Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Whey Protein, Roseacea

Humanist ethics in film, social networks and in the Catholic Church

Avatar Pandora Film-ethics further developed as social networks and papacy. The Pope, of its own problems has , turns off . Nature is not God, his indirect criticism the film.

Google Buzz is no vision

Preliminary impression of Buzz: copied concept of Facebook. This leads me any duplication when links and pictures to be inserted. The "Paste" is clear and inviting, a blessing! For general information is virtually insert with permission, links, stingy. Focus will delete the example reader comments if they contain links, complete nonsense. The internet is. Interaction and communication links required. Buzz it promotes, and that is true. Desirable would be a link to the source when the mouse moves over a given image, one of texts.

Additional work I could escape me, if only my Twitter messages appear in Buzz, but images are missing. After all vRhein, everything new from the Internet desk promt appears in Twitter, then theoretically, in Buzz. A " Lecture Göttingen " came down to entry in Buzz twice, once automatically from Twitter and then through a manual entry with picture and link itself might Buzz

spite of all the network for the dissemination of improving their own statements, products, images, satires, parodies, etc., the Internet, despite or perhaps because of Google still in its infancy. It is commercial-heavy, filtered enough wheat from the chaff and therefore does not interest communities together, soul-affinities and potential real friends, but overloads the user with most time useless.

Buzz and also used Google Street View of the first citizen of the world. The real threats to the personal data go governments, states and institutions in authoritarian steered States. One example is the credit reference agency in Germany. The storage of Internet-user data is another.

The trending of Facebook is to buzz but not the most important. It is part of a functional diversity that includes, for Example the Calendar, Google Earth and Street, Picasa Web Albums, text tables, presentations, reader, browser, video, translators, News, Groups, Blogs, etc.. For example, let presentations that the user has stored on Google servers to a calendar entry, may be invited to that. It is the diversity of the functional network of Google, which brings forward. Facebook and Twitter on the other hand there are relatively isolated. Buzz will therefore attract users. A risk for User's personal data? You can make it yourself. For this he has to care for his profile. One danger I see much more in the data snooping of the state, the data collections of Schufa for example, the spying by the GEZ, the misuse of data by intelligence services etc.

Orwell is not Google, Orwell is the usual government suspects toiling citizens bullying and squeeze for themselves and leave work. Google is more of a chance to defend themselves, because suffering communities together, friends and interests of partners can be found. Overall, the social networks yet commercial-heavy, overloaded with waste that are currently cost. Also, Google is still in its infancy. It is important, which can form valuable ethical sentiments, together, the initiators and the whole society will be improved quality of life is increased, as the most precious freedom is ever judged. Ultimately, I foresee a virtual university, a summarization of quality attributes. It is possible. Of these, the social networks are still miles away, but already the direction they hit a one.

Addendum on 23/April/2010

The film "Avatar" moving the Pope. The judges of this year's Oscar Awards ceremony he could hardly move. Instead of creamed Iraq-war film "Hurt Locker - The Hurt Locker" from. Let us examine the short.

The facts:

"Avatar" is the favorite of the fans at the 2010 Oscars, however, made another film the race: the war drama The Hurt Locker "(" The Hurt Locker "), a prize conferred by one from. First, was allowed to take the team to director Kathryn Bigelow, the Oscar for best original screenplay in reception, but that was only the beginning of a great winning streak. "The Hurt Locker" was also honored for Best Editor, Best Sound and Best Sound Effects.
"Avatar" was indeed the Oscar for Best Effects and Best Cinematography, but it was a relatively poor yield, with a total of nine nominations. Director James Cameron was allowed to it, he allowed his ex-wife Kathryn Bigelow's success. Yet he must have first digest that is "Avatar" the great Oscar-loser 2010th

in a row I was watching both films, only once again, "Avatar", especially as I could get an original version, then the war movie. Him I would not second time . See Despite good acting performances, good recording technique, good directing, etc. is missing the statement. You experience realism, war in Iraq, the usual US-hero stuff in a devastated world full of treachery, perfidy with booby traps, sometimes in and forcibly groomed people, booby implants, multiple closed time-fuse-explosive belt etc. You experience high stress the soldiers whose courage and also destroyed their psyche, you see a battle-field, as we know it from war films of the Second World War. Pure realism. But with what message? Heroism? Duty? The film goes into detail, the facts actually known from various reports of war, news, always times recurrent original recordings. The film offers nothing new. It shows not even begin to even the atrocities of the U.S. military itself, which are also documented. The latest released video of the Abknallereien of civilians suggests the film by far, is much shorter. The film distorts. It is hardly worth the movie ticket, let alone an Oscar.

addition, the film stands helpless and totally wrong strategy in Iraq. This is but the judges probably did not notice the involuntarily disclosed insanity of it all they knew not well, they liked that the U.S. be justified in Iraq, for mines and explosive devices must be cleared away so well. And who does it? Heroes of the U.S. military, of course, far removed from reality. The film is war kitsch. Since the judges fled into it.

But whereof they fled? It seems to me to be clear. They fled before a historic paradise-natural world of the Indians with their intact sophisticated North American cities. White immigrants, the core of the U.S. destroyed it in a few centuries of murder. Because they wanted to be remembered not indirectly through the movie Avatar, and certainly not because the film, the war machine in itself, for example in Iraq, ad absurdum.


Addendum 1/Februar/2011

live naturally in the jungle, far away from civilization, there are in Brazil - yet. Cutting down particularly by the Peruvian side is quite deliberate. The Native American, Indian tribes, reminiscent of early human history and are not networked with our world lose their pristine living rooms. They are not creatures on another planet, like in the movie "Avatar," they are a reality in our souped , tech-world network.

Pope Benedict XVI. should actually be just as fascinating as any other normal person, because of human history can be looked back, as on early star formation after the Big Bang. There are billions of light years that provide us with the knowledge, here are a maximum of several thousand information-years, which according to some random principle led to the discovery until now. Of this is Benedict XVI. not turn away, even if nature could not be God, he said. On the contrary. A spider with a cross-thread it is already on the huts. The mission concept is already under a cloud of the divine cumulus heavenly homes of the Vatican down. Also not a single soul on earth could be lost. Proselytizing would save!


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