Thursday, April 29, 2010

Power Of Attorney Dubai Facebook

The Imamate: The basis of the Kufr Rafidha Shia []

Friday, April 23, 2010

Blood Rushes To Hands And Feet

Ear Knabberin Merkel: she wants after that von Hindenburg, that of the pseudo-emperor himself approved rates are on the throne of William II snatched

nibbles Chancellor Merkel on one's ear, but she wants to the ear of Hindenburg, the Kaiser-kicker disloyal , and his medals. You confused ears with medals.

Obviously we have a social problem with the label. Mrs Merkel is indeed now turn. She would like to declare war on Afghanistan , confusion as the Taliban there.


Sunday, April 18, 2010

Cervix On Day Af Is Due

Direct Hilfersuchung by Fatima Al-Zahra IN Sujuud (prostration)!

have And after all the talk about the nerve of these mushrik Ghuluw (exaggeration) of the Ahl Al-Sunnah with the vaunted Sahaba ... unbelievable the Shirk and the audacity of these Mushrikuun.

I swear by Allah the mushrik of the Quraysh were better than the Shia Rafidah!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Free Kates Playground Hardcore

refutation of lies, "Al-Muraja'at"

A noble brother made a for ever in the Arab world, and now also in English and German, Shia Rafidah authored propaganda work to bare the name of "Al-Muraja'at" and to refute. This work, replete with lies, half truths, weak and fabricated hadiths (trademark of Rawafid), supposedly a debate between a Lebanese Rafidah Shia scholar and an Al-Azhar to be learned, the Shia scholars, of course, the Sunnah refuted and the Azhar Sunnah scholars ( after some statements) apostate, that is Rafidi.

This is all a fable from the fantasy world of Rawafid is one has figured out a long time (inconsistencies in the text and dating and so on), yet use the rebuttal from the large, because the Rafidi author of the work (Rafidi Sheikh Abdul Sharif Al-Hussein-Din) was used the same worn-out standard sham arguments and lies of the Rafidah is as widespread today.

May it be a benefit to every Muslim and seek the truth.

Link: Exposing author of al-Murajiat

Pitchures Fo Pokemon Dawn

Ibn Taimiah (RH) was not Nasibi!

Shaikh Al-Islam Ibn Taimiah .... spent

.... the destroyer of Majusitentums (Shia Rafidah), the longer a man in the cell of the oppressor (Grabesanbeter, that is, cousins of the Rafidah in his day) has, as in free! An expert in all areas of Islam, a man of about 800 years ago have all sorts of heretics, especially the Rafidah and their specious arguments has been refuted. The only thing today to bring the civil Rawafid a dead (RH) is to "refute" and his "lies" to "exposure". Refute means of course, about him to lie, because Rafidah lueger even over the still living, which he that can no longer have a voice?

see refutations of course like this, that false classifications in Hadith, the information he had about the Rafidah his time had are presented as "lies". This is despite Shaikh Al-Islam, the nightmare of every Ayatush-Shaitan blown up to this day the core of this sect until Majusi auessersten, that is refuted, and thus nothing Rawafid remains, except that they look for errors to then as "lies" to presentations. Here (as always) hears the audacity of this fire sect (Majus) on yet, they even go so far as to say that Shaikh Al-Islam Abul-Abbas Ibn Taimiah (RH) a Nasibi (enemy of Ahl Al-Bait RH) was! This even though the Shaikh was never afraid of the tyrants of his time and always had to pronunciation what he believed and for this reason but by the Sufis Grabesanbetenden (cousins of the Rafidah) of his time, so long in prison dwell, that it all works there (in the head !) wrote. Right to say no to fear the tyrant what he and what is the pure faith of the Sunnah (Prophet, Sahaba and Ahl Al-Bayt) compared to the heresies its time to say. One of the clear, muhkam (most obvious) statements of Shaikh Al-Islam are but just to see his Aqeedah plant, called Al-Aqeedah Al- Wasitiah.

This work explains the Aqeedah of Islam, the Sunnah of the Sahabah and Ahl Al-Bait. There he clearly explained that he and renounce the Ahl Al-Sunnah is of two extremes.

first Of the Shia Rafidah (the enemies of the Sahaba)
second Of the Nawasib (the enemies of the Ahl Al-Bayt)

Aqeedah This work is not secret and the muhkam statement of Shaikh Al-Islam, that is his statement to the ER, ie the Ahl Al-Sunnah, the Ahl Al-Bait loved one is since about 800 no secret. However, his enemies leaving Muhkamat statements (just like they let the Muhkamat of the Quran out of eight) and wallow in the Mutashabihat / ambiguous statements (just as they build up in the Qur'an on their Mutashabihat Din, "Ayah Al-Wilayah and co . '), and want the world pennant in earnest, but that this Shaikh Al-Islam Nasibi (!) was. A Nasibi is with them of course, a Kafir, and although it describes Shaikh Al-Islam in his Majmoo 'the murderer Al-Hussein (RA) cursed , Ali (RA) as the noble head of the Ahl Al-Bait and how already mentioned above, in an essential Aqeedah work, his Aqeedah Al-Wasitiah the world explains the ER and every Muslim, every Sunnah of the Ahl Al-Bait and the Nawasib must love and hate Shia Rafidah, since both are one extreme, in the light of all that claim Rawafid Ibn Taimiah (RH) was a Nasibi.

How Now they bring Mutashabih statements that blatantly ripped out of context statements and then say: Look Taimiah says Ibn Ali (RA) was a nothing! Fatimah (RA) was a Munafiqah. The Zaigh as described in the Qur'an directs, this is selbstverstuemmelnden Bani Majus to time just to make hefty muhkam ignore statements and to make himself knows that a man who says it loud and clear that you MUST Ahl Al-Bait (Women and the family of Ali, Aqil, Jafar, etc.) love, just once cursed the murderer Al-Hussein and Al-Hassan and Al-Hussein called the leader of the youth in Jannah who says that the Nawasib the enemies of the Ahl Al-Bait and Daalun (misguided) are, indeed, this man can just declare once in his Minhaj al-Sunnah Fatimah (RA) times just as Munafiqah? Can a healthy heart and a intact, do not accept the mind of selbsgeisselung harmed at all?

bring some of them excuse Numero A) and say that Ibn Taimiah with all the sucking where he praises the Ahl Al-Bait, Taqiah made! Shaikh Al-Islam, who spent more time because of his Aqeedah in the cell, Thus, because of the fact that he vehemently declared that he believed compromise is said to have made Taqiah? Taqiah against whom? He's just got to go to prison because of his back because he has taken just NOT what he said. If this Rafidi (Un) is blown logic, they say (the Bani Majus) Next, then, that his Nasb (hatred for Ahl Al-Bait) is hidden. "Hidden" so ... Shaikh Al-Islam, which as said before no one and nothing spared illallah, hiding something. Now, if you wanted to hide this, then he could his own skin from jail and save over several decades of his statement (which displeased the Grabesanbetenden-dancing Sufis) distance, but he has done just that contrary und Jahrzente Gefaengniss in Kauf genommen, wovon - ilallah - soll so ein Mensch angst haben, der doch sagte:

what makes my enemies my Fjnti in my chest I started it with me wherever it does not go away, Vhabsi alone, and kill a certificate, and get me out of my tourism

What can I do to my enemies already? My paradise is in my chest where I go, it's always with me ...

Despite all this, not ashamed to call him the Rafidah Nasibi and claim the Shaikh (RH) abused the Ahl Al-Bait, called Fatimah (RH) as a Munafiqah and other absurdities. Bifadlillah were now collected all Shubuhat and lies of the Rafidah and refuted in the work:

شيخ الإسلام ابن تيمية لم يكن ناصبيا
Shaikh Al-Islam Ibn Taimiah lam yakun Nasibian
Shaikh Al-Islam Ibn Taimiah was not Nasibi!

a listing and refuting (incredible as this Majus pull his words out of context!) Of those factors which bring Rafidah against Shaikh Al-Islam in relation to his alleged Nasb (hatred for Ahl Al-Bait). The book is of Shaikh Sulaiman Ibn Saleh Al-Kharrashi (member of the Arab Multaqah), with Muqaddama by Shaikh Saleh Al-Fauzan (HA).

; book available upon click here!

who reads this, which it will be x-times quite clear that this Leugern Rafidah, lies, lies lies and natural. You feel sorry as well the non Arabic-speaking Rawafid are of amateur missionaries and sometimes evident in a Majusi priests and their Jahl (in the Arabic language), must hold, as always on Affentaqlid (required in the Rafidah religion) and himself have to convince that they have something "refuted" ... Masakin ....

Extra: we show you the lie of a Grossayatuldajjaals (ever caught in a lie shamelessly, see HERE ), namely that of Kamal Al-Haidaris (Iraqi, minister of the country called in the fire Majus Qom Al-Munajjasah). If the Sikh head has to offer, at what level are then probably his imitation and hobby farmer-missionaries Rafidah on Youtube!

brother Nour-Addin the Algerians refuted each Luege Kamal Ibn Al-Haidaris respect Taimiah and more. A delight for the Arabic speaking brothers and sisters. Barakallahu Fikum. should