Saturday, June 12, 2010

Easy Pressure Points That Make You Fall Asleep

Direct Hilfersuchung by Fatima Al-Zahra IN Sujud! - GERMAN VERSION

After we have done what ask us Rafiditen always, do not talk the Rafidismus assessed on the basis of the "evil, evil lies of the evil Vehhebis" we have mitlerweile a magnificent collection of statements of Rafidah priesthood who show even the Shirk of Qurayshi mushrik in a better light than the the Rafidah. As I said, everything from the mouths of their scholars themselves Starting with the belief of 12er Shia Rafidah, the Ali (RA) of the Asl (base) of the Din, and even our Prophet (SAWS) are created only because of Ali (RA) was the Rafidi and wife during the birth and the Rafidis DURING quiet prayer Ali (RA) should ask for help (!) to the hotline they have set up in the name of the Ahl Al-Bayt (RA), where they keep the listeners in the direction of the shrine and their imams DIRECT ask for anything.

Now, determined to make a lot of thought to the Bani Majus here now half long and no longer shock us / could amuse. If you thought so, who knows our friends from the Rafidis, especially not their sorcerers and magicians (Hujjatu-Shaytan and Ayatush-Shayatin), for which it seems well so as to give a kind of competition Bewerd: who trumps the pre-Islamic Quraysh Mushrik, Catholics and Hindus in Shirk. No doubt, the trophies will go to the Rafidah mushrik from Tierra del Fuego (Qom), this time they have the well deserved indeed, respect must be given to them already.

But not anyone think that the majority follow their blind, Taqlid obsessed sheep can hand off this Majus and the Rafidah sect. We know that most people hate the truth of love, what have exemplified their forefathers, follow nafs, and Shahawat Shubuhat and like the kinky Mushrik Nasara of the fully inflated the opium of "I Love Jesus" and then the Shirk are as Tawheed and Shirk Tawheed as seen and calmed down since he follows Jesus, just as the Rafidi containing the golden shot of "I love / follow Ahl al-Bayt, whatever comes," where he believes that the following is not only Islam, but the Aqeedah and Manhaj Ahl al-Bayt of the pure (RA):

mushrik All these are the Day of Judgement their experience a nasty surprise, namely how Jesus (AS) freely speaks of his claims, and the entire Mushrik Nasara Ahl Al-Bayt (RA) of the Shia Rafidah Mushrik.


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