Putin Chavez Blocher? A
Switzerland after Blocher voted out (2)
course, it would be interesting to put Blocher with Putin and Chavez in a row. In the era of globalization and the Internet culture is a significant desire for strong leaders is clear. This applies not just a couple of Russian pensioners, or favela, but broader medium-sized layers.
It would be wrong, the tendency towards personality cults in to see the SVP primarily as a parody of Putin and Berlusconi. Rather, the history of modern Switzerland is her links. First, it was
in crisis situations and breaking every now and again charismatic patriarch, who went more or less large parts of the population under its spell. Escher, or Dutti Guisan could build greater power bubbles. The burst but in due course or was ground by the millstones of direct democracy to small parts.
Second, there are in the right middle of Zurich is an old tradition, to be guided by authoritarian German models. This flow felt the German empire much more connected than the direct-democratic Tradition of Switzerland. Dese relatively authoritarian tendencies to the taste of Carl Schmitt retained in the Federal Republic of Adenauer's considerable weight and influence. After National Socialism was discredited, however, follows the leaders thought that the rights in Switzerland had the fingers on it. It took the relativism of values and routinization of provocation in the postmodern approaches to the personality cult is now in the local middle class are reflected become socially acceptable. We do not
a renaissance of fascism, but the rise of a hybrid mix populism, the effective authoritarian and libertarian elements. That cult of personality with the best traditions of Switzerland such as federalism and civil society Democracy breaks makes him quite vulnerable. If left and liberal citizens more re-invigorated the rule of law and direct democracy, Switzerland, could the latest attack of a personality cult will soon leave behind.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Friday, December 14, 2007
Best Groomsmen Gifts 2010
Switzerland to Blocher
Switzerland after Blocher deselection (1)
That crier, polarizers and state contempt times must insert a hammer and is no more than poetic justice. Who distributes ruthlessly may not be surprised by occasional retort.
The bridge of the Helvetic ship is now equipped with one of the better crews, to which we can remember. We assume that a tackle policy with a sense of proportion and a certain momentum, the important problems raised. Certainly not the left, but perhaps more efficient.
The defeat Blocher should not obscure the fact that the SVP is still on a sustained rise. With their rejection of a sovereign self-awareness and adjustment policies on internal market and the EU's center-left parties have left the terrain of the SVP, which can contact a minimum of effort and credibility as a defender of democracy and sovereign Switzerland at scene. If these forces continue on the adaptation rate, will increase the SVP percent more voters.
The SVP would not want to go to stop. You is already a bit more opposition party. It will tighten the sound and behave more aggressively. Of these needs, the new Federal Council is not too much to fear. From Europe and migration policy apart the great majority of the population is prepared to proudly accept in referenda solutions in line with the Federal Council. For the time being exacerbated the whole thing looks more like an interlude in opposition to the SVP, when, after a historically new situation. As a historical
sweet woman I see the majority at the head of the state. Women are probably not better people. But perhaps better Federal Councillor girls!
Switzerland after Blocher deselection (1)
That crier, polarizers and state contempt times must insert a hammer and is no more than poetic justice. Who distributes ruthlessly may not be surprised by occasional retort.
The bridge of the Helvetic ship is now equipped with one of the better crews, to which we can remember. We assume that a tackle policy with a sense of proportion and a certain momentum, the important problems raised. Certainly not the left, but perhaps more efficient.
The defeat Blocher should not obscure the fact that the SVP is still on a sustained rise. With their rejection of a sovereign self-awareness and adjustment policies on internal market and the EU's center-left parties have left the terrain of the SVP, which can contact a minimum of effort and credibility as a defender of democracy and sovereign Switzerland at scene. If these forces continue on the adaptation rate, will increase the SVP percent more voters.
The SVP would not want to go to stop. You is already a bit more opposition party. It will tighten the sound and behave more aggressively. Of these needs, the new Federal Council is not too much to fear. From Europe and migration policy apart the great majority of the population is prepared to proudly accept in referenda solutions in line with the Federal Council. For the time being exacerbated the whole thing looks more like an interlude in opposition to the SVP, when, after a historically new situation. As a historical
sweet woman I see the majority at the head of the state. Women are probably not better people. But perhaps better Federal Councillor girls!
Saturday, December 8, 2007
What Is Wind Burn And How Long Does It Last
substrate of the iPod culture
The film Manufactured Landscapes puts the steaming springs of the global flow of goods into the picture. In a minute-long tracking shot surrounds the opening sequence, a birthplace electrical ground products. Thousands of people produce in a clean layout assembly hall components and devices. In other scenes will be seen en photographers at work, to scrap transfer points, container terminals, or a construction site of the Three Gorges Dam.

In the shadow of the photographer Edward Burtynsky is followed by the director be determined with a narrative. The pictures hardly an analytical approach to deepen and enrich not ethical reasoning. One neither pompous nor denouncing aestheticization it is possible to show viewers new approaches. Beauty does not have to necessarily glorify.
The film documents how high is the substrate of the western industrial information society remained. The screens and iron, iPods and Gucci bags adheres to an aura of coal dust and low-paid industrial jobs.
The film Manufactured Landscapes by Jennifer Baichwal runs as a premiere in Zurich Filmpodium .
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Piriformis Symdrome And Pregnancy
hype about knowledge society knowledge society debate
In a discussion we recently talked about how far the concept of the knowledge society rather clarifying or veiling effect. The occasion is the thesis of two Swiss sociologist, that the concept of a critical analysis of social reality in the way of "stand (1).
technocratic approaches to knowledge-based and transfiguration are observed perfectly. Especially in sociology lined up for fifty years together approaches that can be overshadowed by the brilliance of information and knowledge of other aspects of social life. But
are difficult to discern any exponent who interpret in a dogmatic way, the company essentially and exclusively as an information or knowledge society. A propensity for exaggeration is observed but already. And it can not be dismissed out of hand, that in specific contexts, a high-gloss ideology of knowledge society serves to legitimize questionable social and cultural modernization initiatives.
The emphasis on knowledge is not by chance. In a milder form, I agree with Daniel Bell's forty years old thesis: The use of knowledge has become a dynamic center for modern societies. This suggests a pragmatic approach to the concept of the knowledge society close - combined with a fact-close look at various fields of social development. Which form a contradictory mess. This can be well in the light of the knowledge society reflect. But not be easily captured with the single term.
(1) "Introduction to the discussion about the knowledge society." In: Gemperle, M.; Streckeisen, P. (ed.): A new era of knowledge? Critical contributions to the debate about the knowledge society. Zurich: Seismo, 2007.
In a discussion we recently talked about how far the concept of the knowledge society rather clarifying or veiling effect. The occasion is the thesis of two Swiss sociologist, that the concept of a critical analysis of social reality in the way of "stand (1).
technocratic approaches to knowledge-based and transfiguration are observed perfectly. Especially in sociology lined up for fifty years together approaches that can be overshadowed by the brilliance of information and knowledge of other aspects of social life. But
are difficult to discern any exponent who interpret in a dogmatic way, the company essentially and exclusively as an information or knowledge society. A propensity for exaggeration is observed but already. And it can not be dismissed out of hand, that in specific contexts, a high-gloss ideology of knowledge society serves to legitimize questionable social and cultural modernization initiatives.
The emphasis on knowledge is not by chance. In a milder form, I agree with Daniel Bell's forty years old thesis: The use of knowledge has become a dynamic center for modern societies. This suggests a pragmatic approach to the concept of the knowledge society close - combined with a fact-close look at various fields of social development. Which form a contradictory mess. This can be well in the light of the knowledge society reflect. But not be easily captured with the single term.
(1) "Introduction to the discussion about the knowledge society." In: Gemperle, M.; Streckeisen, P. (ed.): A new era of knowledge? Critical contributions to the debate about the knowledge society. Zurich: Seismo, 2007.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Home Remedies For Head Fogginess
new media and culture change are the subject of lively debate. The club Digital Allmend committed to the opportunities of the information society: it is "working to ensure secure public access to digital assets and their development. It creates new spaces and promotes public understanding of an open (Knowledge) society. "
In the recent past he has used in the revision of copyright law and the establishment of Creative Commons Switzerland .
now want to build a discussion relating to the issue of knowledge society. A first meeting of the reading group will next Tuesday in Zurich -.. details in blog of the digital commons
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
How To Get Mud Out Of A White Coat
network society and the state
The weather is currently perfect for me in the three-volume work of Manuel Castells, slowly but surely approaching the end of Volume II This volume is devoted to the issue of collective identity and statehood. far from striking is the widespread thesis of the crisis of the nation state in the era of globalization.
remarkable is that Castells not using it as case studies of small European states, but two large and remotely acting fairly vital countries: Mexico and the United States.
For Mexico, he was diagnosed from the beginning of the eighties an incipient transformation and "the end of his national State." The backdrop of globalization, the Free Trade Agreement NAFTA and the policy against drug trafficking. The disputes over the drug trade would destabilize Mexico and Castells are an illustration of "how the globalization of crime powerful and stable nation-states overwhelmed" (1). Castells sees signs yet that a coalition between the Zapatistas and urban Zivilgesellschaf the "Mexican nation united again", now has against the state of the traditional ruling party PRI.
Castells analysis is interesting and convincing. But can the crises change in Mexican society and their state as evidence of a fundamental historical crisis of modern territorial disintegration of the rule are given?
The question also arises in relation to the United States. Here Castells documented a rise antietatistischer, state of critical attitudes in the population. The Republicans have taken advantage of. Background is a dissatisfaction with the stagnant or declining standard of living. This feeds protectionist and isolationist approaches. In addition, a significant part of civil society "against the American welfare state" has mobilized. This growing segmentation is accepted and supported the repressive role of the state against the dangerous classes. The "crisis of the nation state" is not only a consequence of "cultural hegemony, anti-state values." She is also a consequence of a crisis of ideologies and role of the Federal Government, for example with regard to the God-given U.S. leadership in a global order. In the end, then Castells suggests a more cautious tone. The said development "Could potentially trigger the crisis of American nation-state" (page 315).
(1) Manuel Castells. The information age. Volume 2: The power of identity. Page 302
The weather is currently perfect for me in the three-volume work of Manuel Castells, slowly but surely approaching the end of Volume II This volume is devoted to the issue of collective identity and statehood. far from striking is the widespread thesis of the crisis of the nation state in the era of globalization.
remarkable is that Castells not using it as case studies of small European states, but two large and remotely acting fairly vital countries: Mexico and the United States.
For Mexico, he was diagnosed from the beginning of the eighties an incipient transformation and "the end of his national State." The backdrop of globalization, the Free Trade Agreement NAFTA and the policy against drug trafficking. The disputes over the drug trade would destabilize Mexico and Castells are an illustration of "how the globalization of crime powerful and stable nation-states overwhelmed" (1). Castells sees signs yet that a coalition between the Zapatistas and urban Zivilgesellschaf the "Mexican nation united again", now has against the state of the traditional ruling party PRI.
Castells analysis is interesting and convincing. But can the crises change in Mexican society and their state as evidence of a fundamental historical crisis of modern territorial disintegration of the rule are given?
The question also arises in relation to the United States. Here Castells documented a rise antietatistischer, state of critical attitudes in the population. The Republicans have taken advantage of. Background is a dissatisfaction with the stagnant or declining standard of living. This feeds protectionist and isolationist approaches. In addition, a significant part of civil society "against the American welfare state" has mobilized. This growing segmentation is accepted and supported the repressive role of the state against the dangerous classes. The "crisis of the nation state" is not only a consequence of "cultural hegemony, anti-state values." She is also a consequence of a crisis of ideologies and role of the Federal Government, for example with regard to the God-given U.S. leadership in a global order. In the end, then Castells suggests a more cautious tone. The said development "Could potentially trigger the crisis of American nation-state" (page 315).
(1) Manuel Castells. The information age. Volume 2: The power of identity. Page 302
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Hip Sayings From The 90's
identity in the Internet age
run the Internet and globalization on a global leveling of culture and identity? On the contrary, Manuel Castells says in his book "The Information Age". The technological and economic adjustment causes massive counter-movements.
Castells sees "the rise of powerful expressions of collective identity" (1). People make claims to cultural uniqueness and claims to control over their lives.
arises as collective identity? Castells sees this as a process of meaning making. People define themselves as evangelical Christians, or about fundamentalist Islamists, as Catalans or Georgians. Here a set of cultural attributes, will be given priority over others.
Here is a problem visible. It's true that described for example in the southeast of Spain a lot of people as 'Catalans' heart and soul. But just as the Catalans? Most people in the West derive their identity in various dimensions. That is quite an achievement of civilization. You must be a notion of composite or hybrid identity are taken.
Castells notes a sharp distinction between local worlds and global world. Only the elite can get their active identity on the complex global world. The majority of people is tied back to a defensive identity in the local environment. Since moving to communities emerge who work around for better living conditions in their neighborhood. Or form in the less subtle variant, a transition scene.
They are perceptive observations from the 90's. Whether this is limited to historical trends or replace conventional forms of politics and civil society appear worthy of discussion.
(1) Manuel Castells. The information age. Volume 2: The power of identity. P. 4
run the Internet and globalization on a global leveling of culture and identity? On the contrary, Manuel Castells says in his book "The Information Age". The technological and economic adjustment causes massive counter-movements.
Castells sees "the rise of powerful expressions of collective identity" (1). People make claims to cultural uniqueness and claims to control over their lives.
arises as collective identity? Castells sees this as a process of meaning making. People define themselves as evangelical Christians, or about fundamentalist Islamists, as Catalans or Georgians. Here a set of cultural attributes, will be given priority over others.
Here is a problem visible. It's true that described for example in the southeast of Spain a lot of people as 'Catalans' heart and soul. But just as the Catalans? Most people in the West derive their identity in various dimensions. That is quite an achievement of civilization. You must be a notion of composite or hybrid identity are taken.
Castells notes a sharp distinction between local worlds and global world. Only the elite can get their active identity on the complex global world. The majority of people is tied back to a defensive identity in the local environment. Since moving to communities emerge who work around for better living conditions in their neighborhood. Or form in the less subtle variant, a transition scene.
They are perceptive observations from the 90's. Whether this is limited to historical trends or replace conventional forms of politics and civil society appear worthy of discussion.
(1) Manuel Castells. The information age. Volume 2: The power of identity. P. 4
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Itchy Pin Prick Bumps
Too much room for the SVP
The SVP is now making quite wide on the political playing field. After the elections, but has been a topic rarely discussed: the SP and the liberals of the SVP deliberately left a lot of space. The SVP skims unrivaled when it comes to identity or state ownership.
In these areas turn the wind considerably. And not in the ever right-wing circles, but in all other Mileus. Since the millennium, we see a growing search for cultural and social Identitiätsbauteilen - a new penchant for pretty relaxed and carefree Swissness. State policy that is in the older modernist circles, who saw in the 90 years the EU as an anchor wide socio-political aspirations, a certain disillusionment.
This disillusionment is not a Swiss phenomenon, and more likely to be reinforced by the latest developments. The forthcoming introduction of majority voting in the European Union emphasizes the official character and does not have a candidate for many Swiss are more attractive.
FDP and SP take a strong course of adaptation to the EU. They assume that the model of sovereign statehood is small survives - even if the daily discourse care of "our country". The market opening under the heading "Cassis de Dijon" is the latest example.
so the game runs great for the SVP. It benefits as other market opening and cheap labor. But it benefits only from the social and cultural repercussions.
The SVP is now making quite wide on the political playing field. After the elections, but has been a topic rarely discussed: the SP and the liberals of the SVP deliberately left a lot of space. The SVP skims unrivaled when it comes to identity or state ownership.
In these areas turn the wind considerably. And not in the ever right-wing circles, but in all other Mileus. Since the millennium, we see a growing search for cultural and social Identitiätsbauteilen - a new penchant for pretty relaxed and carefree Swissness. State policy that is in the older modernist circles, who saw in the 90 years the EU as an anchor wide socio-political aspirations, a certain disillusionment.
This disillusionment is not a Swiss phenomenon, and more likely to be reinforced by the latest developments. The forthcoming introduction of majority voting in the European Union emphasizes the official character and does not have a candidate for many Swiss are more attractive.
FDP and SP take a strong course of adaptation to the EU. They assume that the model of sovereign statehood is small survives - even if the daily discourse care of "our country". The market opening under the heading "Cassis de Dijon" is the latest example.
so the game runs great for the SVP. It benefits as other market opening and cheap labor. But it benefits only from the social and cultural repercussions.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
How To Cut And Stitch An Indian Suit
BlogCampSwitzerland 2.0 has thrown some interesting light on the current blog scene, especially the German-speaking Switzerland. With some distance, I'm considering a couple of estimates on the state of things. There are indications that the blogosphere is still in a young startup. More interesting.
first The blog landscape is only tentatively differentiated. Sure, a look at the existing blog shows a huge variety of themes and style. If we start but of subjects and areas of society, there are huge largely white areas on the map. An example. Tens of thousands of Studis and doctoral students dealing with interesting scientific questions - some of which appear in the blogosphere. Or: Many professional fields reach almost to reply - apart from IT, media and education.
second blogs are more of a temporary subcultural niche media audiences as the great social public. That view is not only of the investigations but also Sarah Genner supported by other comments in the Blog Camp, who have pointed to the strong as introversion and self-centeredness of the blogosphere.
third Different formats work well blog. Where a particular scene can be targeted, have a blog soon a relevant position. Approximately when IT professionals, bike fans or bloggers themselves are envisaged as the target audience. A second working model are blogs, which have been set by media companies on the periphery of Haupmediums. Almost as a domesticated medial collateral vessels.
4th are with a large gap between demand and range facing blog, which aim to further the public. These include bloggers who interfere in the socio-political and cultural discourse and to address such questions. These blogs are faced with the challenge in a landscape to publish, browse where very large dinosaurs such as Ringier, SRG or TagesAnzeiger. And a whole lot of other hungry mouths.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Candy Posters To Ask Guy To Dance
Temporary Trends Blog Bloggerparadies
The main building of the venerable ETH Zurich has now become for a few hours in a blogger's paradise. With BlogCampSwitzerland 2.0 .
The event is informal and lively expired. For me was the surprisingly high average age. And encouragingly high proportion of women. Not surprisingly is the high proportion of technical competence. In the young medium, content and technology have only a rudimentary differentiated. Here are some HiLight.
To Talk by Dannie Jost, The Swiss Myth ', a lively discussion about truth, objectivity, myths and identity revealed.
Jochen Lillich explained a method of working with bloggers and other people with many projects and little time to deal : collecting views, organize, carry, clean up.
Chris Lüscher presented Facts 2.0 as a portal, the blogs and other materials into a challenging a forum opinion wants to integrate and discussion.
10 tips for better blogging articles, we introduced ourselves by Jürg Vollmer to heart. (His tip to omit noise words, leads me to here, not from the competent judge of Jürg ... "to write). All tips on Krusenstern .
Sarah Genner presented her research before conclusions about the response from policy blog . Blogs open scope for interference by the base in the public debate. A significant part of the attention but is absorbed by the professional players who use this medium.
The main building of the venerable ETH Zurich has now become for a few hours in a blogger's paradise. With BlogCampSwitzerland 2.0 .
The event is informal and lively expired. For me was the surprisingly high average age. And encouragingly high proportion of women. Not surprisingly is the high proportion of technical competence. In the young medium, content and technology have only a rudimentary differentiated. Here are some HiLight.
To Talk by Dannie Jost, The Swiss Myth ', a lively discussion about truth, objectivity, myths and identity revealed.
Jochen Lillich explained a method of working with bloggers and other people with many projects and little time to deal : collecting views, organize, carry, clean up.
Chris Lüscher presented Facts 2.0 as a portal, the blogs and other materials into a challenging a forum opinion wants to integrate and discussion.
10 tips for better blogging articles, we introduced ourselves by Jürg Vollmer to heart. (His tip to omit noise words, leads me to here, not from the competent judge of Jürg ... "to write). All tips on Krusenstern .
Sarah Genner presented her research before conclusions about the response from policy blog . Blogs open scope for interference by the base in the public debate. A significant part of the attention but is absorbed by the professional players who use this medium.
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