Friday, March 12, 2010

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prayer ground of the second - refutation of the "answer" AlBatil2009

With the name of Allah and praise be to Allah.

Certainly, the truthful, the one who thirsts for the truth will always quality, authenticity and logic into account all sorts of arguments. Whether we or others write is compiled as refutations, no indication of any accuracy, but the content matters. Well, this is what we all remember as a first self, and insist, however, these rules apply of course to everyone. Say, if the Rafidah as a seven-part video series and then have to make this HERE refutes alleged, then should the sincerity of this "response / rebuttal" put forward to the Waagschaale of mind. The odious Rawafid, especially in the still following this video papers given Rafidi treat a subject of us who comes to the refutation of Rafiditischen assertion, namely that it was the duty of the Turba, and what everything is made of earth to pray.

In the so-called response - consisting min of seven (!) Videos à almost 10th discuss only a fraction of our evidence and argument, the most essential parts were in accordance with their Talbees even completely omitted and the remaining videos revolved almost exclusively on the diffarmierung the Sahabah by the context tear of his evidence, the question of the absolute infallibility of the Prophet peace be upon him, and finally cheap jokes out of a pagan heathen, apparently trying to reassure Afghan-Iranian (Sayyid) pubertärende Masakin good courage and Selbsbewusstsein, may Allah free them from the clutches of this Mudallis and charlatan. We now piece by piece, of, to various parts of his alleged response received and branching again with the permission of Allah, which is a charlatan Rafidi, always a charlatan Rafidi remains, no matter how many times he barks or how often he mentions that he allegedly Ali (radiyallahu `anhu) follows.

Video 1 / 7:

12:35 - Quote: "Are we not, where did 'he' [so that my of the heather Rafidi Shredder Team] from? Dear Rafidi, with all due respect, but Lughawi so linguistically seen Turbah (singular) or Turaab (plural) to translate very well with soil. This is important in so far as the absolute komform with our title of the article and the statement we are making, namely the Rafidah sect is the only Firqah, which considers the earth to pray as a duty. This statement is absolutely correct, because it is held and the Rafidi Fiqh, it is only allowed (if not pressed Turbah is available) to perform on the Sujud materials, which consist of Turbah .
The Rafidi contradicts his Grundfiqhprinzipien Din's own, saying at
Quote: "A duty to pray for things to not transferable and is not edible."
This statement is incomplete to the point of view of his own sect, for it
must be added that the obligation for Rafidah have chosen to pray only to materials that consist of just Turbah (earth). Therefore Rawafid pray on paper leaves (Wood-> earth) or "to pray on duty so Turbah is nothing" to do their nails (if they have not pressed Turbah at hand.
as the Lord Rafidi says, is really a slap in his own face, because Turbah is Lughawi (linguistic) seen only once (ie which translates earth, and not immediately pressed earth) is a neutral term and so it is perfectly legitimate to say what the Rawafid yes actually assert itself, that of Sujud only on the Turbah, that the earth is made. In order to clarify even more, we recall the famous saying of the Prophet, peace be upon him, where he is Ali, Allah well pleased with it, dust / earth-covered saw lie and him thus the nickname Abu
(father of the earth) were .
Quote: "So on Turbah to pray is not a duty. " He points to his Erdklümpchen. He has only so far right that it is not mandatory at Rawafid pray to squeezed
Turbah (
earth ). However, it is mandatory for them Turbah on, in terms of everything from Turbah (GND) is to pray, so pray sometimes Rawafid on A4 pieces of paper, as already mentioned. Who initiation is not already, is to be expected from the no longer so, but Insha'Allah let him and his Majusi Rafidah sect (and not his garden, that the Afghan / Iranian "Sayyid" Majusis do for him) can continue to shred:
Then, as a true Majusi Rafidi is, sometimes the way a Sahabi attacked (his left toe nails more valuable than all Ayatush-Shayatin and Rawafid).

- Quote: "If the [Rafidi prayer Earth] is a Bid` ah, then a fine bid `ah, so as to` Omar Tarawih [prayer]. " Allah Al-Musta `an, to acknowledge the great scholars of the Sunnah speak when they said about the Rawafid:

Imam Al-Shafi` i (rh):

"I've never seen someone the more false witness (lie) it saves as the Rafidah! " [Minhaj Al-Sunnah Al-Nabawiyyah]

Abdullah Ibn Al-Mubarak

"The Deen is the Ahl Al-Hadith (to us). Kalaam, however, and gained the crafty exemptions from religious precepts are obtained from Ahl Al-Ra'i. And the lies from the Shia Rafidah . [ImaamAl-Dhahabi in al-Muntaqaa min Minhaajil-I'tidaal (p. 480).]

Do these creatures really Rawafid absolutely no shame? The sameness heath of heather had schonmal unabashedly
claims that the statement, "Al-Salat al khayru min Al-Naum" in Adhan of the morning prayer, a bid `a Omar (radiyallahu)` is anhu, and that this practice
not of Rasulullah, peace be upon him, was. We have proven with clear, Sahih traditions that less none but the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, was that this alleged "Bid` ah "absegnete and the arguments of the Rafidah on anything other than weak and fictitious (and almost always ) traditions rest. Well, after the class where they could see the Muslims and even his cheerleaders and admire, however, that he is nothing but a charlatan and a liar, he turns again to `Omar (radiyallahu` anhu) and brings the old Rafidah Laier that `Omar (radiyallahu)` anhu Community prayer during the nights of Ramadan inserted (Istilahi / Shar `i called Tarawih)! Now he's lying here just as even at "Al-Salat al khayru [...]" we will show, by Allah's permission in the future. However, this blatant lies about the Sahabah and the people of the Sunnah alone are actually to do show that this Rafidi missionary who brings nothing new and the old Laier their Grossayatushayatin have already been refuted, just roll up again. What credibility him write his followers and Rawafid in general ever to have?

Rafidi The boy stutters reads from the text and be surrounded our method indeed he himself laughs about the Bid `at the Rawafid their Turbah pressed into it. These are of course not commented, but the is with understanding at the pictures in this article even questions whether it is the Sunnah of Rasulullah, peace be upon him and his family was in prayer for prayer ground to prostrate where Ya Zahra, Hussayn Ya, Ya, etc. was scrawled inside. As the Rafidi own self, one can only laugh. From the minute

comments the teacher Rafidi AlBatil and outraged about how you can spend only so much "money" for these (our) pages. His cheerleaders giggling him, this all together so limited that not even they know that blogs are free and we are a team. Seis drum, we go over to his "reasoning". From

4:25 he asserts, quote: "I think the people at that time even those stones [he thinks its compact earth] were able to cobble together." What he thinks is irrelevant as the testimony of a Jew, but where is the proof of the "I think"? We are talking here of proving, can small stuttering Rafidi boys impress you, perhaps, but we demand proof. The Prophet, peace be upon him, has never pressed Turbah, in the form as you do today Rafidah prayed, though, as the Rafidi so himself admits, it was legally possible in theory! He has, inter alia, Khumrah, sheets, clothing etc. prayed and this contradicts not only the teaching that one Rafidi:

A) can only pray to something which is of earth

B) Accordingly, not on clothes, sheets shall pray etc.

From 4:40
apparently by all teachers at the Rafidi ignitions, and he claims that the best response to such a "cheap representation [on our part] that is, that a" Middle Ages "(?) Comparison pulls and generally indicates that it might be possible to Turbah (prayer ground) in compressed form of Rafidah, even in the time of the Prophet, peace be upon him to "tinker" [as he says so well]. To cap it, and no Rafidi in the round raises his voice, he still maintains that we wanted to try it, the "rebut." Eingangshadith to authentic items in our Turbah HERE What a "response" one can say. Analogy a bit here and there, and the Rawafid think it has eaten the thing. What do these heretics do not understand is that we have never claimed to refute the hadith, on the contrary! The Hadith is one of many documents to PROVE to having to shut his practice of Rawafid do with the Sunnah, because the Sunnah confirmed that the Prophet, peace be upon him, on clothing, sheets and Khumrah added (palm fiber) prayed, and not to compact earth and Ya Hussayn engravings, as the Rafidah.

- from here he started to quote some hadiths, and tries to explain why the Prophet, peace be upon him praying on clothes. He claims that the Prophet, peace be upon him, and "they" (so he thinks his companions) in general out / in Masajid not prayed on clothing, and this is correct because of awareness of the Masjid of the Prophet, peace be upon him, built on sand / soil was, and only in extreme cases, they stop to pray outside on their clothes. This selective Hadith alone, He wants to prove that it only under "extreme" conditions was allowed to pray on clothing or something that is not from the earth. He, of course, keep in accordance with principles other heretics from authentic hadiths, and does not mention that the Prophet, peace be upon him, even in normal, non-extreme conditions laid his head on something that is not from the earth:
: Maymunah, the mother of the faithful and the wife of the Prophet, peace be upon him, pray saw him, surviving authentic:

"During my period I never prayed, but I am sitting on the mat, away from the Masjid of the Messenger of Allah.
He prayed on his usual
sheets tangentially of and during his defeat, his clothes me. "Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 6, Number 329 So, this is now an" exception "as the Rafiditen in the Hadith say with the heat? This is just one of many proofs that show that it is NOT cockpit to pray for things which are necessarily made of earth must be (as the claim Rawafid), or even recommended to be with on Rafidi Ahl Al-Bayt-engraved-cries for help (!) and pressed to pray in Karbala importierteten earth. The Prophet, peace be upon him Both the latter has never been made. There are many examples that refute the main argument of Rafidah, such as by Ibn Majah who narrated from the Ahl Al-Bayt itself, in this case of Ibn Abbas that the Prophet, Allah's blessings and peace be upon him, on a carpet (bisaat ) prayed. In them, a refutation of the Rafidah is mentioned, for she said to allow prayer and prostration nothing else, except on the ground

And Ash-Shawkani in An-Nail: "This hadith indicates that nothing bad is it when we performed the prayer on a carpet, be it from a cloth (made) from Al-Khous or something else, whether from small or large, like a mat (Hasir) or a carpet (bisaat) as it was reported that he, Allah's blessings and peace be upon him, on a mat (Hasir), on a carpet (bisaat) and performed on a coat (farwah) his prayer. And Ahmad has narrated in his Musnad from the hadith of Umm Salamah, the Prophet said to a farmer: ". Oh, you farmers is dusty your face - that in his defeat" Al-Iraqi said. "The answer is that he had not ordered him to pray to the dust, but because he wanted him to put his forehead on the floor because it is as if he saw him pray and he (the farmer) would not put his forehead on the floor. So he ordered him to, not because he had seen him pray for something, what separates him from the floor, so he would have ordered him to put away there. "[Al-Nail awtaar 2 / 130]


Rafidi speaker cited the continued diligent hadiths from Sahih and describes how the faces of Rasulullah, peace be upon him, and the Sahabah with soil (or mud), caused by the rain, were covered. These traditions are all makelos, however, proved as they do with the lie of the Rafidah emulate, that of the Prophet, peace be upon him, always something to pray ended, which is made of earth. We have proved through authentic traditions that is not so, we have continued to prove that he also under normal, not so extreme circumstances prayed materials, like a carpet and even sheets (in the Hadith is mentioned explicitly WHAT pray ended, the prophet, as at other times it was mentioned explicitly mud, soil, etc. Khumrah was is so here said only that it was a sheet and this destroys the entire argument of Rafidah, walhamdulillah. way were handed both hadiths of Umm Al-Mu'minin Umaymah! One where it describes exactly what he has to Khumrah, so palm fibers (ie, earth) and prayed in the other version where she mentioned it on a sheet bat (without mention of Khumrah, earth or any).
(Apart from the other traditions also carpet and animal skin occurs and there is now no philosophic excuse, because it is narrated from anyone that he, peace be upon him, on carpet, animal fur, blankets etc . bat, it was still a piece of land).

WO then is the evidence that the Prophet, peace be upon him, prayed EXCLUSIVELY to something earthy, or even as the Rawafid wandered around for a piece of paper to look for earth, etc.? He asked again on a Khumrah (a type of small mat, usually made of palm fiber) on carpet, animal skin and mud, and this is confirmed by Sahih Hadith

The people reject the Sunnah from any of the hadiths, as claimed by the charlatan Rafidi
  • The
  • . People of the Sunnah agree that due to the circumstances of the Prophet, peace be upon him, prayed materials, consisting of earth, be it a Khumrah times, or the bare ground.
  • reject it from the people of the Sunnah, however, that one must bow down allegedly only to objects which are made of earth.
  • The People of the Sunnah refute this false Rafidi claims NOT ONLY with traditions where the Prophet, peace be extremely on him, and his Sahabah in prayer also on clothing, but the people of the Sunnah arguing with others, yet other evidence that prove that the Prophet peace be upon him, are very much under normal circumstances, even on carpet and sheet pray ended.
  • This is among other things, the reason why the people of the Sunnah today, under the circumstances (Masjids concrete and carpets) eg praying Carpets.
  • All this to mention the fact that not a single Sahih Hadith of the Prophet, peace be upon him there, where it was on the Turbah (earth) from Karbala, had prayed as usual Sunnah that Rafidah, however, say the prayer on compressed clods of earth from Karbala, the emphohlenste and in their bid `ah, they have gone so far that, as Here we see them lie down in the defeat to compact earth, talk to engravings such as "Ya Hussayn", "Ya Zahra 'etc.
  • There is evidence of carpet, animal fur, Khumrah (Art prayer mat of palm fiber), sheets, etc. even not at all, the Prophet, peace be upon him prayed on EVERYTHING that is ritually pure, and not only claim to earthy materials like Rafidah, he has to
  • clenched
  • Turbah (earth) to pray! There are not A single Sahih Hadith which mentions that the Prophet, peace be upon him, on his sheets, or carpet, etc. put a bunch of earth (certainly not from Karbala as the Rafidah is recommended as a watch!). Thus, we give the Rawafid 1200 years time (according to the age of their basement squatting Dajjaals) in order to prove that the Prophet, peace be upon him, as the Rawafid - whether in compressed or not compressed form - always a piece of land, or something earthy in his prayer mat (like mat, carpet, sheet), etc. was.
  • The people of the Sunnah not deny that the Prophet (saas) on Khumrah (palm fiber), the floor of his Masjid (which was dependent from EARTH) prayed that the people reject the Sunnah is the basis of the claim without Rafidah, the de facto prayer of the Muslims declare as null and void because they claim that they pray for something earthy must.
  • have this and they will never be able to prove, let alone it by Shari `ah would be recommended to pray on the Turbah of Karbalah.
  • your dirt pressed together, which they bargain with Ya Ali, Zahra, Hussayn and decorate and did not, by mud, Khumrah, sheets, etc. emulate, to the praying of the Prophet, peace be upon him.
Video 2 / 7:

conclude from

- and really only these two konkrekt treat of seven videos that topic (!) the Rafidah Turbah - commented on the Speaker of the Rafidi, quoted by the Rafidiableser text and are desperately that Rafidah but only put her forehead on earth and not all limbs. This he says unabashedly with "at least we do [Rafidah] part of the Sunnah" And of course we admit that the Prophet, peace be upon him, in part, prayed on earth, this can the environment in which he was, peace be upon him, there was, but even close. But the cunning addition of this Rafidi charlatan, namely, "do as the Shiites, it is nothing but an illusion and far from any truth, for earth, mud, Khumrah has NOTHING to squeezed earth (with engravings of" Ya Hussayn "etc .)
the hat and, as already mentioned
often heard praying to just ground for his Sunnah, be it earth, mud, carpet (not ground), Khumrah, sheets (not ground), etc. everything pure, not Naji and this is proved by authentic traditions that they are not without reason in their "response" ignored have! The Rafiditen practice none of the Sunnah, especially the Rafidah in its current form (you see HERE

on what they pray ). And its cheap excuse will not save her, for it is clear that for example some hadiths mention that be, peace be upon him face was full of mud (the rain) that this hadith does not mention the knees and the rest of the body is no proof that the Prophet, peace be upon him, only his forehead on earth was (say like Rafidah). The charlatan (and after all the lies and Talbees this even a very verhamloste Betittelung) claims Rafidi speaker even very dreisst that the traditions says that his ONLY, peace be upon him, face and forehead with mud / earth (through the rain) was covered, this is not true, but since his blind followers Majusi no idea of Arab, is fröhilch nodded. The Sahabi said, as mentioned, only the face, because that's probably the most striking when it is full of sludge is covered and only is the logic (which the Rafidah not unfortunately) is still advance the all the limbs of prostration are covered with mud because after a rain the entire floor, not just the part where the forehead touches the ground is wet.
So much for their "response to a so-called" Shredder " with respect to the prayer ground of the Rafidah. Regarding the
Einleidung or reputation to which we should and Shaykh Dimashqia on Iranian religion of Rafidismuses (Shia Rafidah) apostieren:

No Thanks Rafidi unless we have seen greater caliber than you, then we would indeed surprise at least some of your "refutation" can be, but who is she / are you doing? Our team consists of himself and ex-Shiite wirverkehren Ex-Shia scholar from Qom and Tullaab etc. we have seen how much bigger and more important, say the authority Rafidah of normal boys Shabaab and you `aat the Sunnah have been taken apart, as is us with a pagan of pagan funny German and his Majusi kindergarten certainly not impressed. Surely Surely not, because everything that we saw so far from this Batil2009 is lowest level and many online Rafidah have much stronger arguments and more importantly would impress a much stronger argument than this methodology trickster of kiddies with his worn-Shubuhat. So just let your hässlige, kinky Majusi Persian religion stuck and rejoice at the number of people who convert more and more to Rafidah. As if numbers (which were never proven anyway) does play a role and be a Indikat for anything would. Certainly we have our ex-Shia sect that your shredding (and therefore you cook dedicate us 7-part video) and you have your Ex-Sufis/Sunni. But if the best, most talked "Ex-Sunni" end
>> SO \u0026lt;\u0026lt;
(the curse of Allah is dependent on those), then only with your feet what people?
Truly, these ex-was-too-accessible are truly hands with you on the best and we do not you will like to say stop shredding. Of course, the shredded Rafidah, certainly you Haqir you Majusi you Mudallis you Dajjaal the hässlige, kinky, religion Rafidah Majusi shredded subhana Allah's sake, the sake of the Messenger, his pure Ahl al-Bayt and noble Sahabah even if the mushrikun is contrary.
more refutations bzg. anderer Lügen von AlBatil2009 folgen, bi'idhnillah. Möge Allah ihn, seine Anhänger und die gesamten Rawafid zum Islam rechtleiten.

The last prayer is praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, and blessings and peace upon our Prophet Muhammad and his family and him


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