Saturday, May 15, 2010

Do Canned Broths Expire

Rafidah Religion: supplications to the imams via Hotline! the largest Shia Rafidah Forum Rafiditen mushrik in Germany. We have here only a few minutes and ... Subhanallah what should be said about these Mushrik sect, it all starts at the Banner . Shahada No no flag or anything, not even a name from the name of Allah or the Prophet, nothing! instead two hands are elevated to the prayer (that GOD IS) and then of course there is Ya Mahdi! (Tawassul course ..."). There are definitely so much Kufriyyaat, Shirkiyaat and kinky threads that each Muwahhid Muslim, so would even ask any of every non-Muslim: If the Muslims or some kind of Catholic Islam (it is only to God through the mediation of imams / sacred / Shrine ABCDEFGHIJKLMN etc.).

Well, one strand in this forum haessligen hats but in itself that has even shocked us, and then the Wallahi who doubts this Majus mushrik are true, who himself knew nothing of Islam. And whoever claims that they, therefore, the twelve Rafidah the madhhab of Ahl Al-Bayt repreasentieren who has is indirectly accused the Ahl Al-Bayt of Kufr and Shirk, as the Ahl al-Bayt are free of these mushrikun and were all Muslims of the Sunnah, but her name has been abused as well as the name of Jesus (AS) abused today.

Here's the most ridiculous, aberrant, Shirkiste thread / strand we found.
Note: If you believe what is said there is not repreasentiert the Twelver Shia-Imamiyyah-Rafidah sect, is wrong and the gewaltigt can be proved easily. The below discussed is the Hawza (Shia Uni) Mashad, Iran and the Grand Ayatollah and "governor" of the shrine of Imam Rida (RH) approved (a great scholar of Ahl Al-Bayt and of Ahl Al-Sunnah, which the Rafidah is attribute). In truth, there are the scholars of the Rafidah yourself the next world Housed in which have (evidence to follow in the video):

This saved the entire page as a cache, just in case, the sons of Rafds the thread Delete (doubt what we since die-hard mushrik):

>>> CACHE OF SHi T-FORUM.DE - TELEPHONE NUMBER OF IMAMS \u0026lt;\u0026lt;\u0026lt;

Here's our favorites from the said thread including comments from our humble self:

Oops! The following Shirkiyyat the Rafidah Shia can cause significant side effects, for any normal person, especially Muslim Muwahhidun (monotheists) Including uteranderem.
  • vomiting / nausea - the disgust factor surpasses the shirk this mushrikun normal cry Mushikun far, except that they to justify yet all in the name of Islam / Ahl Al-Bayt (RA). (They are free from the Rawafid).
  • laughing fit - the absurdity and nonsense mushrik this can lead to that will invade Muwahhid the Sunnah (and even kafir) of stool (laughing with). Therefore, in the event of cases to hold your good Rafidi-Wood shocked even rehearsed Rafidah connoisseur. We ask all of these risks and side effects to keep in his head, before you do to the scans:

Before If anyone jumps up and says that this repraesenteiren mushrik Shirk and her forum is not the Shia will say: "Yes!". Solely on the basis of these statements, we do not condemn the Shi'ite Rafidah as a whole, let alone the Rafidah Madhab themselves but - thanks to the great "ayatollahs" - is approved, we know that all the reflections of the greatest scholars and Maraji ' ("Grand Ayatollah") of Rafidah, including the Grand Ayatollah Mashad, the Treasurer (!) And guardians of the Imam Rida (RH) shrine in Mashad, Iran, and the remaining "Grand Ayatollah" to condemn these practices are not only NOT, but on highest approve . So much so that Arab channels only as Rafidah tear to report about the "infallible Imam Hotline" and "enlighten" the world Rafidah.

And here's the Lebanese priest Rafidi Al-Korani (. Sunnah include destroyed by Shaikh Barrak in Arabic Paltalk Who can enjoy, such as this should Rafidhi, Servant of Al-Kurani Majus is fled):

DEFEAT AND FLIGHT AL KURANIS, the mushrik, from Shaykh Al-Barraak (HA).

Al-Shaykh Dr. Muhammad Al-Barraak

Links Rafidi of Al-Kurani, with a
his Majusi Magician of the Tierra del Fuego (Sadiq Shirazi ,)...

Al-Kurani is one of the Ghulat (extreme) Rawafid today from Qom, Iran. The coward who still do not trust (since his defeat at Al-Mustaqillah) to a transmitter of the Sunnah (as Safaa TV) live act, even though many Sunnah scholars sincerely ask him a question, but what about the fear of the Rawafid yes.

Some sincere Shia alhamdulillah distance themselves from him, since he produced the "small tahrif" believes, that is the the Ayat of the Qur'an in many cases have been set incorrectly by the Sahabah,> > here \u0026lt;\u0026lt;he is there with the verse 33:33. (No wonder otherwise, one can prove the Batilglauben the "infallibility" never by the verse 33:33 as, in its present-correction never supported the claim that Rafidah, hence the belief in the important small tahrif!

is given by the course of this bloody Mushrik goes so far and, like Catholics, Orthodox and other mushrikun is doing everything possible and to prevent the Muslims in worship, ie in the Du'a EXCLUSIVELY to call Allah. This path is "too long" (exactly what Catholics say), man must be some "Sektraetere" (Catholics call them saints, Rafidah call them Imams) to find Allah-subhanah! How does it resemble the mushrikun all:

This Mushrikeen then, are the "scholars" of the "Madhab of Ahl Al-Bayt", with the Islamic practices such as Tawassul (which they exploit), the clear Shirk of the Quraysh and Catholics, Orthodox etc on Islam and the Ahl Al-Bayt (RA) attribute.

Woe to each one, he believes that this Majus Magian Rawafid and only 0.1% of the supporters of the Muwahhid, Sunnah, Muslim Ahl Al-Bayt (RA) were, alas ...


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