Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Can Tattoos Give One Meningitis

characteristics of Allah (SWT) - "stings like a monkey" - (Mushrik-Markt.de Luege)

We had already drawn attention in a our previous posts on the lies of the Rawafid (plural of Rafidi). Our dear brother of "Gift2Shias" has made it his mission to uncover one of their biggest liar and his lies, "Al-Muraja'at" and to show what a liar but this was Rafidi priest. >> HERE \u0026lt;\u0026lt; the article. Well, we are called by a brother to a particular part of another work this "ayatollahs" of Rafidah, "Allamah" Abdul-Hussayn Sharif Al-Din Al-Musawi encountered, which (as already reported by us) are so busy, Abu Hurayrah portray as a liar. One answer and the complete refutation of his work is in Arabic and a brief summary of it in German, which could help her >> here \u0026lt;\u0026lt;.

Both of his works, that is the "Al-Muraja'at" Luegenwerk and also showed the same set Luegenwerk Numero Zwo, say, "Abu Huraira cause and effect of a tradition" by the famous Mushrik market ("market-Muslim, de ") offered to individuals and behind the facade heuschlerichen of "unity between Sunnis and Shiites" are sometimes just as the estimated personalities of Sunnah depicted as a liar and still on the insidious manner, that is full of slander and breathtaking Textverfaelschungen .

The summit lies and audacity, and proof that Rafidah mushrikun, the enemies of Islam, Tawhid and Sunnah, nothing below but leave nothing to the Ahl Al-Sunnah and the companions of the Prophet (SAWS) diffarmieren (and lead to truly ignorant Shia astray) to slander and we will show in the following part of the German Muslim-market "translation. You will see that these Rawafid not shy away once before to fake it to all parts of a hadith Abu Hurayrah (RA) and attributed to the people of the Sunnah.

The Rafidah and Mushrik-Markt.de say:

"The Sunnis believe that Allah on the Day of Resurrection spines, as are the spines of a monkey is" This is handed down from your holy Abu Hurayrah of course, look at this Shirk "

Rafidah also bring" evidence ", namely the site at the market de-Mushrik, >> here \u0026lt;\u0026lt; their proof. Now before that portion of the website with the "evidence" suddenly " goes offline, we want to schonmal now for the future do a scan to make sure all of what is available after Rafidah statement in the Sahih of Imam Al-Bukhari (RH):

now served, this is the mushrik market and apparently their "Ayatollah" Abdul-Hussayn Sharaf Al-Din Al-Musawi, the reader with no criminal record, Sunnah, Shia and non-Muslim. People have a sick heart, are likely to pay before their "Ayatollahs" and her "Muslim market," follow it blindly-way and the written believe without any checking of the hadith although the Sahih Al-Bukhari already completely into English and many parts of the German translated was. Well, a brother of our attention and we are looking for times to this strange hadith where Allah (SWT) said to have "spikes" and this still like a "monkey" (since when did monkey spines?), Hasha Allah! we concluded the following:

Said Al-Bukhari hadith can selstsamerweise so be found only on German-Rafiditischen pages. That alone should bring any doubt to the truth-seekers, but this is still no evidence, so we researched further.

The result of the rare samenen from the beginning, "Hadith" is this: How

(almost always) lie to Rawafid without red to be. We really wanted them to admit that she, as a follower of mostly Persian "ayatollahs" guided sect certainly not have their strength in the Arabian ... (for example, there is not an audio-tape or one of its biggest Dars "ayatollahs" such as Sistani and there are voices even from Al-Rafidah doubt the fact whether this guru of the Rawafid can at all Arabic.) ... is the lie a hallmark of Al-Rawafid so this excuse (in our view) for them failed but in fairness we quote one to have been sent appeal of a brother who prefers the stupidity of the Rawafid, the deliberate concealment:

Quote his brother:

I think when they are accused of lying here, that's a flattering overestimate their intellectual abilities, because I think it is far more likely that this is simply the result of sheer stupidity. Just think, that in al-shia.de still firmly believe the first name of Imam al-Bukhari is "Sahih" is. that with a word which can mean monkey thistle or in connection with the prickly attribute the monkey chooses already is a masterpiece that needs to hand it to them.

Well, anyway, the cold Rafidah lied, falsified, cheated, or as our brother simply says in its stupidity and Jahl the Arab language-free run, and translated it so the whole "monkey-thorn" part of the hadith wrong and their blind admirers and supporters (who may indeed not speak Arabic), feel confirmed in their (dis) believe (hatred of Sahaba) and delight (perhaps only to date) against each other on the alleged "Shirk" by Abu Hurayrah and the Ahl Al-Sunnah.

detection of lies:

look on the one stands on what the original hadith and how blatant the Mushrik Rawafid the Hadith have falsified:

Rawafid translation from the Mushrik Market website called Islam-pure de ":

Abu Huraira also said that the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) said," Then I will be the first to cross the bridge over Hell, and the prayers of the are prophetic in that day, "O Lord, save, save!" And God will have spikes like the spikes of a monkey. Have you seen the thorns of a monkey "

The original in the Hadith:

English: >> sahihalbukhari.com \u0026lt;\u0026lt;


Nobody except the Apostles will then be able to speak and they will be saying then, 'O Allah! Save us. O Allah Save us.' There will be hooks like the thorns of sa'dan in Hell . Have you seen the thorns of sa'dan?" The people said, "Yes." He said, "These hooks will be like the thorns of sa'dan but nobody except Allah knows their greatness in size

Arabischen:   >>el-eman.com<<    


The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, "Thus I have the first permit, and the prayers of the Apostles that day: O God, and has hooks such as forks monkey , As you saw, monkey thorns. "Say" Yes, O Messenger of God. "I like it forks monkey, but they do not know as much as bones but God ,


[...] Der Gesandte Allahs-Friede and salvation be upon him-said: The first to be allowed to speak to the ambassador (Al-Rusul) and her Du'a will be: O Allah! Savior Savior us us! man [the comparison with>> the here! \u0026lt;\u0026lt;] and in it (the hell), there will be hooks, like the thistles / thorns of Al-Sa'daan (a thorny tree) . Have you ever spines (the tree) as seen from Al-Sa'dan? They (Sahaba) said: Yes, O Messenger of Allah. He (the Prophet) said: "To be their (the hell) spines, as the thistles / thorns of Sa'daan be , except their degree no one knows except Allah [...]

result We do not know, should we laugh or cry over Rawafid ? If this translation would be disseminated by any amateur missionary among the Rawafid, then one could understand it still somehow. Here, however, distributed to the largest Rafidi sites (Mushrik market website) a propaganda against an honored Sahabi of the Muslims of Al-Sunnah, and on top of that they distort or very bold by even very curly fluffy disfigure a whole part of the hadith and thus not Abu Hurayrah only in effect accused of lying, but the Prophet (SAWS).

Note Man:

  1. Originally Hadith speaks of the Prophet (SAWS) by Al-Jahannam (the hell).
  2. The Prophet (SAWS) describes the hell (and not Allah!) as prickly and sets a comparison with a tree among the Arabs (Al-Sa'daan), who in return is known to be prickly .
  3. The Rawafid have unabashedly translated that Abi Hurayra (RA) narrated that the Prophet (SAWS) said that Allah (SWT) - hashaa - will be "prickly". to confirm
  4. To their stupidity even more and to underline they have a word which can mean thistle or monkey and in connection with the attribute prickly, the monkeys selected ! That's a feat that let you have them, the Rafidah.

But we know:


"Had the stupidity of a man, it would be a Rafidi."


All this should once again be a lesson for every Muslim, say that one should never trust the Rawafid and do what uberpruefen ten times. Because there are only two possibilities in the reference in a conversation with a Rafidi in relation to 'evidence'.

A) Ar-Rafidi brings an authentic hadiths about this, but under exclusion of other Sahih Hadith and the Shuruh (explanations) of the scholars of the Hadith.

B) Not always, but more often they get no red to be unauthentic traditions or even sometimes just enstellte traditions, such as content in our sample with one of the largest Rafidi sites in Germany.

All this has a tradition with them, we remind you of the world-famous website "answering-ansar" An embossed pile of half-knowing non-Arabic-speaking Pakistanis the many glaring Textverfaelschungen have been involved, so that even RELEVANT Shia forums such Shiachat com dot etc. already heated discussions have led at how much still lies of this "Answering-Ansar" (and thus harm the Rafidah more than good) and if at all only the non-Arab readers great quotes and "Sunni References" can impress. Their most glaring were to lie as follows SunniDefense.com refuted that as I said would like to have (honest) Rawafid distance itself from her idols. Now that the case is not limited to the English room, where do they can learn more than just today.

Allahu Al-Musta'aan!


Unfortunately, you are not trotzalldem optimistic and believe that the Rawafid finally let off of their kufr and falsehood, and recognize as their priests and missionaries to lead them astray. Allah (SWT) is the one who tells us about the state of most people and this is that most people hate the truth. Nevertheless, for each of the Shi'i and would like to sincerely understand is how people understand the Sunnah of the attributes of Allah, by Allah never ascribe a body (like the Mujassimah) nor his (SWT) attributes negate as Jahmiah ( and containing the Shia Rafidah), this should take to heart the following Reading and dish out with an open heart on the matter, may Allah to guide us all especially the youth of the Shia.

- LIES: Shirk in the name and properties (Al-Asmaa was wa As-Sifat)


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