Thursday, March 25, 2010

Free Hatchet Vs Genitals

online discussion board and refutation of the Rafidah Mushrikuun

The online discussion board is Al-Hamdulillah online and all-knowing siblings of the Sunnah actively participate and therefore support the brother Dr Abu Bakr, the burden of defending the Sunnah should not be worn on one shoulder, thus sacrificing a small portion of your time, may Allah have mercy on you.

has also brother Dr Abu Bakr, the video started with the debate Rafidi Hamzah. That Rafidi > the fun of those Muslims call Allah makes the only (!), And not like him. his Rafidah, Christians and other mushrikun, all the people the direct route to Allah, without recourse to the Holy deny:

Edit: 16/04/2010

The video debate for the time being by an apparent rule violations on the part of the Rawafid been completed. To contradict the Rafidah sect is still running, in the said forum and now HERE.


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