Tauhidverständnis Rafidah by the "Ayatollah" Sadeq Rohani (
has been previously reported by him). Not just a mujtahid al-Mutlaq (Grand Ayatollah) the Twelver Imamite Rafidah, but one of the top 5 HERE
Rafidah Sh `iah` Maraji (instances of imitation) worldwide. (Located in the (un) holy and (un) pure city of Qom, al-Mudannassa.)
Scan 1:
question Is it permissible for a woman giving birth was the leader of the faithful Ali, peace be upon him, to praise, by during the birth says: "Ya Ali "?
For the wearer of the glorious name. It is not only permissible but laudable .
scan 2:
For the wearer of the glorious name. It is not only permissible but laudable .
scan 2:
- first I was there myself from the defeat of the first Prayer unit upright and after I had said "Bihaulillahi ..." I said:
"Ya Ali". Does this make the prayer invalid?
accidentally slipped out ,
because I lived in my everyday life it is I say?
Answer: In the name of the carrier
the glorious name.
- second It interrupts the prayer with the intention of the person.
- third There is no problem if he does it inadvertently.
Na `udhubillahi seminar-Rafidah!
Is that also "Tawassul"? DUTY IN PRAYER?
Is that the "true way"?
Are these the fuqaha 'of the Ahl Al-Bayt?
This is the "great miracles of Allah" are ("ayatollahs")?
are rather the Ayatush-Shaytan! Majus mages who put their blind (absolute Taqlid) Follow your heart, call that Ali (ra) during the birth (!) Is not a problem!
Muwahhid, Muslim would doubt for a second that this has nothing to do with Islam, let alone the understanding of Islam Ahl al-Bayt.
your followers in their Ghuluw Ali (exaggeration) to confess already, that they even have to remember during the prayer at Ali / need to call him! Instead of calling them to Tawheed, is this act - if not very deliberately - seen as a factor in not even the prayer interrupts! And why? By Lügenhadith was the Ali (not the prophet saws and already not at all Tauhdi!) The basis of Islam and the Creation! Allah would subhana Mohammad, Peace be upon him, only created to Ali's sake!
The only example, what distinguishes the Rawafid with the Alevis, the latter explicitly Ali as their ilaah or part-ilaah view. Rawafid CLAIM with Ali (ra) not to overdo it, or even attributed God-like properties, but a statement is not a document!
said long time ago
a poet, if allegations are not substantiated by supporting evidence
is it just that stupid as Exhibit "
not because of any. , one
establishes claim that this proves his action.
And a poor person is not rich by simply
says: "One thousand dinars," And a tongue burns
not where it simply says: "Fire! ". For verily
the Jews, the enemies of the Messenger of Allah (saas)
said to him when he asked to Islam: "We are
Muslims". And the Christians say the same thing. And
as Fir'awn said to his people: "And I show
you nothing but what I believe is right and I introduce you
on nothing but on the right path. "
Just say the Rawafid" monotheists "and no Alevi similar exaggeration with Ali to be. True, the ilaah they Ali NOCHT not raised, but also in the Rawafid, reality shows, the testimony of top Maraji `and other factors out of their Din that they (ra), no doubt with Ali have fallen in the Ghuluw, and no doubt would Ali (ra) when they burn alive, as He did with their ancestors.
Whoever still doubts that the worst is Mushrikeen Imamitschen Twelver Rafidah, who has himself Islam never internalized.
and Allah is requested at The assistance is (Al-Musta'an).
challenge to Rafidah:
us, please bring only one statement by a scholar of the Sunnah
of: Call
1.The Omar or Abu Bakr during childbirth condones it. 2.A single scholar of the Sunnah, which condones it paint the image of Abu Bakr and Omar's (so condones it as Sikhstani with Ali and the Imams).
us 3.Bringt only one who claims. that Abu Bakr or Omar are the basis of creation, be even the Asl of Islam! (As claimed by your Aytush-Shaytan is with Ali).
Who now drives with whom, O you of another mind in the size of a molecule has?
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