the PR Rafidah Republic of Iran) but even then, embarrassingly, where he claimed a student (!) Shaykh Bin Baz '(RH) be. Neither the Islamic University in Riyadh, nor any other students of Shaykh knew only his name! Let alone that he was a student. But here's the hypocrisy Rafiditische: The only wrong is what he has attended lectures of the Shaykh PUBLIC. These are available for any Ali Ahmad and from around the world, as public! (To make the lie believable) Only a charlatan would it the "I had students from the Salafi Mufti" invent.

But that's not all! It would be just that, then one could still say. "Ok, he was not a student, but he was" Wahhabi "If not for the uncle's family of Esam (which are mostly Zaydi, partly Sunnah) these lies have been discovered by him and have noted that every Yemeni Al-Emad know the origin of his family (not complete strain), Ur-Zaydis are!


Emad Al-uncle Abdul Rahman Al-Emad confirmed the Esam a liar and ex-Zaydi was

This does not stop, "zufaelligerweise" another family member says exactly the same actions (Emad is a liar, ex-Zaydi), this time:

The son of his uncle (paternal), Dr. Ahmad Al-Emad Adil says what all know, namely the Esam is a liar and ex-Zaydi!

also circulated a cut debate around the Internet (to be aware of without the embarrassment) where the Miskin Rawafid celebrate and declare himself the slave of the Majus (Al-Emad) as the "winner" in the Debate with Shaykh Othman Al-Khamis. Here some refutations :

truth about the debate:

About Al-Emad Al-Majusis Lueger :

Last but not least: Here the complete recording of the debate (for years for the Arabic-speaking space available! ) with this failed Mushrik Rafidi Al-Emad (between him and Shaykh Al-Khamis.

المناظرة مع عصام العماد - الرافضي
The site is one of the biggest anti-Rafidah sites in the world who can Arabic, will ensure can what liars Al-Emad, and how the Shaikh was declared as "losers" because he did after the debate, first withdrew completely from debates (he explains this by arguing that since Tijani, Najdi and Jahil Al-Emad, de Rawafid his heart, all of them failed, first wants to concentrate on his studies). Also, the logic says that one of the largest sites Arabichen surely do not offer this debate (!) Would, if the Rafidi Al-Emad yet so offnkundig "won". to speak for Luet of knowledge and those who do can enjoy the Arabic language, it will be obvious times, like Emad Al-lied and failed. Our Blog recommends cookshops all Muslims are Munadhara to hear this.


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