society cybernetic
History of the concept of information 5
In the fifties of the 20th Century began completely new influences on the concept of information act. Particularly effective was the derived from the messaging technology mathematical-statistical approach.
Another influential factor was after the 2nd World War II, the semiotics. Although the modern theory of signs to the 19th Century back, only now she began to gain influence. Charles W. Morris updated Signs, Language and Behaviour (1946) an everyday language concept of information by canceling out the moment the effect of characters on the receiver.
Based on questions of librarianship, document storage and business information processing information science wins in importance. It reflects the potential for automatic data processing in the form of punch-card processing and tube computers is taking shape. Information is understood as a formalized, machine-readable data. The challenges of data processing 1950 also bring the new concept of "information retrieval" produced with C. Mooers.
exerts the greatest impact of telecommunications. Ralph Hartley looks at the article "Transmission of Information" in 1928 with electrical transmission systems. Groundbreaking but is the work of Shannon and Weaver. Bordering the question clearly from cultural and social significance questions. Information in this technical context is a measure of freedom of choice when selecting a message from another. In the mathematical and statistical representation Shannon and Weaver's information "is a measure of the unlikelihood of the occurrence of a random event (1). created
Based on this concept of information theory and control engineering Norbert Wiener 1948 the concept of cybernetics. Transfer processes in matter, simple life forms or cultural communication can be analyzed using the same concept. Wiener summarizes cause the concept of information within the meaning of the impact of news, the state of any system.
This metatheory claimed cross-application and influenced significantly in the 60's technocratic dominated the social sciences and biology. She appeared in the society into it and seemed to ideas of a planned economy to legitimize Soviet model as well as a controlled company to the taste of De Gaulle. The neo-romantic youth movement of the sixties ushered in the preliminary decline of technocratic cybernetic visions.
( 1) Rafael Capurro: Information. A contribution to the etymology and history of ideas, information support of the concept. S 211th
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
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body, mind and Information
Historically, the concept of information 4
In the Age of Enlightenment, crystallized schools of thought that are still effective. Central question appears on the conditions and possibilities human knowledge.
The rationalism of Descartes is based on an attitude of skepticism. There is no spontaneous flow of information between the external world and consciousness. Objects of the outer world left by a mechanical process of forming impressions. Knowledge and knowledge is created, but only when the mind turns to the brain and the impressions stored there. The concept of information in Descartes thus refers to high intellectual content knowledge.
Descartes assumes a complete separation of body and mind. The body is constantly renewed, the soul remains constant. You informed as the body constant. How can information exchange communications, respectively take place between an immaterial substance like the soul and matter? Capurro interprets Descartes position this way: The relationship between mind and body is hierarchical, information functions as giving instructions and commands (1).
Contrary to that of English empiricism. Thomas Reid as the inventor of the "common sense" is against the skepticism in the relationship between consciousness and object. He postulates a nature set in motion by the information process in which we receive information from our senses. These in turn are informed by the nature. Information appears here as a largely spontaneous flowing stream of messages from the environment into the human Consciousness flows.
The strength of these positions is to embed the problematic concept of information in the environment of knowledge and interpretation processes. Whether these processes sufficiently lighten, is another question.
(1) Rafael Capurro: Information. A contribution to the etymology and history of ideas, information support of the concept. P. 152
Historically, the concept of information 4
In the Age of Enlightenment, crystallized schools of thought that are still effective. Central question appears on the conditions and possibilities human knowledge.
The rationalism of Descartes is based on an attitude of skepticism. There is no spontaneous flow of information between the external world and consciousness. Objects of the outer world left by a mechanical process of forming impressions. Knowledge and knowledge is created, but only when the mind turns to the brain and the impressions stored there. The concept of information in Descartes thus refers to high intellectual content knowledge.
Descartes assumes a complete separation of body and mind. The body is constantly renewed, the soul remains constant. You informed as the body constant. How can information exchange communications, respectively take place between an immaterial substance like the soul and matter? Capurro interprets Descartes position this way: The relationship between mind and body is hierarchical, information functions as giving instructions and commands (1).
Contrary to that of English empiricism. Thomas Reid as the inventor of the "common sense" is against the skepticism in the relationship between consciousness and object. He postulates a nature set in motion by the information process in which we receive information from our senses. These in turn are informed by the nature. Information appears here as a largely spontaneous flowing stream of messages from the environment into the human Consciousness flows.
The strength of these positions is to embed the problematic concept of information in the environment of knowledge and interpretation processes. Whether these processes sufficiently lighten, is another question.
(1) Rafael Capurro: Information. A contribution to the etymology and history of ideas, information support of the concept. P. 152
Sunday, February 10, 2008
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is information in everyday language
History of the concept of information 3
In modern times the concept of information begins to emerge in European national languages. The direct descendants of the French from Latin and its strong influence on English make it plausible that it occurred here earlier than in German.
In French in the 15th Century, the emergence of the term to mean "someone you in a" proven. This is a shift of the specialized educational information concept of the Middle Ages towards a language for everyday use. The term was both Enform as, soi infourmer already in the late Middle Ages, (1).
accumulate for English since the 14th Century documents. As information emerged the term information in everyday language, and indeed in the modern sense of. Into German, the term in the 15th Century adopted. It was, however, the traditional educational significance retained. Only in the 19th Century urges the concept of information available in the German vernacular.
That is not to say that earlier in the German speaking no idea and concepts for information had been available. Part of the meaning has been covered about the concept of the message. It was said, for example, "the message to worship me."
(1) Rafael Capurro: Information. A contribution to the etymology and history of ideas, information support of the concept. P. 143
History of the concept of information 3
In modern times the concept of information begins to emerge in European national languages. The direct descendants of the French from Latin and its strong influence on English make it plausible that it occurred here earlier than in German.
In French in the 15th Century, the emergence of the term to mean "someone you in a" proven. This is a shift of the specialized educational information concept of the Middle Ages towards a language for everyday use. The term was both Enform as, soi infourmer already in the late Middle Ages, (1).
accumulate for English since the 14th Century documents. As information emerged the term information in everyday language, and indeed in the modern sense of. Into German, the term in the 15th Century adopted. It was, however, the traditional educational significance retained. Only in the 19th Century urges the concept of information available in the German vernacular.
That is not to say that earlier in the German speaking no idea and concepts for information had been available. Part of the meaning has been covered about the concept of the message. It was said, for example, "the message to worship me."
(1) Rafael Capurro: Information. A contribution to the etymology and history of ideas, information support of the concept. P. 143
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Pressure Point Ankle For Period
God informed
Historical information for term 2
Ancient Latin has taken the contours of the Greek concept of information. Information means both the act of molding as well as the state of formation. The term appears in connection with philosophy, but also crafts and gardening. Capurro (1) brings about the example of a division of the garden in beds with Columella in the 1st Century. The concept of information remains in the educational sense widely with both moments - of knowledge and moral education.
determining factor for the later Middle Ages, Thomas Aquinas, who sought out Christianity and the philosophy of Aristotle to form a synthesis. In the context of knowledge from Thomas rejects a dualistic separation between empirical knowledge and ideas. Similarly, an absolute separation of the knower and his subject.
As part of an organic view of Thomas posits a higher unity of mind and object of knowledge. It is manufactured by mutual in-formation through communicative exchange. He emphasizes the communication and the linguistic dimension of the character information concept.
fact that generally there is a certain separation between knowledge and known, is secular to Thomas Aquinas, a sign of cognitive processes. In God there will be no information process: it is one with the potential to be recognized.
The few remarks to point out how much the concept of information with the great epistemological discussion of last two and a half is linked thousand years. New since the late ancient and medieval times is that now the Lord is thought of as perfectly informed and omniscient authority.
(1) Rafael Capurro: Information. A contribution to the etymology and history of ideas, information support of the concept. Munich, Saur 1978
Historical information for term 2
Ancient Latin has taken the contours of the Greek concept of information. Information means both the act of molding as well as the state of formation. The term appears in connection with philosophy, but also crafts and gardening. Capurro (1) brings about the example of a division of the garden in beds with Columella in the 1st Century. The concept of information remains in the educational sense widely with both moments - of knowledge and moral education.
determining factor for the later Middle Ages, Thomas Aquinas, who sought out Christianity and the philosophy of Aristotle to form a synthesis. In the context of knowledge from Thomas rejects a dualistic separation between empirical knowledge and ideas. Similarly, an absolute separation of the knower and his subject.
As part of an organic view of Thomas posits a higher unity of mind and object of knowledge. It is manufactured by mutual in-formation through communicative exchange. He emphasizes the communication and the linguistic dimension of the character information concept.
fact that generally there is a certain separation between knowledge and known, is secular to Thomas Aquinas, a sign of cognitive processes. In God there will be no information process: it is one with the potential to be recognized.
The few remarks to point out how much the concept of information with the great epistemological discussion of last two and a half is linked thousand years. New since the late ancient and medieval times is that now the Lord is thought of as perfectly informed and omniscient authority.
(1) Rafael Capurro: Information. A contribution to the etymology and history of ideas, information support of the concept. Munich, Saur 1978
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Perrier Water Safe During Pregnancy
From the wax impression to the Internet
History of the concept of information a
Having recently in the digital commons have discussed the concept of information, a few interesting questions remain open. To understand the different facets of something better, a look at history the term may be useful. Amazingly, in recent decades has not been an enormous amount of research to do so. We are interested to take an earlier work by Capurro (1)
In ancient Greece, the landscape concept of information has been prepared. Since several of impressing the image of a form was used in soft wax. The semantic field of the form, outline, and the Formative Embossed was still covered by various terms, which are then included in the Latin informatio . Capurro mentions in his study three, namely Typos (now in typography), morphology (in morphology) and Idea (idea)
The Greek antiquity has developed aspects that shape today with the ideas of information:
History of the concept of information a
Having recently in the digital commons have discussed the concept of information, a few interesting questions remain open. To understand the different facets of something better, a look at history the term may be useful. Amazingly, in recent decades has not been an enormous amount of research to do so. We are interested to take an earlier work by Capurro (1)

The Greek antiquity has developed aspects that shape today with the ideas of information:
- The concept of information was (and is) depends on the epistemology. If Plato posits a strict separation between the world of ideas and those of empirical observations, is an entirely different concept of information out such as in Aristotle.
- show in the Antiquity, already various fields, for which a concept of information is used. Education (transfer of knowledge and standards), philosophy (epistemology, ontology as a question of being), biology (which is formed in which the generation process). Added to this is an artistic craft area.
- The question for the characters (language and writing) and to processes of communication is present. The latter example in the Greek concept of the message. The shares with the modern concept of information on an aspect of public event broadcast and a structure-messenger-receiver.
Got it? Not to me. Because information is so central, it hangs just before the Internet age, together with all possible aspects of life.
(1) Rafael Capurro: Information. A contribution to the etymology and history of ideas, information support of the concept. Munich, Saur 1978
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