Friday, December 14, 2007

Best Groomsmen Gifts 2010

Switzerland to Blocher

Switzerland after Blocher deselection (1)

That crier, polarizers and state contempt times must insert a hammer and is no more than poetic justice. Who distributes ruthlessly may not be surprised by occasional retort.

The bridge of the Helvetic ship is now equipped with one of the better crews, to which we can remember. We assume that a tackle policy with a sense of proportion and a certain momentum, the important problems raised. Certainly not the left, but perhaps more efficient.

The defeat Blocher should not obscure the fact that the SVP is still on a sustained rise. With their rejection of a sovereign self-awareness and adjustment policies on internal market and the EU's center-left parties have left the terrain of the SVP, which can contact a minimum of effort and credibility as a defender of democracy and sovereign Switzerland at scene. If these forces continue on the adaptation rate, will increase the SVP percent more voters.

The SVP would not want to go to stop. You is already a bit more opposition party. It will tighten the sound and behave more aggressively. Of these needs, the new Federal Council is not too much to fear. From Europe and migration policy apart the great majority of the population is prepared to proudly accept in referenda solutions in line with the Federal Council. For the time being exacerbated the whole thing looks more like an interlude in opposition to the SVP, when, after a historically new situation. As a historical

sweet woman I see the majority at the head of the state. Women are probably not better people. But perhaps better Federal Councillor girls!


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