Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Clothes Rack In A Suitcase

The infallibility of the Prophets - Fatwa

Question (No. 42 216):

Is it part of our 'Aqeedah, to believe that the prophets were not infallible and committing sins?


Praise be to Allah.

The prophets are the best of humanity and the most noble of creation of Allah. Allah chose her to announce that directed to the people to call La ilaha ill-Allah, and Allah has made them intermediaries between Him and His creation to submit to his laws. They were ordered to proclaim the message of Allah, as He says (what means):

"These are those whom We have the Scriptures have given and prophethood - the verdict (understanding the religious laws al-Hukm). But if this is (the text, al-Hukm and Prophethood) deny , so we have to have (other) people (such as the companions of the Prophet Muhammad) in charge that the opposite is not disbelief. "(6 : 89) .

The task of the prophets was to proclaim the message of Allah, even if they were humans, so must be the matter of infallibility from two angles studied:

first infallibility in the transmission of ambassadors t
second infallibility of human errors

Regarding the first, the prophets were so infallible in transmitting the message of Allah. They hid nothing that Allah had revealed to them, and they added nothing to indulge themselves. Allah said to His Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) in approximate meaning:

"O Messenger (Muhammad) has access to funds what to you was (as Revelation) sent down from thy Lord! If you do not, then thou hast not delivered His message. Allah will protect you from the people. Surely, Allah guides not the unbelieving people right. "(5:67)

"And if he (Muhammad) against us (Allah) would have thought some sayings themselves, we would have certainly taken the right, and it This will also cut through the heart artery, and none of you would have (us) then can discourage him. "(69:44-47).

And Allah says (what means): "and he does not back out of avarice in secret. "(81:24) .

Shaykh 'Abd al-Rahmaan ibn Sa `di (may Allah have mercy on him) said in his commentary on this verse:" He is not miserly with what Allah revealed to him, hiding something like this. But he (peace and blessings be upon him) was the most trustworthy of all the inhabitants of heaven and all the inhabitants of the earth, the one who proclaimed the message of his Lord, the faithful transmitter (the message). He held back any part thereof, whether before rich or poor, ruler or subject, man or woman, City residents or Bedouins. Therefore, Allah sent him to a nation of illiterate and ignorant, and he (peace and blessings be upon him) did not die before they had become not to knowledgeable scientists, strong in knowledge ... "

Regarding the transmission of the religion of his Lord, then, did the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) is absolutely no mistake, neither small nor great, but he was infallible and was under the constant protection of Allah.

Sheikh `Abd al-` Aziz ibn Baaz (may Allah have mercy on him) said in Fataawa Ibn Baaz 6 / 371: "All Muslims agree agree that the Prophet (peace be upon them) - and especially Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) - were infallible and were in what they proclaimed by Allah, protect against errors. Allah says (what means):

"By the star when it falls
(or disappear) ! Not go astray your companion (Muhammad) , and not a mistake he has succumbed, and he does not speak of (his own) inclination. It's just a revelation, that is entered. Taught him (on this Qur'aan) the owner of strong forces (Jibreel) "(53:1-5)

Our Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) was infallible in everything he sent from God, in word and deed and in what he approved. There is no disagreement on this point among scholars. "

The Ummah agrees agreed that the ambassadors infallible in the transmission of the message were. They forgot nothing of what Allah revealed to them, except the things that have been repealed. Allah and His Messenger, guaranteed (peace and blessings be upon him) that he would be remembered and forgotten nothing, except what Allah had forgotten him, and he guaranteed him that he would keep the entire Qur'an in the heart . Allah says (what means):

"except what Allah wills. He knows what loud heard expressed is and what is hidden. "(87:7)
" We shall be responsible for him together and it (the Qur'an ) to have them read ( of Muhammad). And (only) when we read to him (you, O Muhammad, by Jibreel / Gabriel) , then you follow the way of his (the Quran) talk. "(75:17-18).

Shaykh al-Islam (Ibn Taymiyyah) said in al-Fataawa Majmoo `18 / 7:" The verses that refer to the prophethood of the Prophet say, that they inevitably regard the message they receive from Allah forward were. So what they preach from their Lord, can only be true. This is the meaning of prophecy, and it implies that Allah informed the Prophet about the unseen and this tells people about the hidden. The Minister is therefore instructed to invite the people and to announce this message. "
be argued As to the second perspective, which states that the prophets were people made the mistake must be:

first They committed no great sin

The prophets committed no sins at all and they were protected from major sins; before their mission began and after.

Shaykh al-Islam ibn Taymiyyah (may Allah have mercy on him) said in al-Fataawa Majmoo `4 / 319" The opinion that the prophets are infallible and protected from committing great sins, in contrast to small sins, is the opinion of the majority of Muslim scholars and all groups. It is also the view of the scholars of Tafseer, Hadith and of the fuqaha '. In fact, none of the Salaf, imams, Sahaabah, Tabi `in and those that followed these reports, other than stating what this opinion into line."

second matters that have nothing to do with the delivery of the message and the revelation

McMullen can committed by them or by some of them are. Therefore, the majority of scholars agree that they are not infallible when it comes to small sins. But if they committed such acts, they insisted on not, but Allah, she pointed out and they were quick to regret it.

The evidence that they may have committed minor sins and that she is not insisting, in to find the verses in which Allah says of Adam (approximate Meaning): "... So Adam is opposed to his master, and he fell into error. Then his Lord chose him, and he turned him to repentance and accepting led (him) right. "(20:121-122) .

This shows that Adam committed a sin, but he stopped it and regretted it for Allah .

And Allah says (what means): "... He said:" This is part of the work of Satan. . Of course, he is a strong enemy that is misleading, "he said." My Lord, I have myself wronged, so forgive me "because he forgave him, for He is the Forgiving and Merciful." ( 28:15-16) .

Moosa (peace be upon him) then confessed his sin and asked forgiveness of Allah, after he had killed the Egyptian, and Allah forgave him his sin.

And Allah says (what means): "... Then he asked (Dawood) his Lord for forgiveness and fell down in bow, and turned (to Him) repentant to. And so We forgave him this. For him it is indeed (in the access) to give our close and a nice home. "(38:24-25) .

Dawood sin was that he issued a ruling before the case had heard from the perspective of the second party to the dispute.
And our Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) was blamed by his master for different things that are mentioned in the Qur'an, such as the following (the meaning): "O Prophet, why do you prohibit (yourself) what Allah has given thee by adding it as costumes, to gain the satisfaction of your wives? And Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. "(66:1) .

This refers to the familiar story with some of his wives.

Allah rebuked His Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) Also concerning the prisoners of the Battle of Badr: Muslim narrated in his Saheeh work (# 4588) that Ibn 'Abbaas said

"When the prisoners were brought, said the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) to Abu Bakr and` Umar (may Allah be pleased with them): `What do you think of these prisoners' Abu Bakr? said: 'Oh Prophet of Allah, they are our cousins and relatives. I think we should accept a ransom from them, which will help us against the disbelievers, and perhaps Allah will guide them to Islam, The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) asked. `What do you think, oh ? ibn al-Khattab, `He replied:` I say "No," O Messenger of Allah. I do not agree with Abu Bakr. I think you leave it to us should, so that we can beat their neck (they can execute). About Lasse `Ali` Aqil, so that he can beat on his neck, and leave me be so-and-So (a relative of `Umar), because these are the leaders and veterans of Kufr. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings upon him) liked what Abu Bakr said, and he did not like what I ('Umar) said. The next day I came and found the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) and Abu Bakr weeping. I said: `O Messenger of Allah, tell me what brought you and your companions to tears? If there is a reason to cry, then I'll cry with you, and if there is no reason, would . (Peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) I mitweinen of solidarity, because you cry `The Messenger of Allah said:` I am crying because I was shown the torture to which they are exposed. . It has brought me as close as this tree '- was a tree (be peace and blessings be upon him) near the Messenger of Allah - as Allah revealed the following words (the meaning): "It is to no prophet, prisoners to have (and free them for ransom) until he (the enemy everywhere) overpowered the country difficult. You want fortune of this world has to (ie, the ransom from the prisoners' release) , but God wants the Hereafter. Allah is Mighty, Wise. If it had not handed down an earlier provision of Allah, would you for what you have taken, happened to truly awful doom. Eat now of what ye took in, as something permissible and good, and fear Allah! ... "(8:67-69) .

So Allah allowed them the spoils of war.

is clear from this Hadith that when the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) chose the ransom money, this was a decision that he met through ijtihad, in consultation with his companions, and he had no revelation from God about it. The words of Allah (meaning): "He looked gloomy and turned away because the blind (ie `Abdullah ibn Umm Maktoum, who came to the Prophet, as this with one or more of the leaders of the Quraysh said) came to him." (80:1-2).

This is the famous story of the great companion `Abd-Allah ibn Umm Maktoum and the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), as Allah reprimanded him.

Shaykh al-Islam ibn Taymiyyah said in al-Fataawa Majmoo `4 / 320," What was reported by most scholars is that they (the prophets) are not infallible with regard to small sins were but they insisted not on their sins. They do not say that this could happen under any circumstances. The first group reported that they were absolutely infallible, were the Rāfidis (ski `ah), who claim that they are infallible and protected from forgetfulness and misunderstanding."

Some people believe it goes too far to say that the prophets committed sins, they misunderstand some texts from the Qur'an and Sunnah, which say that. Two specious arguments lead them to:

- The fact that Allah has commanded us to follow the Messenger, and to take as an example. The following command is understood that all they did for us is a model example, and that each of their actions, and each of their beliefs an act of worship. If we say that (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) the Messenger of committing a sin, there will be a dilemma, because that implies that we need, this sin, committed by the Prophet to imitate, because it was Us commanded to follow his example, but at the same Time, we may not agree with it or do it because it is a sin.

This argument is right and proper, if the sin is hidden in a way and not obvious that they could be mixed with acts of obedience. But Allah has His Messenger explained what they did wrong and they possible without regret hesitation.

- sin is contrary to perfection and inadequacy. This is true when they are not accompanied by repentance, for repentance leads to forgiveness of sin and is not contrary to perfection and brings shame on a person. Rather, people are after in many cases the Regret better than they were before they became slaves of sin. It is known that no prophet has committed a sin, not to hurry with his repentance and asking for forgiveness. The prophets insisted not on their sins, or were reluctant to repentance, Allah protected them before and after they had repented, they were better than they were before.

third Unintentional errors regarding some worldly matters:

They are allowed to commit such errors, even though her mind is healthy and strong understanding. Such a thing was done more of our prophets, including Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) and it was done in relation to different aspects of life, such as medicine, agriculture etc.

"The Prophet of Allah (Allah:
Muslim reported in his work looked
Ih (# 6127) that Rafi ibn` Khadīj said peace and blessings be upon him) came to Madinah and found them in how they dusted the date palms. He asked, `What are you doing 'They said:` We care for them always to pollinate' he said. `Maybe, if it does not, it will be better` So they were there and the harvest was poor.. They told him and he said `I am only a mortal like you. If I tell you something about the religion, then it followed, but when I tell you something based on my own opinion, I'm only human. '"Therefore, it is known that the prophets were infallible and were protected from errors would regard the revelation and we should guard against those who spread doubt in the transmission of the message and the messenger, and the law by claiming that all spring from his own opinion. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) so could never do that. Allah says (what means): "and he does not speak of (his own) inclination. It's just a revelation that is entered. "(53:3-4) .

The resistant Committee was asked, "committed the prophets and messengers mistake?"

They replied, "Yes, they made mistakes, but Allah did not insist but he turned out their mistakes as a mercy for them and their peoples, and He forgave them their mistakes and accepted their repentance by His grace and mercy, for Allah is always forgiving and compassionate, as each is clear that the verses of the Quran 'Ans studied acting like this. "(Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daa'imah 3 / 194).

7208th For more information see question

And Allah knows best.

Islam Q & A


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