Wednesday, June 30, 2010

How Much Benzonatate To Take To Get High

I even have a conference on "aesthetic of special education" had suggested understood, many do not really know what might be meant by this - maybe this:..

If the special education vanishes the content, then fixed to the form . It is then for example at gunpoint Enthusiasm for school integration and diversity required for the legitimacy of statements refers to international standards and classifications, and we eagerly decorated with quality certificates.

It is, however - that's right! - Not just the special education Sun

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Make Your Own Wwe South Parkwwe

Al-Kafi lil-Kafir (The Sufficient for the kafir) - Complete authentic (says Rafidi Allamah)!

As is known, often try Rawafid a picture of "a" cure Rafidi world fool. A (Rafidi) world where there is only one Madhab (of shirk) is, (although only 6 reviews Rafidah Madhab as to the obligation of Salah Al-Jumu'a has!) Where the (priest and pope similar) Marajà '/ Grand Ayatollah "etc. nice to agree, at least in all the major points, but one would think. Well, that the Rafidah Madhab (Imamiyyah ") itself already in Usuli and Akhbari (no matter how small they are) is divided (Akhbaris the Usulis also takfirieren yet) and even Usulis among curse and takfirieren , then you should not be surprised to cure the collapse of the Rafidiwelt not here for a long time to stop (Al-Hamdulillah).


Whenever one quotes from the most authentic Rafidi works entitled "Al-Kafi" from the Majusi Al-Kulaini, one gets the standard award to listen to, which reads:

"We have (Rafidah mushrik) no Sahih work (as if that is something which one can be proud of!) as its Sunnis. With us is only the Quran 100% Sahih (poor kids living in the illusory world and were probably not in the Hawza in the Persian Majusi Murtada Al-Qazwini in Karbala) , otherwise we have no work that is completely Sahih, bla bla bla .. Ya Ali Madad .
Exactly, yes also breaks the peace-joy-pancake world is the Rafds, because this is not right. Rafidis should already be mentioned, is that this is not the sole opinion of their sect, but that of the about them are (those with Pampers encouraging head) also believe the opposite. Not that you've got us wrong and think we mean any nobodies that do not represent the Rafidatum. No. No! Not just any Hujjatul-Shirk wal-Mushrikeen Abdul-Hussein Mullah from Qom is meant, but as an example, we present the high-priest of Shirk, the United Allamah (the Rafds), a Allamah from Hauza of Karbala (ie teacher of hundreds of thousands of other Rafidah Priesterjuenglingen, his name (!): Abdul -Hamid Al-Muhajir (also known for his "Tawheed" Durus ) says.

itself that all hadiths in Al-Kafi (r) Sahih are, without exception, he says no Dai'f Hadith in Al-Kafi, he even says he challenged the claims in any to the contrary!

[video is not in the language of the Rafidatums, ie, in Persian, but the priest-like 99% of these Majus-Persian origin, but in Karbala speak (yet) Arabic, so the video is in Arabic.]

Here's an example from Al-Kafi (r):

[this Hadith Al-Muhajir defends in the first video with a ridiculous qiyas to Musa (AS) (!). Has he overlooked. that the difference is that Al-Kafi narrated by donkeys and Al-Muhajir also believe this ...]

Now that Al-Kulaini, the Verfassser at all of the kinkiest, shirkigsten work (which take Rafidah their din!), his own work, saw it as Sahih, this is indeed the Rawafid has always been kept, but now we know that this is not only for Al-Kulaini (author of Al-Kafi), was also present major Allamah (the Majus) such as Al-Muhajir believe in a completely authentic al-Kafi, everyone should strictly read a bit on what Al-Kafi (r) because at all, and includes:

Al-Kafi lil Kafir (The Sufficient for the kafir)

Here is the summary from an Arab. Book, which Al-Kafi Al-Kulaini critically analyzed (book is called: the critical analysis of al-Kulaini). For each item you find in the book of the Hadith al-makdhuba Kulaini. Here are just a short analysis of the result:

بعد هذه الجولة مع كتاب الكافي وجدنا يلي م:
And after this tour, with the al-Kafi al-Kulaini, we have found the following:

الدعوة الى Shirk: wandering around the graves Kataiwav around the Kaaba (sufficient 1 / 287 book argument door: what separates action among the fair and rescinds).
- Das Aufrufen zum Shirk: der Tawaf (Umrunden) um die Gräber wie der Tawaf um die Ka3ba (Al-Kafi 1 / 287 Kitab al-Hujja, Kapitel: ma yufasilu bihi bayna da3wa al muhiq wal mubtil )

creature and distress during the prayers to the Creator. »In the last sujood Say:" O Gabriel O Gabriel O Muhammad O Muhammad Ikviani what I'm in it (enough 2 / 406).
- Die Istighatha an den Geschöpfen während des Gebets an die Geschöpfe: "Sag in deinem letzten Sujud: ya jibril, ya Mohamed, ya jibril ya muhamed, wende das von mir ab in was ich mich befinde. (Al-kafi 2 / 406)

as imams names of Allah. The face of God the eye of God of San God. The hand of God. Light of God.
- Die Aima sind die Namen von ALLAH. ALLAHS Gesicht, ALLAHS Auge, ALLAHS Zunge, ALLAHs Hand, ALLAHS Licht.

to give them the absolute knowledge of the unseen and know one of them for seventy million languages.
- Sie kennen das Verborgen, und einer von ihnen kann 70 Millionen Sprache.

belief That Ali is the one who separates the subjects either to the commission either to fire.
- Ali (radhiya lahu 3anhu) ist derjenige der zwischen den Menschen entscheiden wird wer ins Jannah und wer ins Jahanam gehen wird.

preference imams to the prophets. In the class and status And science.
- Sie bevorzugen die Aima als die Propheten in der Stufe, Stellung und Wissen.

believe that the Prophet (entered the fire is and the imams. (2 / 9).
- Der Prophet sws hat die Hölle betreten, er und die Aima. (2 / 9)

description of God Balbda
- ALLAH swt mit dem "Anfang" beschrieben wird
say outright distorting the Koran.
- Sie sagen deutlich das der Quran verfälscht wurde

insults the wives of the Prophet and Aisha as the enemy of God And His Messenger. Burda companions and say the religion of Allah except three of them.
- Die Frauen des Propheten sws werden beschimpft und Aisha wird damit beschrieben dass sie Feind ALLAHS und den Propheten swt ist, und dass alle Sahaba (radhiya lahu 3anhum) Ridda gemacht haben, außer 3 von ihnen.

claim that God created people from several Tinat and made abusive and ill-Ihsan relates to enhanced because of Tina that God created them.
- ALLAH swt hat angeblich die Menschen aus verschiedene Tonerde erschaffen, und haben die böse Tat des Bösen und die Wohltat des Wohltätigen von dem Ton abhängig gemacht aus dem ALLAH swt ihn erschaffen hat

insulting Abu Bakr, Omar and the belief that they Avea Messenger of Allah the proximity of it (enough 1 / 241).
- Sie beschimpfen Abu Bakr und Umar (ra) und glauben dass sie den Propheten sws Leid zugefügt haben durch ihre Nähe zu ihm (kafi 1 / 241).

insulting the Muslim Scholars Knhm to Abu Hanifa (1 / 45).
- Sie beschimpfen der Ulama der Muslime wie zB wird Abu Hanifa von ihnen verflucht

insulting the people of Syria and the people of Mecca and the people of the city and the people of Mecca openly deny Allah and the people of the city the most insidious of them, and preference للروم الكفار على أهل الشام.
- you insult make the People of Sham, and People of Makka, and People of Madina, and tell the People of Mecca openly denouncing kufr bi lah, and the People of Madina worse than they are, and that the Romans, the disbelievers more preferable than the People of Aham.

تكفير كل من لم يعتقد بإمامة أهل البيت.
- make Takfir on each of not die Imama der Ahlul bayt glaubt.

believing that he will abide in fire of hell. To no avail any work or worship if Abdullah forever.
- Sie glauben derjenige ist für immer und ewig in Jahanam, und das ihn keine Tat und Ibadah hilft, auch wenn er ALLAH swt das ganze Jahr lang anbetet.

command to wash When you shake the hands of Shiite Naasibi. Nasbli have never thought of leading the people of the house.
- Das Befehl die Hand des Shi3i zu waschen wenn er den Nasibi mit seine Hand begrüßt hat. Der Nasibi ist bei ihnen jeder der nicht an die Imama der Ahlul Bayt glaubt.

atonement did not think of taqiyya. And that No faith or religion, because the pious are nine-tenths of religion.
- Sie machen Takfir auf den derer nicht an die Taqiya glaubt, und das er kein Iman und kein Din hat, den die Taqiya ist neunzehntel der Religion.

described as a pious good contained in the Qur'an (to his credit) And ill-meaning contained in the Koran radio.
Die Beschreibung der Taqiya dass die "al-hasana" ist die im Quran erwähnt wurde ("man ja'a bil hasana") und das die Missetat die im Quran erwähnt wurde das Offenkundige (dh die Wahrheit sagen) bedeutet .

his claim that he read the Qur'an and the remembrance of Allah entrusted Citanin God to protect him from harm demons (2 / 392).

- Die Behauptung das wer den Quran ließt und ALLAH gedenkt, ALLAH swt dann 2 Shayatin beauftragt ihn vor dem Leidfügen der Shayatin zu beschützen.

Finally, after the Governing Council on the thesis Kulayni Masters Degree in Islamic sciences say the following: the Council decided the following:
Kulayni and gives Sam an infidel degree very well with the first rank apostasy. Conferring of the degree or extent infidel ممتاز.
مع الوصاية بالتحذير من طباعة كتابه أو الاطلاع عليه فيه بعدما تبين ما.

and presented at last to the Majlis by which the verdict on the here depends Kulaini to obtain the master's level in the Islamic sciences, we say that the committee has decided the following:
The Kulaini gets the award "Kafir" with the "very good" and the first rank of ridda (apostasy). Or get the note Kafir with rank "excellent." The recommendation to print warning or watch it purely in that after all that has been out.


May Allah (SWT) to guide the sincere among Rafidah, Amin.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Wish Bracelets Colour Meaning

"Wahhabism accusation; The slogan to oppose to the Qur'an and Sunnah" [FARSI]

time something for the Persian-speaking brothers and sisters. The biggest Iranian Sunnah sites including all the above PRESENT:

"Wahhabism accusation; The slogan for the Qur'an and Sunnah to oppose"

[and the Muwahhidun to make war-monotheists, as one the magician and Tawaghit the time of the Prophet]

did the guise of combating "Wahhabism," eliminates the Rafiditisch-Safavitisch-Khomeinist Mushrik government heads of the Ahl Al-Sunnah in Iran conducting an intense Da'wa against Ahl Al-Sunnah outside of Iran "Wahhabism accusation;. The slogan around to resist with Quran and Sunnah " is an excellent film, unbelievable what they have done the brothers from Ahl Al-Sunnah Iran. Almost none of the Khubatha the Rafidah omitted. The Heuschlerei the Rafidah government and their puppets along with their Ayatush-Shayatin be revealed on beautiful ways. The Paranioa of Rafidah, her fear of Ahl Al-Sunnah them to 24 hours takes a day to warn on their transmitters to the people of the Sunnah / talk. Only taqiyyah where "only" the "Wahhabis" are being attacked, but then the true face is shown, and even said, is that for the Ahl Al-Sunnah Rafidah is worse than the "Wahhabiyyah!

Ex-Shia Ayatollah Al-Borqei has his say and Luegenbarone as Essam Al-Emad be refuted and exposed glaring than they already were in the room Arabsichen. That which is not even ashamed of those clowns Tijani the Koëter the Ahl Al-Bayt (his OWN NAME!) And propagate Essam Al-Emad as the "rightly guided" shows once again that modesty and honesty is a foreign word for this majus is that objective is anyway the destruction of Islam and the supremacy of the Majus about the people of the Sunnah, all under the guise of "Ahl Al-Bayt law school."

However, we recommend all Persian speaking Muslim / a to watch this video, who knows maybe it will be translated soon ...




Easy Pressure Points That Make You Fall Asleep

Direct Hilfersuchung by Fatima Al-Zahra IN Sujud! - GERMAN VERSION

After we have done what ask us Rafiditen always, do not talk the Rafidismus assessed on the basis of the "evil, evil lies of the evil Vehhebis" we have mitlerweile a magnificent collection of statements of Rafidah priesthood who show even the Shirk of Qurayshi mushrik in a better light than the the Rafidah. As I said, everything from the mouths of their scholars themselves Starting with the belief of 12er Shia Rafidah, the Ali (RA) of the Asl (base) of the Din, and even our Prophet (SAWS) are created only because of Ali (RA) was the Rafidi and wife during the birth and the Rafidis DURING quiet prayer Ali (RA) should ask for help (!) to the hotline they have set up in the name of the Ahl Al-Bayt (RA), where they keep the listeners in the direction of the shrine and their imams DIRECT ask for anything.

Now, determined to make a lot of thought to the Bani Majus here now half long and no longer shock us / could amuse. If you thought so, who knows our friends from the Rafidis, especially not their sorcerers and magicians (Hujjatu-Shaytan and Ayatush-Shayatin), for which it seems well so as to give a kind of competition Bewerd: who trumps the pre-Islamic Quraysh Mushrik, Catholics and Hindus in Shirk. No doubt, the trophies will go to the Rafidah mushrik from Tierra del Fuego (Qom), this time they have the well deserved indeed, respect must be given to them already.

But not anyone think that the majority follow their blind, Taqlid obsessed sheep can hand off this Majus and the Rafidah sect. We know that most people hate the truth of love, what have exemplified their forefathers, follow nafs, and Shahawat Shubuhat and like the kinky Mushrik Nasara of the fully inflated the opium of "I Love Jesus" and then the Shirk are as Tawheed and Shirk Tawheed as seen and calmed down since he follows Jesus, just as the Rafidi containing the golden shot of "I love / follow Ahl al-Bayt, whatever comes," where he believes that the following is not only Islam, but the Aqeedah and Manhaj Ahl al-Bayt of the pure (RA):

mushrik All these are the Day of Judgement their experience a nasty surprise, namely how Jesus (AS) freely speaks of his claims, and the entire Mushrik Nasara Ahl Al-Bayt (RA) of the Shia Rafidah Mushrik.