Friday, September 19, 2008

Funny Reply To A Wedding

Promenade Litt 2 ... 3

In the last chapter of my little trilogy Nohl, Spranger, Litt I try Litt education between the wars in the light of the constructed myths to understand.

education is the process in the coming together of becoming human with the spiritual order. A dominant power differential also ensures that the meeting takes place in many areas, regardless of scheduled educational purposes. The mind rears itself from this insight are Litt understand thesis that in the classroom and in the prevailing mediocrity of the teaching staff areas of the elementary and self-worth of great works allowed only on education, therefore, that just is not the subjects and content should be canceled.

The myth of a powerful spirit is also the basis for criticism of excessive Litt leadership of pedagogy: One of the laws of the mind to be followed is that each culture has its own law and thus should not be unilaterally controlled by others. Unless the education airs for my guide, it underestimates the inherent laws of the other areas and the true one another 'in the fields. It thus contributes to an unproductive division, rather than as intended to save the culture. From this situation, the education free only if it recognizes the spirit as the true leader - if it is the servant of the mind.

This is the second myth addressed. He leads the remarks on the theory and practice of deliberate, scheduled educating. Litt boundary adjustments between the education and other cultural areas, it is understood as service to the spirit. The consequent demand for self-restraint of pedagogy is a call to serve the spirit. In practical perspective reduced at closer inspection, the what he called the "double task of education" in a supportive spirit of letting grow, at a service mind.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Pleurisy With Heartburn

Promenade Litt 1 ... 2

Litt criticism of the educational trends of the presence of 1925 ends with a Question that should be regarded as a summary of its basic problem: "The absolutely crucial question is this: How can the objectivity of the intellectual content and the reality of living movement are together so that neither faded the emotional reality to the shadow image is founded idealistic systems, nor the realm of the idea in the fullness of reality swelling goes down? "

In the second chapter I try to reconstruct the solution to this problem.

The myth of a powerful spirit tells of an order that does not exist purely for themselves: it is man-made. If Suffered but the work as indicated Find, namely intrinsic I-world relations, the mind remains superior to specific individuals and communities. - Empire of the idea can not go down in the overflowing fullness of reality.

The second myth tells of the servant of the mind. The human being is different from other creatures by the will and the capacity to rise to about creating his reality. In this process occurs the individual is in the realm of the spirit. At higher and highest levels, it works so well with the management of a jointly-cultural, and ultimately mankind's task will cover general laws on - it develops the mind. It is the determination and the fate of man to serve the spirit. - The psychological reality does not fade to the shadow image is founded in ideal systems, because the mind is only in and through the emotional reality comes to light.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Best Way To Masterbait

Theodor Litt: Exposure

I continued my story, acting by three chapters of Theodor Litt. The first chapter sets out the key themes of Litt thinking during the Weimar Republic dar.

In the experience and expression, the individual raises the vital sphere of a mere existence. As soon as I find it in his, The You and the world begins to think, it goes outside of itself, it separates the original totality, in a thinking subject and in an imaginary object of this turn in spatial-temporal objects divorced.

The thinking which turns to pure objects is, in the technical-scientific development program and the right. But will it transfer to people and cultures as spiritual beings, so it easily falls into the error, want to separate areas and processes that together are essential. So that it misses the object, both in the scientific statement, and in the practical implementation. - Do we want to gain access to the essence of man and culture, the divisions do not help us, but an understanding of others and understanding through dialogue.